Domestic oil production booming under Biden

along with the 30% devaluation of the dollar in just one year alone.

The dollar did not decline 30% in value.

In fact, the dollar ROSE on its value vs. the Euro and the Canadian dollar over 2022.

The reason you say wrong things like this is because you don't believe any of it, and there's no one to hold you accountable since you won't hold yourself accountable.
I understand that if you increase the supply of a commodity like oil, you lower the overall price...and that runs in direct conflict with capitalist profit motives because oil companies make the most profit when oil is at its highest price.

So you can't argue for lower oil prices without arguing for state intervention to some degree because no oil company is going to willingly increase production to drive down their own profit margins.

Still can't get your head wrapped around markets, can ya?
No, the ideal position is for a company to MEET DEMAND.

This is why most Conservative businesses fail, because they think they can dictate demand with no leverage.

For oil companies, they make the most money when oil is at its highest price, and oil reaches its highest price when demand outstrips supply.

I should get paid for explaining capitalism to idiots like you.

Still can't your head wrapped around markets, can ya?
You are not explaining capitalism.
No. Wrong.

High gas prices are intrinsically linked to supply; so if the supply is low, then gas prices are going to be high.

If you increase supply, then you lower gas prices, but doing so lowers oil company profits.

So you can't have it both ways, Nazi. You can't demand that production increases because those will simply be met by production cuts elsewhere, ultimately having no effect on the global price per barrel, but having the effect of raising oil company profits.

There exists no world in which a lower price per barrel results in higher oil company profits.

Biden caused supply to be curtailed because he cancelled drilling permits.
You still can't yer head wrapped around markets.
Still can't get your head wrapped around markets, can ya?

Global oil markets.

You don't seem to understand them.

Global oil markets are controlled by OPEC because they own a plurality of global production. So whatever OPEC wants the price per barrel to be, that's what it will be.

If US oil companies increase production, that will result in lower per-barrel prices, so OPEC will simply cut their production to make up for US production increases, keeping the price per barrel static.

This is a concept you seem unable to grasp, and that's because you don't really believe any of the shit you say here.
Global oil markets.

You don't seem to understand them.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.
Global oil markets are controlled by OPEC
No, they are not.
because they own a plurality of global production. So whatever OPEC wants the price per barrel to be, that's what it will be.
No. OPEC cannot dictate oil market prices
If US oil companies increase production, that will result in lower per-barrel prices, so OPEC will simply cut their production to make up for US production increases, keeping the price per barrel static.
Which will simply drive OPEC out of business. Fortunately, for OPEC, they are a lot smarter than you are.
WRONG. You still can't your head wrapped around markets.

Nope. I'm 100% right because unlike you, I actually believe and accept the concept of supply & demand.

The more oil that is produced, the lower the price per barrel will be; so it is never in an oil company's interest to increase domestic production because doing so will reduce their bottom line.

So the dissonance in your argument remains because there is simply no way to permanently increase the supply of oil without lowering its price and lowering profits for oil companies.

If there was, it would have happened by now.
Still can't your head wrapped around markets, can ya?

You seem unable to understand that oil markets are global and since they're global, they are controlled by whoever produces a plurality of the this case, OPEC.

All US oil companies can do is react to whatever OPEC does.

So if OPEC increases production, then US oil companies CUT production in order to maintain a static supply.

US oil companies will always be chasing OPEC because OPEC has a plurality in the global markets, so everyone has to react to them.

You don't understand this because you don't believe in capitalism.
Biden caused supply to be curtailed because he cancelled drilling permits.

The permits didn't produce a single drop of oil, so nothing was curtailed.

But oil companies sure curtailed their production, which is why the price rose because oil prices only rise and fall based on production, and OPEC is the leader there.

Oil companies have 1000's of leases right now they aren't drilling on because drilling on them would reduce the price per barrel and thus, reduce their profits.

Capitalism ruins your fantasy.

There is no world in which increasing the supply of oil by increasing production would result in higher profits for the oil companies.
No, they are not.

Yes, they absolutely are.

OPEC has so much control over the global oil markets that they can bankrupt US oil and gas companies simply by increasing production so much that the price per barrel drops 50%.

In fact, that's exactly what happened in 2015.
No. OPEC cannot dictate oil market prices

Yes they can and they have, most recently in 2015 when they increased production so much it dropped the price per barrel by 50%, resulting in over $100B in US oil and gas bankruptcies, and a federal bailout of TX, ND, and OK.
Which will simply drive OPEC out of business.


So back in 2015, OPEC increased production and it resulted in a 50% decline in the price-per-barrel.

That resulted in $100B of US oil and natural gas bankruptcies.

You don't know much about the markets if you think OPEC doesn't have control.