Domestic oil production booming under Biden

The US is now pumping more oil than at ANY time under Trump. We are approaching 12.7 million barrels per day while the record under Trump was 12.3 million barrels per day.

Oil production is improving not because of Biden, but because of the court that overrode Biden. Get a clue. Still haven't reached the level produced during Trump's administration.
The EPA isn't the reason oil companies refuse to drill on the permits they already have; the profit motive is.

It is less profitable for an oil company to increase production than it is to decrease it.

What has more value? 1000 barrels @ $100/barrel or 10,000 barrels @ $1/barrel? That's advanced math for you, I know, but I believe in you and think you can do it if you try really hard!

Biden cancelled the permits, dumbass.
On the edge of war with Russia,

A war Russia itself started. NO ONE IN THE US STARTED THAT WAR. Sorry to be the bearer of bad new, Pavel, but them's the facts. If anything Trump's lickspittle behavior as a toady to Putin helped inspire Putin to make his move on Ukraine. But that's another story for another time.

disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan,

AGAIN, which Trump initiated. Remember Trump's negotiations with the Taliban and his desire to bring the Taliban to Camp David?


Tell everyone you don't understand economics in one word.

, Border crisis

God, when will you people get TIRED of going after poor brown people? What is your fear based on? Are you in the lawncare industry as a grunt worker? That's the ONLY way any of these often-hardworking desperate people will EVER even come CLOSE to taking your jobs.

And if you are sad that your tax dollars MIGHT go to accidentally help an "illegal", just be happy that some of us liberals pay our taxes GLADLY knowing it will go to save your state's sorry ass when the next hurricane/flood/superstorm decimates you. So get over yourself.
I seem to remember some changing circumstances during that time.

Regardless, you are definitely undermining the right-wing narrative that Biden is some disaster as President. He really isn't. I'm not a huge fan, but he inherited some unreal circumstances and has handled them like a pro for the most part.
I seem to remember that circumstance also hit Trump and Trump started out with no vaccines and no therapeutics. At least he left Biden with 3 vaccines and therapeutics.
On the edge of war with Russia, disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, Inflation, Border crisis with 5 million illegal immigrants in two years, price of gasoline up, price of natural gas up , The Strategic Petroleum Reserve depleted. no longer energy independent . That is disastrous enough for me.

Inflation was global. Disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan? He ended a near 20-year war, with minimal casualties. No one is controlling Putin right now - Biden has handled that conflict beautifully, and kept an independent nation free from tyranny. We were never "energy independent."

He's not doing well w/ the border, imo. But the rest is pure right-wing hyperbole.
I seem to remember that circumstance also hit Trump and Trump started out with no vaccines and no therapeutics. At least he left Biden with 3 vaccines and therapeutics.

Trump wanted to ignore COVID. He handled his only crisis horribly, and left the economy in a shambles as a result.

The vaccines? The righties here always post that they're terrible.
I seem to remember that circumstance also hit Trump and Trump started out with no vaccines and no therapeutics. At least he left Biden with 3 vaccines and therapeutics.

We started out with several cheap therapeutics but Big Pharma does not want them used, so they lied about them and fake studies claiming that they dont work were commissioned.
A war Russia itself started. NO ONE IN THE US STARTED THAT WAR. Sorry to be the bearer of bad new, Pavel, but them's the facts. If anything Trump's lickspittle behavior as a toady to Putin helped inspire Putin to make his move on Ukraine. But that's another story for another time.
And we didn't act forcefully enough to stop it. It is interesting to note that when Biden was the United States' pointman on Ukraine Putin took the Crimea and Biden did nothing. Now Putin did it again he attacked Ukraine . It is almost like Putin wasn't afraid the US would respond. We didn't do enough to prevent the invasion. Had Trump not given Ukraine Javelins Putin would have pushed his tanks into Kiev in the first week of the war.

AGAIN, which Trump initiated. Remember Trump's negotiations with the Taliban and his desire to bring the Taliban to Camp David?
Biden did not follow Trump's plan. Trump did not plan to abandon billions of dollars of weapons to the Taliban.

Tell everyone you don't understand economics in one word.

God, when will you people get TIRED of going after poor brown people? What is your fear based on? Are you in the lawncare industry as a grunt worker? That's the ONLY way any of these often-hardworking desperate people will EVER even come CLOSE to taking your jobs.
These people aren't vetted we don't know if some of them are terrorist or not. Certainly if I was a terrorist I would sneak into the country mixed in with the millions coming across. We have a legal immigration system. These people are elbowing their way to the front of the line.
It is unfair to those who are doing it the legal and right way.

And if you are sad that your tax dollars MIGHT go to accidentally help an "illegal", just be happy that some of us liberals pay our taxes GLADLY knowing it will go to save your state's sorry ass when the next hurricane/flood/superstorm decimates you. So get over yourself.
I seem to remember federal money going for blizzards , forest fires, earthquakes , floods, and hurricanes in blue states too. NYC is crying over 2-3 thousand illegal try getting 2 million.
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And we didn't act forcefully enough to stop it. It is interesting to note that when Biden was the United States' pointman on Ukraine Putin took the Crimea and Biden did nothing. Now Putin did it again he attacked Ukraine . It is almost like Putin wasn't afraid the US would respond. We didn't do enough to prevent the invasion. Had Trump not given Ukraine Javelins Putin would have pushed his tanks into Kiev in the first week of the war.

Biden did not follow Trump's plan. Trump did not plan to abandon billions of dollars of weapons to the Taliban.


Wow - speculate much w/ all of that about Russia & the Ukraine?

As for Trump not leaving billions of dollars of equipment in Afghanistan, that's because he didn't have the courage to stop that war. The equipment wasn't in safe territory on pallets, waiting to be airlifted - so tell me, how many American lives would you have been willing to sacrifice to retrieve it?
You and your gods in the rightwing media didn't scream:

"Biden hasn't hit peak production yet!"

You screamed:

"Biden is destroying destroying domestic oil production!"

Since you are keen to Cherry pick your favorite year, oil production in 2022 is only 4% lower than in 2019. And when the data for November and December are reported, it will be even closer than that.

If you consider yourself an honest person, can you honestly say that sounds like Biden has destroyed domestic oil production?

He did. You cannot make his executive orders on this topic go away.

Oil production is increasing again after a court overruled Biden's executive order.
A war Russia itself started. NO ONE IN THE US STARTED THAT WAR. Sorry to be the bearer of bad new, Pavel, but them's the facts. If anything Trump's lickspittle behavior as a toady to Putin helped inspire Putin to make his move on Ukraine. But that's another story for another time.
Because Biden is so weak, Putin was emboldened to invade Ukraine.
AGAIN, which Trump initiated.
Trump did not withdraw from Afghanistan, or give weapons to the enemy in time of war, or abandon U.S. civilians, as Biden did.
Tell everyone you don't understand economics in one word.
'Inflation' is one word.
God, when will you people get TIRED of going after poor brown people? What is your fear based on?