Domestic oil production booming under Biden

Have you noticed how good news ruins their WoeIsMeWe'reAllDoomed narrative? You'd think they'd be pleased at how inflation is dropping, including prices for food and gas, while unemployment remains at historically low levels. That's good for Americans. But how they hate that.

They have been told for so long by their gods in the rightwing media that Biden is destroying domestic oil production that any data ti the the contrary causes cognitive dissonance and emotional meltdowns
Still lower the peak production during the Trump administration.
And now the backtracking and goal post moving begins.

Barrels produced per day is now very close to historically record production, and taken as a whole on average the raw data show average daily production under Biden is higher than it was under Trump.

That in no way comports with the frantic and relentless claims by Trump stooges that Biden is destroying/reducing/ diminishing domestic oil production
But oil consumption had not returned to prepandemic levels

Of course it hadn't. Duh. What's your point? As Cypress correctly pointed out in the OP, it is up considerably since Biden took office. And as *I* correctly also pointed out, the POTUS gets neither credit nor blame. This is an effect of market forces involving supply and demand.

What is it about you MAGATs that makes you so resistant to positive news that affects us all?
Lockdowns were over by January 2021. You willingly-ignorant moron.

Barely. C'mon now. :rolleyes:

Don't be disingenuous like that.

And if you wanna sling insults? Hoo boy, I could enjoy this!

That's a shot across the bow and my cannons are bigger than yours.

I haven't insulted you yet. That could change.

PS: Lockdowns were still largely in effect in 1/2021. :rolleyes:


Most restrictions started being lifted in March of 2021. Your assertion has now been disproven. What say you?
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Of course it hadn't. Duh. What's your point? As Cypress correctly pointed out in the OP, it is up considerably since Biden took office. And as *I* correctly also pointed out, the POTUS gets neither credit nor blame. This is an effect of market forces involving supply and demand.

What is it about you MAGATs that makes you so resistant to positive news that affects us all?

The key thing is that it is important to remember at all times that JOE BIDEN IS THE WORST HUMAN BEING TO EVER DRAW BREATH. I mean his evil is so off the charts that he can't be compared to any other evil doer in history.

So, given his EVIL NATURE, we have to assume that any time the AMerican people DON'T SUFFER it has NOTHING TO DO WITH JOE. Joe must be doing something ELSE that is evil and he simply doesn't have the time to do evil with regards to our oil supply. He'll get around to it.

And it will be HORRIBLE.

If only Donald J. Trump (superhero...I've seen the NFT's) would save us with his SUPER GOOD PERSON POWERS!
I imported the raw data into Excel and did the following calculation:

Average daily domestic oil production under Trump, Jan 2017 to Jan 2021

--> 10.99 million barrels oil/day

Average daily domestic oil production under Biden, Jan 2021 to October 2022

--> 11.5 million barrels oil/day
The fact that domestic oil production has increased by a significant 11.3% under Biden does not comport with the relentless claims of Trump dick-suckers that Biden is destroying/diminishing/reducing domestic oil production.

Domestic oil production is very near historic highs in the United States

I imported the raw data into Excel and did the following calculation:

Average daily domestic oil production under Trump, Jan 2017 to Jan 2021

--> 10.99 million barrels oil/day

Average daily domestic oil production under Biden, Jan 2021 to October 2022

--> 11.5 million barrels oil/day

Not taking into account Covid lockdowns and cease of activity, of course!

Okay, you're being a dishonest fuckbag. You're absolutely cognizant and deliberately making efforts to deceive.
They have been told for so long by their gods in the rightwing media that Biden is destroying domestic oil production that any data ti the the contrary causes cognitive dissonance and emotional meltdowns
And oil production is STILL lower than is was over 3 years ago. During the Trump administration oil production rose from a low of 8,875,000 to a high of 13,000,000 barrels. So Biden took over with 11,124,000 and has grown to 12,381,000 . If production grew at the same rate during the Biden administration as it did during the Trump administration Biden should have them producing 16,294,310,000 barrels a day. And libratards are crowing about Biden when he hasn't even achieved the same peak production Trump had 3 years ago. :rofl2:
I imported the raw data into Excel and did the following calculation:

Average daily domestic oil production under Trump, Jan 2017 to Jan 2021

--> 10.99 million barrels oil/day

Average daily domestic oil production under Biden, Jan 2021 to October 2022

--> 11.5 million barrels oil/day

So much for that BidenShutDownProduction Reichwinger meme, eh? Nice work.
Not taking into account Covid lockdowns and cease of activity, of course!

Okay, you're being a dishonest fuckbag. You're absolutely cognizant and deliberately making efforts to deceive.

You don't get to chop off the part of the data you don't like.

The economy was still unstable and recovering when Biden took office, and I still included that data.

The moral of the story is that domestic oil production was not destroyed - diminished - reduced by Biden...and the massive economic Depression Trump predicted if Biden was allowed to take office never happened.
You don't get to chop off the part of the data you don't like.

The economy was still unstable and recovering when Biden took office, and I still included that data.

The moral of the story is that domestic oil production was not destroyed - diminished - reduced by Biden...and the massive economic Depression Trump predicted if Biden was allowed to take office never happened.

Not for lack of trying on his part; And the year is young, boy.

Also: What about inflation, dipshit? Highest housing prices ever? Highest food prices ever? Utility rate spikes in the middle of winter?

You don't think those things affect all Americans, or what?
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And oil production is STILL lower than is was over 3 years ago. During the Trump administration oil production rose from a low of 8,875,000 to a high of 13,000,000 barrels. So Biden took over with 11,124,000 and has grown to 12,381,000 . If production grew at the same rate during the Biden administration as it did during the Trump administration Biden should have them producing 16,294,310,000 barrels a day. And libratards are crowing about Biden when he hasn't even achieved the same peak production Trump had 3 years ago. :rofl2:

You chopped off the part of the Trump data you didn't like.

Oil production does not follow a simple aggregate linear trend, which is what you are assuming.

Biden inherited an unstable and underperforming economy from Trump and I still included those months for Biden without chopping that data out.