Domestic oil production booming under Biden

Cancelling permits is not capitalism.

They already have 1000's of permits they won't drill on because doing so will increase the supply of oil and result in a decline in the price per barrel, which will decrease their profit margin.

And also, any drilling expansion in the US will be met with equal and/or greater production cuts by OPEC in order to maintain the balance on the global supply that maximizes their profits.

Funny thing is that OPEC did precisely that in 2015, lowering the price per barrel by 50% and bankrupting dozens of US oil and natural gas companies to the tune of over $100B in debt.
Discard of capitalism. There is no such thing as 'price gouging'.

Yes, we all know how you don't understand how capitalism works, so let me give you yet another lesson.

Since oil is traded on global markets, not individual ones, the way oil companies price gouge is to cut production. Doing so cuts the supply and increases the price per barrel.

It's a shame you can't understand how capitalism works.
She is a total waste of time to argue with. She will lie at the drop of a hat.

What's most hilarious about your posts is that you have been completely unable to respond to any of mine, so you run to your Nazi pals for comfort because of how much of a loser you are.

And you are a loser.
Newsflash, fucktardo: Oil is not steel. Go use an oil Hammer, fucktard.

Newsflash, dipshit, if you increase the supply of anything, but particularly oil and steel, you lower the price and thus, lower your profit margin.

So why would any private, for-profit company do that?
Biden doesn't produce oil. Oil production has not yet reached what it was during the Trump administration.

Right, OIL COMPANIES produce oil and they produce the exact amount necessary to achieve the highest possible profit.

Then, they get to sell that oil to whomever they want, for however as much or little as they want.
Biden has not increased oil production.

Right, and neither did Trump.

OIL COMPANIES increase or decrease production, and they do it solely to achieve the highest possible profit.

Low supply = high price per barrel

High supply = low price per barrel

High price per barrel = high profits

Low price per barrel = low profits

OPEC controls the price per barrel since they control a plurality of oil production and can easily match production increases in the US with production cuts globally in order to maintain the price (or raise it).
That's the average price per barrel as of 1-5-23.

So the price per barrel dropped from the $4.69 one of your Nazi pals was saying back in May, to $3.28 as of 1/5/23...a 30% decline.

The decline in the price is solely achieved by increasing supply, which is what Biden did.

Argument from randU fallacy.