Domestic oil production booming under Biden

Inversion fallacy. It is YOU spamming.

But you don't actually believe this; you're just saying it for effect because you're reactionary.

You are just repeating yourself (chanting).

Fairly simple concepts that you have a problem with and say are incorrect, only you refuse to show how they're incorrect because you refuse to show your work.

You continue to ignore capitalism, market forces, the oil market, and Biden's own executive orders.

I mean this is just a buzzword fallacy here because you don't know about any of those things beyond what they're called, and you haven't been able to show your work to prove how those things affect the price of oil.

You argue with capitalism and refuse to accept one of its chief tenets, supply & demand, specifically how increasing the supply lowers demand and thus, lowers the price by making the commodity less scarce.

You learn these things in Econ 101, right at the beginning.

Because you don't grasp the concept, your argument about this will always be one of dissonance because what's good for consumers isn't what's good for a company's bottom line.
But you don't actually believe this; you're just saying it for effect because you're reactionary.

Fairly simple concepts that you have a problem with and say are incorrect, only you refuse to show how they're incorrect because you refuse to show your work.

I mean this is just a buzzword fallacy here because you don't know about any of those things beyond what they're called, and you haven't been able to show your work to prove how those things affect the price of oil.

You argue with capitalism and refuse to accept one of its chief tenets, supply & demand, specifically how increasing the supply lowers demand and thus, lowers the price by making the commodity less scarce.

You learn these things in Econ 101, right at the beginning.

Because you don't grasp the concept, your argument about this will always be one of dissonance because what's good for consumers isn't what's good for a company's bottom line.

You are still chanting. You are still wrong. Inversion fallacy.
You are still chanting. You are still wrong. Inversion fallacy.

You're still coming up with excuses to avoid answering for all the stupid shit you've said here over and over.

You don't believe in capitalism because you don't believe in anything; everything you do here on JPP is just for show - you don't buy any of it yourself.
They are YOUR fallacies. Inversion fallacy.

Nope, all you, pal.

Fallacies is a buzzword itself and you're using the buzzword fallacy to cover for how empty and hollow your belief system actually is.

The reason you don't believe in supply and demand is the same reason you don't believe in capitalism; you have no truly held beliefs of your own, and you never have.
You're still coming up with excuses to avoid answering for all the stupid shit you've said here over and over.

You don't believe in capitalism because you don't believe in anything; everything you do here on JPP is just for show - you don't buy any of it yourself.

RQAA. Redefinition fallacies. Repetition (chanting).
Nope, all you, pal.

Fallacies is a buzzword itself and you're using the buzzword fallacy to cover for how empty and hollow your belief system actually is.

The reason you don't believe in supply and demand is the same reason you don't believe in capitalism; you have no truly held beliefs of your own, and you never have.

Discard of logic. Psychoquackery. Trolling.
Discard of logic. Psychoquackery. Trolling.

Logically, if someone believed in something they would stand behind it.

But time and time again you run away, either to your fallacy crutch, or some other bullshit excuse.

At this point it's clear that there isn't a single thing you truly believe in, not even yourself.
Either Biden is destroying the peteoleum industry, or he's not.

I see you have backtracked, retreated, changed your tune, and modulated from that claim.

Record all-time high natural gas production, and domestic oil production that is increasing and near all-time highs does not qualify as destruction of an industry in even the remotest Sense.

The world has changed since peak production in 2019.

We are a telecommuter economy now, and consumers are using less gasoline than in 2019. Eleven percent less.

EIA: U.S. gasoline consumption to rise in 2022 but remain shy of pre-pandemic level

U.S. gasoline consumption rose to an average of 8.6 million barrels a day in the first half of 2021 from 8.3 million barrels a day in the last six months of 2020, the Energy Information Administration said Tuesday in its monthly Short-term Energy Outlook, but remained below the 9.3 million barrel-a-day pace seen in the second half of 2019

From a capitalist perspective, there is no reason for industry to pump up production higher than it was in the second half of 2019.

MAGAs never screamed that Biden was only 4 percent off peak 2019 production.

They screamed that Biden was destroying the domestic oil industry.
Logically, if someone believed in something they would stand behind it.

But time and time again you run away, either to your fallacy crutch, or some other bullshit excuse.

At this point it's clear that there isn't a single thing you truly believe in, not even yourself.
Discard of logic. Psychoquackery. Trolling.
The world has changed since peak production in 2019.

We are a telecommuter economy now, and consumers are using less gasoline than in 2019. Eleven percent less.

From a capitalist perspective, there is no reason for industry to pump up production higher than it was in the second half of 2019.

MAGAs never screamed that Biden was only 4 percent off peak 2019 production.

They screamed that Biden was destroying the domestic oil industry.

He did cause a lot of problems for the domestic oil industry, dumbass. Discard of history.
He did cause a lot of problems for the domestic oil industry, dumbass. Discard of history.

So you've walked back, back paddled, retreated from the claims that Biden has detrimentally affected oil production, which given that gas consumption is lower in a telework economy, is not at all significantly different from peak production in 2019.