Dow down 400 in just 30 minutes

I am no Bush fan but this constant banter about how every bad thing in the world is his fault. He already has a fucked up war that he started and there is no end in site to and now the economy is his fault.
This by and large caused by the sub prime problem and everyone pretty much acrossed the board agrees on that.

This could have been stunted if they people in control at the time acted in a swift manner to deal with some of the causes. They did not and even called anyone who warned of the negative impacts to come insulting names.THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED FOLKS! Now yes the market has cycles and yes a downturn is enevitable but the brunt of this problem was in a area that could have had the spear head broken off of it before it hit the patient. The people in control never raised their shield against the arrow. They were too busy trying to get reelected in a time when the sub prime was the only thing fueling the economy.

If understanding that makes me a partisan hack then so be it.

Right Desh but this one is complicated by the dropping dollar, inflation, high oil prices, maxxed out credit for citizens and govt, loss of manufacturing and high import levels.
And as has been pointed out to you Desh, this housing problem was not created overnight. Clinton had as much to do with it as anyone else. The regulations were weakened so more people could own houses when they should have probably still been renting
This by and large caused by the sub prime problem and everyone pretty much acrossed the board agrees on that.
Yes, we do--- but we hold everyone responsible, because we aren't crazy.

This could have been stunted if they people in control at the time acted in a swift manner to deal with some of the causes.
You are right-- it could have been stopped by EITHER party by deregulation.
They did not and even called anyone who warned of the negative impacts to come insulting names.
Both parties did nothing, right.

THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED FOLKS! Now yes the market has cycles and yes a downturn is enevitable but the brunt of this problem was in a area that could have had the spear head broken off of it before it hit the patient. The people in control never raised their shield against the arrow. They were too busy trying to get reelected in a time when the sub prime was the only thing fueling the economy.
Besides the fact that it was the Democrats and Republicans, let us just keep in mind this is not the end of the economy as we know it. If we could survive the Great Depression, I'm sure we can survive this.

If understanding that makes me a partisan hack then so be it.

No, refusing to accept that EVERYONE is responsible makes you a partisan hack.
Right Desh but this one is complicated by the dropping dollar, inflation, high oil prices, maxxed out credit for citizens and govt, loss of manufacturing and high import levels.
BUT HEY! It's Bush's fault you maxed out your credit cards right? I mean, everything bad, even poor personal choices must stem from Bush!
Yep neither party saw it coming and both parties caused it. That and other factors is why I have little confidence that our gummit will do the right things to fix the problem.
And it is obvious that business will not fix it voluntarially.
yeah its going to hurt alot of people. The Republicans timing has finnally screwed them I think though. This one is going to be very fucking hard to blame on anyone but the Rs.

Actually it is quite easy. Both parties are to blame for this mess. (see how easy that was) Only ignorant party hacks refuse to acknowledge that fact.

Greedy borrowers and lenders are of course also to blame.
If the world was going to be hit by an Asteroid Desh would be on here going "Yep, gonna hurt a lot people. Can't see how the Bush administration is going to duck the fact this happened on their watch. They just never took the big unknown planet killing asteroid threat seriously and now look where we are."

Nah... Bush would just go find some of his oil drilling buddies, toss them on a couple shuttles, land them on the asteroid, drill a big hole and drop a nuke in it. Blow it all to hell. He knows it will work. He saw the movie.