Domestic oil production booming under Biden

OPEC controls the market so tightly that in 2015, they increased production so much that it drove down the price per barrel by 50% and practically killed the US shale industry while forcing dozens of oil companies into brankruptcy.

How could that have happened???? According to you, those oil companies should have seen record profits, not bankruptcy.

So what gives?

OPEC does not control the oil market.
Not one single oil company controls the price of oil, so they can't offer a sale.

And why would they? The goal is to make the most PROFIT, not produce the most oil.

They can issue a bid for their own one else's. You can't make a profit in any business without a product or service.


Denial of capitalism.

Denial of markets.

Denial of supply & demand.

Oil companies decide how much or how little oil they will extract depending on what will maximize their profits, and you don't maximize your profits by increasing supply and driving down the price of your product. You increase profits by increasing DEMAND for your product, and you do that by cutting the supply.

That's what Conservatives never comprehend, and it's why so many of you fail at starting a business.

Denial of capitalism.

Denial of markets.

Denial of supply & demand.

Oil companies decide how much or how little oil they will extract depending on what will maximize their profits, and you don't maximize your profits by increasing supply and driving down the price of your product.

Inversion fallacy.