Domestic oil production booming under Biden

Why do you think they cut production or don't drill on the 1000's of leases they have? Because they make the most money when oil is at its highest price. And oil is at its highest price when the supply is at its lowest.

Again, I should be getting paid for teaching you the basics of capitalism.

Cancelling permits is not capitalism.
It was $4.69 in May, now it's $3.28.

That is a 30% decline.

Well maybe you and Trump should have shut your fucking mouths about COVID and let the pros handle it.

But you couldn't control yourself, so we got a pandemic.

So you have no one to blame but yourself.

No, it isn't.
Really? Where is that written?

Why do you think releasing oil to American consumers and refineries is squandering it?

What a goddamned fucking crybaby you are.

Just a fucking loser wrapped in a whiner, posturing as a loudmouth dipshit.

I don't expect much more out of you anyway, and neither does anyone else.

I thought you were "done with me", but here you are popping up in my notifications again.

You are so thirsty for me...I'm not gonna fuck you. No one is.

Yes, you created one.

You said that what Biden released from the strategic reserve was so insignificant, it didn't impact gas prices

BUT THEN YOU ALSO SAY that Biden depleted the strategic reserve!

Well, it's not much of a strategic reserve if a nominal amount of oil can deplete it completely, is it?

So once again, your dissonance is coming out.

What a goddamned fucking crybaby you are.

Just a fucking loser wrapped in a whiner, posturing as a loudmouth dipshit.

I don't expect much more out of you anyway, and neither does anyone else.

Assumption of victory fallacy. Omniscience fallacy. Insult fallacies. Bulverism fallacy.
It's not a safety net, it's a strategic reserve...and Biden strategically released those reserves to US producers and consumers in order to lower energy prices...WHICH HE DID.

What else is the strategic reserve there for?

Military operations, you fucking retard. All posts addressed to you will now include some form of "retard" in them. You can bet your ass on that. :laugh:


^ I may just just make that my signature, you fuckin' retard!
Military operations, you fucking retard. All posts addressed to you will now include some form of "retard" in them. You can bet your ass on that. :laugh:


^ I may just just make that my signature, you fuckin' retard!
She is a total waste of time to argue with. She will lie at the drop of a hat.

Thank God it isn't another LV246 quote. I think I may have stopped that bullshit for a minute.

I'm not one to ignore people. Ignore is for sissies.
I tend to agree but I have a couple on ignore right now and it is blissful. I'll probably let them off in a couple of months.
What data? It's a picture of a graph that coukd have been drawn by a sixth grader like Brandon.

So you think the US Department of Energy employs a bunch of sixth graders to collect data? That seems far fetched to me.
You don't get to exclude the parts of the data you don't like.

Others I could claim every Democratic president of the last 100 years has only seen positive GDP growth and no recessions.

The title of the thread said oil production is booming.

If economic GDP is 4.4% growth we can say it's booming, even if peak GDP was 4.5% five years earlier.

you cherry picked and got caught, take your lumps dummy
Oh're in trouble now because what you linked to not only explains how capitalism is to cause for the Steel industry, but also the oil industry:

Now substitute "oil" for "steel" here and you'll all of a sudden magically understand what I've been talking about this whole time.

Artificially low prices caused by excess capacity of steel = Artifically low prices caused by excess capacity of oil.

And excess capacities are not good for profit margins, like your link says.

So...that means that drilling more and producing more oil reduces the profit margin of the oil companies, so they constrain supply to keep the price high.

I should get paid for explaining Capitalism to idiots.

Newsflash, fucktardo: Oil is not steel. Go use an oil Hammer, fucktard.