Dow down 400 in just 30 minutes

I, sir, am a gloomer, not a DOOMER. I was a doomer for a while then they announced their platform and came out pro-sadness rather than adopting a more long term platform of Depression. I prefer a party with an eye on the long term. Sadness is only good for a little while. Depression can last much longer because people don't know they have it.
yeah its going to hurt alot of people. The Republicans timing has finnally screwed them I think though. This one is going to be very fucking hard to blame on anyone but the Rs.
Bad news for investors, yes, but on the upside it's good news for people who like drawing graphs.
I, sir, am a gloomer, not a DOOMER. I was a doomer for a while then they announced their platform and came out pro-sadness rather than adopting a more long term platform of Depression. I prefer a party with an eye on the long term. Sadness is only good for a little while. Depression can last much longer because people don't know they have it.

LOL, a good different perspective.
yeah its going to hurt alot of people. The Republicans timing has finnally screwed them I think though. This one is going to be very fucking hard to blame on anyone but the Rs.
Yeah it has nothing to do with the fact that the market is cyclical and this shit happens. In the long term this is a blip.
yeah its going to hurt alot of people. The Republicans timing has finnally screwed them I think though. This one is going to be very fucking hard to blame on anyone but the Rs.

Yeah, we thought you would say that, despite the other thread. This is why people think you are a partisan hack.
If the world was going to be hit by an Asteroid Desh would be on here going "Yep, gonna hurt a lot people. Can't see how the Bush administration is going to duck the fact this happened on their watch. They just never took the big unknown planet killing asteroid threat seriously and now look where we are."
If the world was going to be hit by an Asteroid Desh would be on here going "Yep, gonna hurt a lot people. Can't see how the Bush administration is going to duck the fact this happened on their watch. They just never took the big unknown planet killing asteroid threat seriously and now look where we are."
And 50 Dems will stand around nodding sagely and tell us how they predicted it when they warned that the sky was falling.
And 50 Dems will stand around nodding sagely and tell us how they predicted it when they warned that the sky was falling.

And how all Republicans are stupid because the Democratic Party was ready for the threat of asteroid attack years ago (the only attack the Democratic Party is ready for, apparently).
I'm glad I don't have any of this stock:

Aryx Therapeutics
$4.00 $3.71 (-48.12%) (this is just this morning's loss)
This by and large caused by the sub prime problem and everyone pretty much acrossed the board agrees on that.

This could have been stunted if they people in control at the time acted in a swift manner to deal with some of the causes. They did not and even called anyone who warned of the negative impacts to come insulting names.THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED FOLKS! Now yes the market has cycles and yes a downturn is enevitable but the brunt of this problem was in a area that could have had the spear head broken off of it before it hit the patient. The people in control never raised their shield against the arrow. They were too busy trying to get reelected in a time when the sub prime was the only thing fueling the economy.

If understanding that makes me a partisan hack then so be it.