Drilling in ANWR is Finally Underway!

LOL, that will help about as much this year as oil drilling there.

I still stand by my stance of we will drill ANWR, My back field, Offshore and in the middle of the superdome. But it will not help in the shorterm.
LOL, that will help about as much this year as oil drilling there.

I still stand by my stance of we will drill ANWR, My back field, Offshore and in the middle of the superdome. But it will not help in the shorterm.
I think you underestimate the effects the future supply/demand equation has on speculation. Trick is, speculators bid TODAY on what they BELIEVE will happen years from now. If we were to add a comprehensive alternate package to developing domestic sources of crude oil, the effect on speculation - and thereby current oil prices - will be significant and (almost) immediate, even though any real direct benefit from domestic drilling and alternative energy development is years away.
you'll stand wrong again usged, don't believe every retard dem you hear on TV.
Cali has offshore oil that can be brought on in a year or two.
you'll stand wrong again usged, don't believe every retard dem you hear on TV.
Cali has offshore oil that can be brought on in a year or two.

Well I sure don't believe a retard named Topspin.

Post some links in support of you 1-2 year statement.
fuck you and your link request. Read you moron.
Anyone who know's even a miniscule amount about the energy business know's Cali has platforms that have been shut down way before the oil was gone.
fuck you and your link request. Read you moron.
Anyone who know's even a miniscule amount about the energy business know's Cali has platforms that have been shut down way before the oil was gone.

Yep of course everyone know that CA has shut down platforms that still have oil.

Link please ?

Empirical evidence for a few years on here has taught me not to believe what you post.
I will continue to laugh in your face, you don't like to read fine.
I will laugh louder when you say it's not true cause I don't link it.
Then some educated poster from cali will verifiy.
LOL, that will help about as much this year as oil drilling there.

I still stand by my stance of we will drill ANWR, My back field, Offshore and in the middle of the superdome. But it will not help in the shorterm.

this is an example of retards giving talking points.
Had we done it 15 yrs ago we wouldn't be importing 70% now. Maybe you uneducated dems like sending 700billion a year overseas and losing jobs and killing the dollar.:pke:
And if we had kept up with refining capacity we would not be importing refined gas and diesel and such.

And if we had increased mileage restrictions on autos, etc.
If we had been working on conservation and alternatives ?
If we had not elected Bush ?
If we had not invaded Iraq ?
if toppey had any sense ?
I really hope the communists in china appreciate the oil we're about to drill for them.


But the communists are the Republicon party's best buddies next to the Saudis. As long as they provide the cons with cheap (slave) labor, the cons will sell them all the Alaskan oil they can find.
Do you even read the articles you cite?

The article starts out with a bunch of mindless fear mongering from the dems, but then goes on to say the experts, as well as the history of oil production in Alaska both point toward the prediction that little, if any, will actually be exported from new drilling.

The simple fact is domestic demand will keep domestic oil home - unless we manage to more than triple domestic supply (which ain't gonna happen). And the way the global oil market currently works, there is no profit incentive (ie: ability to sell it at a higher price than at home) to make an export trade worth it. We'd just end up importing more foreign oil to make up for the export, with the added cost of transportation thrown in. It'd be a net loss on trade, and no company is going to do that.
I think you underestimate the effects the future supply/demand equation has on speculation. Trick is, speculators bid TODAY on what they BELIEVE will happen years from now. If we were to add a comprehensive alternate package to developing domestic sources of crude oil, the effect on speculation - and thereby current oil prices - will be significant and (almost) immediate, even though any real direct benefit from domestic drilling and alternative energy development is years away.

speculators bid on what they think the price of oil will be within the next few months not years

it is all cattle excrement

what is going on is about as effective as rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic with regard to the price of energy today

bushco spent money like there was no tomorrow but tomorrow came too soon to save his sorry ass and we are all paying for it every day

all that new supplies of oil will do is satisfy current demand, if that, and demand will continue to increase and the price of energy will increase
Do you even read the articles you cite?

The article starts out with a bunch of mindless fear mongering from the dems, but then goes on to say the experts, as well as the history of oil production in Alaska both point toward the prediction that little, if any, will actually be exported from new drilling.

The simple fact is domestic demand will keep domestic oil home - unless we manage to more than triple domestic supply (which ain't gonna happen). And the way the global oil market currently works, there is no profit incentive (ie: ability to sell it at a higher price than at home) to make an export trade worth it. We'd just end up importing more foreign oil to make up for the export, with the added cost of transportation thrown in. It'd be a net loss on trade, and no company is going to do that.


most of the alaskan oil is pumped by BP and sold to pacific nations

the u s of a west coast gets some but the demand here is too low to use all of the alaskan oil now
you'll stand wrong again usged, don't believe every retard dem you hear on TV.
Cali has offshore oil that can be brought on in a year or two.

nah, the lawsuits will take longer than that, plus, the oil is in more difficult to reach and dangerous places (remember those earthquakes?)
And if we had kept up with refining capacity we would not be importing refined gas and diesel and such.

And if we had increased mileage restrictions on autos, etc.
If we had been working on conservation and alternatives ?
If we had not elected Bush ?
If we had not invaded Iraq ?
if toppey had any sense ?

Our refining capacity is low because of the many years of environmental lobbyist setting the agenda for government policy and regulation. This was done under both parties and through most of our elected officials. It became popular to be 'for the environment' and we simply restricted and regulated refineries out of business with bureaucratic red tape. To make profits refining oil, like any refined product, is by volume. You have to refine an unreal volume to offset the environmental mandates and restrictions set by the government on this industry. This is why no one is doing it, it isn't profitable.

Make it profitable for refineries again, and give them an ample supply of domestic crude, and we may see $3 gas once more. Otherwise, hold on to your wallet, it is going to get rough.

We have too much demand for the supply. This is the fundamental problem. You can argue that we need to decrease demand all day long, but Americans are not great at conserving, so this method of fixing the shortfall is futile at best. We will not be able to significantly reduce consumption for more than a decade, if then. If nothing else, because we actually grow that much and consume that much more each year. Any reductions we make, will only slow the growth in demand from this year to the next. This is not a solution to the problem, the solution in this case is to increase supply.

Now I am a supply-side economist, I say we flood the market with oil, hell.... start killing whales and refining the blubber again if you need to, but flood the freaking market with oil! If the Yuppies can drill ice core samples in ANWR at 60 sites, why can't we drill for oil in 10~20? Let's get at it, get the oil outta the ground and on the market. The sooner that happens, the sooner we start to see a sharp decline in gas prices.

You have to understand, this is not a linear curve or net sum gain. Once supply is greater than demand, the price falls to its low point rapidly. It then becomes an important factor to sell oil, as cheap as possible, just sell it! We have more than we need, demand is quenched, and we can set the price as consumers. Suddenly gas wars break out and we are being inundated by gas companies who want our business badly!

This is why I favor some initiative for alternative fuels to replace fossil fuel engines. I want to drill for oil, but I want us to pursue an aggressive plan to implement such a system in 10~15 years. I like the T. Boone plan, but I think our plan should be comprehensive and should include new domestic drilling and refining, easing restrictions on those industries, flooding the market with domestic crude, and working on alternative energy as a top priority.

most of the alaskan oil is pumped by BP and sold to pacific nations

the u s of a west coast gets some but the demand here is too low to use all of the alaskan oil now
Where do you get that info?

According to the Energy Information Administration, the U.S. exported a grand total of 9.8 million barrels of crude in 2007. That includes from ALL sources, not just Alaska.

But, even if ALL exported crude came from Alaska, they produced a grand total of 262 million barrels of oil in 2007.

Now, as far as I can figure, 9.8 out of 262 is nowhere near "most". In fact, it is under 4%.

And you can't tell me, without significant references, that west coast demand has dropped off that much in the first 6 months of 2008.
it's total horseshit
ever heard of the alaska pipleline.
only a fraction is not coming to the lower 48