Drilling in ANWR is Finally Underway!

this is an example of retards giving talking points.
Had we done it 15 yrs ago we wouldn't be importing 70% now. Maybe you uneducated dems like sending 700billion a year overseas and losing jobs and killing the dollar.:pke:

IF WE Had we done it 20 years ago when the gop wanted, 50% of the oil there in ANWR, ...... WOULD BE GONE ALREADY....

Oh wise, educated one! ;)

NOT ONE NEW MEGA FIND that has happened in the last couple of years, in the Caspean, off the coast of Brazil, off the coast of Mexico, and even 170 miles off our coast have dropped the price of oil futures....NOT ONE....and you are talking HUGE oil discovery and finds....look it up yourself, the news articles of the MEGA oil Discoveries and the price of oil....THERE IS NO CORRELATION for some STRANGE reason....

And Why would you think that giving the A ok to drill in moratorium areas will ALL OF A SUDDEN make speculators change their strategy?

can SOMEONE please answer me?

in addition to this, the law requiring our oil companies to keep the oil they drill on USA land in the USA was rescinded in 1995 by the GOP....

anyone can ship our oil overseas and sell it to others....I would want some assurance that our oil stays here to help us get off the middle eastern tit....

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NOT ONE NEW MEGA FIND that has happened in the last couple of years, in the Caspean, off the coast of Brazil, off the coast of Mexico, and even 170 miles off our coast have dropped the price of oil futures....NOT ONE....and you are talking HUGE oil discovery and finds....look it up yourself, the news articles of the MEGA oil Discoveries and the price of oil....THERE IS NO CORRELATION for some STRANGE reason....

And Why would you think that giving the A ok to drill in moratorium areas will ALL OF A SUDDEN make speculators change their strategy?

can SOMEONE please answer me?

in addition to this, the law requiring our oil companies to keep the oil they drill on USA land in the USA was rescinded in 1995 by the GOP....

anyone can ship our oil overseas and sell it to others....I would want some assurance that our oil stays here to help us get off the middle eastern tit....


Care, the problem is not finding the oil, it is extracting it by the process known as drilling, which will effect the supply on the market, which will cause prices to drop. Finding oil means absolutely nothing. Once we have an abundant supply of domestic oil, the next consideration is refinery capacity, and increasing it to meet the demands of current usage, not the demands of 20 years ago when we built the last refinery. When these things are done, you will see a tremendous drop in gas prices.

One illustration I like to use to drive home the point of "foreign oil independence" ... because the phrase is used a lot, and I don't think people really GRASP what it means ...Saudi Arabia is independent of foreign oil, they are paying .70 a gallon for gas. That is what independence from foreign oil means. Now, it would probably not be that dramatic in a capitalist market not controlled by a royal kingdom, but still... .70 a gallon, Care!!

We are in the midst of a national crisis with energy cost. The Liberal in you wants to stand in defiance of new oil drilling, because that has always been your position. The problem is, you have picked this mountain to die on, and won't let it go, and the longer you run interference and obfuscate, the longer it will ultimately be before we can start solving the problem. There are a number of other things we need to be doing, and get rolling, but we simply can't do any of them or make any of it work, without greatly increasing the domestic supply of oil. As much as the Liberal in you hates it, that requires drilling for it!
Care, the problem is not finding the oil, it is extracting it by the process known as drilling, which will effect the supply on the market, which will cause prices to drop. Finding oil means absolutely nothing. Once we have an abundant supply of domestic oil, the next consideration is refinery capacity, and increasing it to meet the demands of current usage, not the demands of 20 years ago when we built the last refinery. When these things are done, you will see a tremendous drop in gas prices.

One illustration I like to use to drive home the point of "foreign oil independence" ... because the phrase is used a lot, and I don't think people really GRASP what it means ...Saudi Arabia is independent of foreign oil, they are paying .70 a gallon for gas. That is what independence from foreign oil means. Now, it would probably not be that dramatic in a capitalist market not controlled by a royal kingdom, but still... .70 a gallon, Care!!

We are in the midst of a national crisis with energy cost. The Liberal in you wants to stand in defiance of new oil drilling, because that has always been your position. The problem is, you have picked this mountain to die on, and won't let it go, and the longer you run interference and obfuscate, the longer it will ultimately be before we can start solving the problem. There are a number of other things we need to be doing, and get rolling, but we simply can't do any of them or make any of it work, without greatly increasing the domestic supply of oil. As much as the Liberal in you hates it, that requires drilling for it!

I'm ALL FOR NEW oil drilling, we opened up 60 million acres of previous moratorium land and sea 2 years ago....they need to drill there and bring out the liquid gold.....

Why don't you want them to do this....?

We also have a mega find in the gulf 170 miles out that was discovered in 1998 that they stil have not brought the liquid gold out...

IT TAKES A LONG TIME....you are talking 10 years already and they have been working on it the whole 10 years....

Are you saying that this MEGA find of ours in the gulf, though drilling there for over 10 years to get to the oil but none yet retrieved to sell, is not counted yet in to the overall "picture" of the speculators? And it will only be considered once the oil comes up even though they know it will, in just a matter of time?

And if this is the case, then you admit that opening up all the land in the world for oil drilling will NOT change the pattern of the speculators driving up our prices until the oil is actually drawn up out of the ground....which seems utterly ridiculous because that would be present day oil with present day supplies and not be "futures" at all?

the only thing that will bring down prices RIGHT NOW, is passing the bill on speculators needing to invest more than just 5% for the hedge, Futures they buy that drive prices up, release 10% of our oil reserves, (rebuying them once the price has dropped), drilling immediately on the leased land that does not have laws holding it back, reopen and drill the texas oil capped wells that are sitting there doing nothing, and us conserving.

And yes, you would think that opening up even more oil rich lands to drill, continued conservation, continue development on Alternative, renewable fuels, improved cafe standards, shale development without environmental concerns for our drinking water, and mass transit development, improving our rails to move goods instead of guzzling trucks etc...would all affect our future price on oil....not much of that...other than what i listed above this, will help with todays prices of fuel.

And yes we need to build more refineries for both Natural gas and for gasoline.

and good morning Dixie!

Hey Care Good Morning!

Long time no see.

I really wish they would do some of the drilling on all the land they have rights to before whinning for every square inch of the US parks system to be under their control.

They make this same stupid arguement evey time they raise prices on us in the summer, when will we stop falling for it?
Hey Care Good Morning!

Long time no see.

I really wish they would do some of the drilling on all the land they have rights to before whinning for every square inch of the US parks system to be under their control.

They make this same stupid arguement evey time they raise prices on us in the summer, when will we stop falling for it?

Good morning Desh!

I tend to agree with you....they need to drill where oil has been found or expected to be there, on the land/sea that they lease already before we sign and lease EVERY DAMN INCH OF OUR RESERVED LAND....

It's better that we save SOME of our oil reserves/natural resources for a later date, for the grand kids or great grand kids...what happened to planning for them and their emergencies to come? Are we that much of a ME me me me me and me socielty that we can't do something wise for them or consider them?

NOT ONE NEW MEGA FIND that has happened in the last couple of years, in the Caspean, off the coast of Brazil, off the coast of Mexico, and even 170 miles off our coast have dropped the price of oil futures....NOT ONE....and you are talking HUGE oil discovery and finds....look it up yourself, the news articles of the MEGA oil Discoveries and the price of oil....THERE IS NO CORRELATION for some STRANGE reason....

And Why would you think that giving the A ok to drill in moratorium areas will ALL OF A SUDDEN make speculators change their strategy?

can SOMEONE please answer me?

in addition to this, the law requiring our oil companies to keep the oil they drill on USA land in the USA was rescinded in 1995 by the GOP....

anyone can ship our oil overseas and sell it to others....I would want some assurance that our oil stays here to help us get off the middle eastern tit....


Dropping out is not good.
President Bush lifted the moritorium on drilling and pressured Congress to do the Same. Polls are out all over the place showing 80% of Americans are for drilling, 20% are uneducated hard core democrats.
what happened the price of oil went from 150 to 125. Now hopefully you dems can keep being retarded asswholes ruining our economy and people will see ain't going to happen then we can get the oil price to a fair $200 a barrell.:pke:
Dropping out is not good.
President Bush lifted the moritorium on drilling and pressured Congress to do the Same. Polls are out all over the place showing 80% of Americans are for drilling, 20% are uneducated hard core democrats.
what happened the price of oil went from 150 to 125. Now hopefully you dems can keep being retarded asswholes ruining our economy and people will see ain't going to happen then we can get the oil price to a fair $200 a barrell.:pke:

What utter ignorant bullcrud toppy....

the price of oil dropped because Congress had the Speculation regulatory bill on the floor....it had nothing at all to do with President Bush dropping the executive order that his Father signed to keep us from drilling....


(ps. along with our consumption dropping and oil backing up.)
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geez how stupid! Bush reneging an executive order than means absolutely nothing if Congress does not follow is going to lower prices on the stock market??????????

BUT FINDING billions of barrels of oil in new MEGA finds throughout the world won't drop the price of oil even a penny?

Come onnnn toppy, you got more smarts than pushing that GOP rhetoric....
according to miss almost got an education the price of oil should have gone up $25 after the republicans killed the retard bill, but wait it went down more.
IF WE Had we done it 20 years ago when the gop wanted, 50% of the oil there in ANWR, ...... WOULD BE GONE ALREADY....

Oh wise, educated one! ;)


If we had done it back then we would be almost energy independent and our President wouldn't have to hold hands with Opec leaders.
Our refining capacity is low because of the many years of environmental lobbyist setting the agenda for government policy and regulation. This was done under both parties and through most of our elected officials. It became popular to be 'for the environment' and we simply restricted and regulated refineries out of business with bureaucratic red tape. To make profits refining oil, like any refined product, is by volume. You have to refine an unreal volume to offset the environmental mandates and restrictions set by the government on this industry. This is why no one is doing it, it isn't profitable.

Make it profitable for refineries again, and give them an ample supply of domestic crude, and we may see $3 gas once more. Otherwise, hold on to your wallet, it is going to get rough.

We have too much demand for the supply. This is the fundamental problem. You can argue that we need to decrease demand all day long, but Americans are not great at conserving, so this method of fixing the shortfall is futile at best. We will not be able to significantly reduce consumption for more than a decade, if then. If nothing else, because we actually grow that much and consume that much more each year. Any reductions we make, will only slow the growth in demand from this year to the next. This is not a solution to the problem, the solution in this case is to increase supply.

Now I am a supply-side economist, I say we flood the market with oil, hell.... start killing whales and refining the blubber again if you need to, but flood the freaking market with oil! If the Yuppies can drill ice core samples in ANWR at 60 sites, why can't we drill for oil in 10~20? Let's get at it, get the oil outta the ground and on the market. The sooner that happens, the sooner we start to see a sharp decline in gas prices.

You have to understand, this is not a linear curve or net sum gain. Once supply is greater than demand, the price falls to its low point rapidly. It then becomes an important factor to sell oil, as cheap as possible, just sell it! We have more than we need, demand is quenched, and we can set the price as consumers. Suddenly gas wars break out and we are being inundated by gas companies who want our business badly!

This is why I favor some initiative for alternative fuels to replace fossil fuel engines. I want to drill for oil, but I want us to pursue an aggressive plan to implement such a system in 10~15 years. I like the T. Boone plan, but I think our plan should be comprehensive and should include new domestic drilling and refining, easing restrictions on those industries, flooding the market with domestic crude, and working on alternative energy as a top priority.

Dixie flooding the market with domestic crude and developing alternative energy is a contradiction from a demand stand point. As long as oil and oil products are relatively cheap then the incentive to develop alternatives is missing.

If there is a silver lining to the cloud of high oil prices, is that from a demand stand point, it makes developing alternatives more economically attractive. So sans the economic incentive by flooding the US market with domestic oil would you recommend subsidizing the development of alternative energy sources and if so what form should this subsidization take since these alternatives are, at the present, not economically viable?
I think T Boone Pickens said it best. We cannot drill our way out of this. But then again, what does he know about oil. Probably some anti business librul
He didn't say stop drilling, he is in fact for drilling.
He know the dems have made it such a clusterfuck that we need, drilling, wind, solar, and biofuels.
Good morning Desh!

I tend to agree with you....

Man, this is when you know it's going to be a long day!

Care, you can sit here bitching at oil companies making profit, not getting the "liquid gold" out of the ground fast enough, and financial speculators doing precisely what speculators do, and it is not going to bring us any closer to independence of foreign oil.

Any solution we find to this problem, will generate a profit for someone, that is the nature of a capitalist society, whether you agree with it or not. To attempt to solve this problem without anyone making profits or capitalism functioning, is futile, ask the Russians. I speculate the oil could be more easily drilled for if we didn't run into a Greenpeace boat or bus load of hippy liberals in tie-dye shirts, everywhere we find oil. Do you know how many government environmental mandates have to be met BEFORE a company can even begin to get the okay to drill for oil we have found? This costs a lot of money, and if they are going to have to fight people like you for every penny of profit, what the hell would they want to invest in such a thing for?

You can't "regulate" your way out of this problem. You start fucking with the financial elements, and the price of oil will go through the stratosphere. If there is ANYTHING we can do from the financial end of this, it is to DE-regulate and make it easier and more profitable. An AMAZING thing happens in America when you make things financially attractive and ease restrictions... they take off like rockets! There is simply no end to our ingenuity and ability to make things happen, if there is money to be made in it.
He didn't say stop drilling, he is in fact for drilling.
He know the dems have made it such a clusterfuck that we need, drilling, wind, solar, and biofuels.
But he did say we CANNOT drill our way out of this. I agree with you, we need to keep drilling, but Pickes plan says we can go solar and wind for energy and use Nat Gas for cars, and that mod is realitively simple.
it's total horseshit
ever heard of the alaska pipleline.
only a fraction is not coming to the lower 48

Yeah and the alsaka pipeline is already many years older than it's projected lifetime. Also the oil pumped thru it is declining in volume.
NOT ONE NEW MEGA FIND that has happened in the last couple of years, in the Caspean, off the coast of Brazil, off the coast of Mexico, and even 170 miles off our coast have dropped the price of oil futures....NOT ONE....and you are talking HUGE oil discovery and finds....look it up yourself, the news articles of the MEGA oil Discoveries and the price of oil....THERE IS NO CORRELATION for some STRANGE reason....

And Why would you think that giving the A ok to drill in moratorium areas will ALL OF A SUDDEN make speculators change their strategy?

can SOMEONE please answer me?

in addition to this, the law requiring our oil companies to keep the oil they drill on USA land in the USA was rescinded in 1995 by the GOP....

anyone can ship our oil overseas and sell it to others....I would want some assurance that our oil stays here to help us get off the middle eastern tit....


I answered this same question for you on another thread.

The find makes a BIG difference in WHERE it is and WHAT country (or companies from a country) find the oil. Why does it matter?

Oil is traded in dollars. If the dollar is falling in value, oil prices are going to go up regardless of finds by other countries. IF the find is domestic... the money the US is currently sending overseas each year, stays here (once the oil is online). The dollar would tend to strengthen on such news, as it would mean the US would be less dependent on foreign sources.

as for the new Dem talking point of "what is to keep them from selling overseas". .... the price of oil is determined by three main factors....

1) Changes in supply
2) Changes in demand
3) Changes in the reserve currency (which is the dollar)

The price is set worldwide. There is not some great variance where the oil companies get more per barrell shipping to China than they would if they sell it domestically. thus worldwide, most of the oil is bought by the nearest distributor. Which is why the bulk of oil the US buys does NOT come from the mideast. Three of the top four are Canada, Mexico and Venezuela. If Brazil does indeed bring that new find on line and begins to rival Saudis reserves, I guarantee we become their biggest buyer.... reducing buys from Saudi and Venezuela.

You buy from the closest supplier as it limits not only shipping expenses, but also reduces the chances of something going wrong resulting in a spill.
Care, the problem is not finding the oil, it is extracting it by the process known as drilling, which will effect the supply on the market, which will cause prices to drop. Finding oil means absolutely nothing. Once we have an abundant supply of domestic oil, the next consideration is refinery capacity, and increasing it to meet the demands of current usage, not the demands of 20 years ago when we built the last refinery. When these things are done, you will see a tremendous drop in gas prices.

One illustration I like to use to drive home the point of "foreign oil independence" ... because the phrase is used a lot, and I don't think people really GRASP what it means ...Saudi Arabia is independent of foreign oil, they are paying .70 a gallon for gas. That is what independence from foreign oil means. Now, it would probably not be that dramatic in a capitalist market not controlled by a royal kingdom, but still... .70 a gallon, Care!!

We are in the midst of a national crisis with energy cost. The Liberal in you wants to stand in defiance of new oil drilling, because that has always been your position. The problem is, you have picked this mountain to die on, and won't let it go, and the longer you run interference and obfuscate, the longer it will ultimately be before we can start solving the problem. There are a number of other things we need to be doing, and get rolling, but we simply can't do any of them or make any of it work, without greatly increasing the domestic supply of oil. As much as the Liberal in you hates it, that requires drilling for it!

That is not technically correct. IF the oil is found and the technology exists to bring it to market in an economically viable manner, the find most certainly WILL effect the Futures prices on oil and subsequently have a downward push on current spot prices.
Dixie flooding the market with domestic crude and developing alternative energy is a contradiction from a demand stand point. As long as oil and oil products are relatively cheap then the incentive to develop alternatives is missing.

If there is a silver lining to the cloud of high oil prices, is that from a demand stand point, it makes developing alternatives more economically attractive. So sans the economic incentive by flooding the US market with domestic oil would you recommend subsidizing the development of alternative energy sources and if so what form should this subsidization take since these alternatives are, at the present, not economically viable?

that is the saddest part of all this.
Americans are so shortsighted, lazy and Stupid they must be forced to do what is needed.