Domestic oil production booming under Biden

Not a bad name for a brand of oil!

"Put Hammer Oil in your truck and put the hammer down!"

Maybe you can come up with a better slogan. :D

(During a graphic of a "man's man" spinning the wheels of his Ford F-series truck)

"Put the hammer down with Hammer Oil!"
Lie. Void question.

That's the average price per barrel as of 1-5-23.

So the price per barrel dropped from the $4.69 one of your Nazi pals was saying back in May, to $3.28 as of 1/5/23...a 30% decline.

The decline in the price is solely achieved by increasing supply, which is what Biden did.
Gas prices aren't lower.

Compared to 8 months ago, they are.

8 months ago, one of your Nazi pals even started a thread complaining about $4.69/gallon gas.

Today, the average price is $3.28, which is 30% lower.

That is entirely, 100% thanks to Biden for increasing supply by tapping the strategic reserve.