Donald Trump Is Now the Weaker Candidate there is panic among Maga republican

We can see this even on the forum. That stone person having the biggest freakout I've seen thus far.

Trump is 100% terrified of Kamala. He realizes that MAGA has lost it's ONLY card: Joe's age. Now the age topic bites DJT right in the Depends as he becomes the doddering old man.

This is priceless.
Worse yet, our enemies abroad do it too. It's the worst kept secret among our allies too.
Hell Putin just walks into the room and Trump is already down on his knees drooling worse then a dog on a hot day.
and like you say the world already knows it.
Have a nice day
And another thing........PUT THAT COFFEE DOWN! Coffee is FOR CLOSERS!
Glengarry Glen Ross is a great movie about losers ripping off other losers. Stone likes to fantasize about being one of those losers. It is pathetic.