Domestic oil production booming under Biden

Yes, they absolutely are.

OPEC has so much control over the global oil markets that they can bankrupt US oil and gas companies simply by increasing production so much that the price per barrel drops 50%.

In fact, that's exactly what happened in 2015.

OPEC has no control of the oil market. They cannot dictate prices. It never happened...ever.

So back in 2015, OPEC increased production and it resulted in a 50% decline in the price-per-barrel.

That resulted in $100B of US oil and natural gas bankruptcies.

You don't know much about the markets if you think OPEC doesn't have control.

OPEC cannot dictate oil market prices. Not in 2015 or in any other year.
Strawman fallacy. OPEC does not control the oil market. OPEC cannot dictate oil prices.

OPEC controls the market so tightly that in 2015, they increased production so much that it drove down the price per barrel by 50% and practically killed the US shale industry while forcing dozens of oil companies into brankruptcy.

How could that have happened???? According to you, those oil companies should have seen record profits, not bankruptcy.

So what gives?
Prove it.

Show us where increased supply leads to higher profits. In fact, I'll let you use ANY commodity you us where lowering the price leads to higher profits.

I'll wait.

Natural gas.
Electronic components.
Illegal drugs.

...just to name a few.