Drug Legalization, My Personal Opinion...


Staff member
It is my opinion that if we want to keep kids off drugs, prohibition is the worst way to go about it.

Prohibition simply creates a black market full of the least moral among us willing to sell to any age. Nobody checked IDs back when I was in HS when they sold you marijuana, cocaine, speed, anything that was from the black market. It was always more difficult to get beer than drugs as the dealers were simply kids at school, it was easily obtainable while we had to convince somebody in their majority to purchase alcohol for us... While there were some loser young adults who couldn't find anybody in their own age group to hang with and were stuck in HS mentality who would occasionally buy some for us, it was always easy to go hand a fiver for some weed to your "friend" and walk away with a nickel-bag...

If you want kids to have a hard time obtaining it, allow for adults to buy it under some serious regulation with some serious consequences for providing any of it to minors. You'll begin a walk towards a more realistic future where fewer people are under the influence of drugs. It would have been far more difficult to convince me to smoke anything if I actually had to wait until I was 18 or 21 before I could buy it. It would be the same for our current youth.

I guess that's a good start on my opinion, I'll explain more as there are questions. Basically my opinion is we should legalize and regulate all drugs so that it isn't so easy to obtain them, especially for children.
It is my opinion that if we want to keep kids off drugs, prohibition is the worst way to go about it.

Prohibition simply creates a black market full of the least moral among us willing to sell to any age. Nobody checked IDs back when I was in HS when they sold you marijuana, cocaine, speed, anything that was from the black market. It was always more difficult to get beer than drugs as the dealers were simply kids at school, it was easily obtainable while we had to convince somebody in their majority to purchase alcohol for us... While there were some loser young adults who couldn't find anybody in their own age group to hang with and were stuck in HS mentality who would occasionally buy some for us, it was always easy to go hand a fiver for some weed to your "friend" and walk away with a nickel-bag...

If you want kids to have a hard time obtaining it, allow for adults to buy it under some serious regulation with some serious consequences for providing any of it to minors. You'll begin a walk towards a more realistic future where fewer people are under the influence of drugs. It would have been far more difficult to convince me to smoke anything if I actually had to wait until I was 18 or 21 before I could buy it. It would be the same for our current youth.

I guess that's a good start on my opinion, I'll explain more as there are questions. Basically my opinion is we should legalize and regulate all drugs so that it isn't so easy to obtain them, especially for children.

Your point is well taken, a few years ago, I remember watching some kind of documentary on drugs and alcohol use among high school kids... they found the kids could get their hands on either 'poison' without much trouble, but interestingly enough, it was actually harder for them to score booze than pot, because booze required using a fake ID. It might take a couple of days to acquire the alcohol, but they could get the pot by the end of the school day.

The flaw I see in your argument is, pot is not like other drugs or alcohol, you can't grow Jack Daniels or Cocaine in your closet! How could you ever 'regulate' something that is basically a weed which can grow in the wild?
Your point is well taken, a few years ago, I remember watching some kind of documentary on drugs and alcohol use among high school kids... they found the kids could get their hands on either 'poison' without much trouble, but interestingly enough, it was actually harder for them to score booze than pot, because booze required using a fake ID. It might take a couple of days to acquire the alcohol, but they could get the pot by the end of the school day.

The flaw I see in your argument is, pot is not like other drugs or alcohol, you can't grow Jack Daniels or Cocaine in your closet! How could you ever 'regulate' something that is basically a weed which can grow in the wild?
Making beer or moonshine is incredibly easy and both are still regulated because people are essentially lazy. I can grow corn in my back yard or change the oil on my car with ease. I don't because I don't want to do it. I pay other people to do those things for me.
Making beer or moonshine is incredibly easy and both are still regulated because people are essentially lazy. I can grow corn in my back yard or change the oil on my car with ease. I don't because I don't want to do it. I pay other people to do those things for me.

Why, just the other day you cited Jimmy Carter's lifting of restrictions on home brewing as an example of deregulation bringing more and better paying jobs.

Were you lying then, or now, drunkard?

Making beer or moonshine is incredibly easy and both are still regulated because people are essentially lazy. I can grow corn in my back yard or change the oil on my car with ease. I don't because I don't want to do it. I pay other people to do those things for me.

No, you really can't grow corn in your backyard. Corn has to be grown in large fields in order to cross-pollinate and produce. Many people do make beer and moonshine, just as many people would grow and produce pot, which is much easier to do than making beer or moonshine. The question I asked Damo is, how would you go about regulating something like that? It's really not much work to drop a few seeds in the wooded area behind my house... even a lazy pot head could probably manage that much effort.
No, you really can't grow corn in your backyard. Corn has to be grown in large fields in order to cross-pollinate and produce. Many people do make beer and moonshine, just as many people would grow and produce pot, which is much easier to do than making beer or moonshine. The question I asked Damo is, how would you go about regulating something like that? It's really not much work to drop a few seeds in the wooded area behind my house... even a lazy pot head could probably manage that much effort.
And I responded in his stead giving plenty of examples of things people can readily do themselves yet they choose not to, because it's easier to let someone else do it. People can brew their own beer at home but much would rather go to a store to purchase it because its usually better quality and faster. Sure I could grow some pretty good pot in my house, but that takes time. Why do that when there are pre packaged joints at the local smoke shop?
And I responded in his stead giving plenty of examples of things people can readily do themselves yet they choose not to, because it's easier to let someone else do it. People can brew their own beer at home but much would rather go to a store to purchase it because its usually better quality and faster. Sure I could grow some pretty good pot in my house, but that takes time. Why do that when there are pre packaged joints at the local smoke shop?

Because you would be under age and couldn't buy it at the smoke shop, dumbass... that's what we're discussing here! How would you 'regulate' something that can easily be grown, or can be planted in such a way as to give 'plausible deniability' to the underage grower? Are you even FOLLOWING the conversation here, or are you attempting to trap me in some weird 'gotchya' moment or what???
Because you would be under age and couldn't buy it at the smoke shop, dumbass... that's what we're discussing here! How would you 'regulate' something that can easily be grown, or can be planted in such a way as to give 'plausible deniability' to the underage grower? Are you even FOLLOWING the conversation here, or are you attempting to trap me in some weird 'gotchya' moment or what???
Umm the same way you would regulate alcohol and other stuff? Dixie it's not a difficult concept to follow. Good pot (i.e. what people want to smoke) requires a bit more than 'throwing some seeds in the ground'. It's the same reason kids in America don't drink aftershave or Listerine or Vanilla extract to get drunk. Because, while those things have alcohol and no age limit to purchase any of them, only desperate alcoholics would ever consider drinking them.
Anyone that thinks the prohibition on recreational drugs has anything to do with protecting the youth from dangerous drugs is taking too many recreational drugs. It's about power. It always has been about power. The people forced on us in elections may be assholes, but they are not so stupid as to not know the lessons prohibition taught us. The drug "war" and all the various society-bleeding impacts it has, with millions locked away for no better reason than getting high, the ever increasing ability of law enforcement to completely disregard our Constitutional protections, the excuses to curb other liberties in the pursuit of the anti-drug agenda, it ALL about the government gaining, maintaining, and increasing their power over the people. This is why, regardless of the research proving the medical benefits of cannabis in numerous applications, the federal government invariably ignores them in favor of their 60+ year old accumulation of deliberate lies and propaganda.
Umm the same way you would regulate alcohol and other stuff? Dixie it's not a difficult concept to follow. Good pot (i.e. what people want to smoke) requires a bit more than 'throwing some seeds in the ground'. It's the same reason kids in America don't drink aftershave or Listerine or Vanilla extract to get drunk. Because, while those things have alcohol and no age limit to purchase any of them, only desperate alcoholics would ever consider drinking them.

Again... your average teenager has no idea how to make drinkable alcohol. They could figure out how to plant a pot seed much easier. Your average teen does not know how to make snortable cocaine. Anyone who has ever owned a Chia-pet can grow pot. Kids don't drink aftershave and Listerine because it will kill you... if it wasn't harmful and they could get high, they would!

The point Damo makes is, we can legalize then regulate... but how do you regulate something that can be easily grown? I understand his idea as it applies to cocaine or alcohol, but kids don't generally know how to make those... they know how to plant a pot seed.
Again... your average teenager has no idea how to make drinkable alcohol.
Dixie, I understand you're old, and therefore completly out of touch with youth, but you're wrong. They do. I certainly did. Teenagers today have the near limitless expanse of human knowledge at their finger tips, and know that they do as well. If they cannot make alcohol at their house in secret (else they would simply have their parents buy it) how could they grow pot?
Dixie, I understand you're old, and therefore completly out of touch with youth, but you're wrong. They do. I certainly did. Teenagers today have the near limitless expanse of human knowledge at their finger tips, and know that they do as well. If they cannot make alcohol at their house in secret (else they would simply have their parents buy it) how could they grow pot?

I'm not going to entertain your stupidity further. If you would like to think that making pot legal and regulating it, would keep it out of the hands of kids, who would just say... 'aww shucks, now we can't get pot because we're under age...' then you go right ahead and be a retarded moron. With alcohol and tobacco, the kids find ways to get it... fake ids or willing adults... they would do the same with pot, but they wouldn't need to... they could drop a few seeds behind grandpaw's barn... no fake id needed.

You want me to accept that this wouldn't happen because it's "too much trouble" like making booze or cocaine... the kids would just wait in frustration until they turned legal age to get it.... I'm not stupid, but apparently, you are just a little bit.
I'm not going to entertain your stupidity further. If you would like to think that making pot legal and regulating it, would keep it out of the hands of kids, who would just say... 'aww shucks, now we can't get pot because we're under age...' then you go right ahead and be a retarded moron. With alcohol and tobacco, the kids find ways to get it... fake ids or willing adults... they would do the same with pot, but they wouldn't need to... they could drop a few seeds behind grandpaw's barn... no fake id needed.

You want me to accept that this wouldn't happen because it's "too much trouble" like making booze or cocaine... the kids would just wait in frustration until they turned legal age to get it.... I'm not stupid, but apparently, you are just a little bit.
I'm saying the majority would resort to means that they currently use to get tobacco and alcohol. I personally don't give a damn about keeping any of those out of kids hands, because I believe in parenting. But your argument that "you just drop some seeds in the ground and BAM! you gots yourself pot and joints and no trouble what so ever! Where did they get the seeds? Fuck you, they made the seeds! Why doesn't that work with any other crop? Because it's called WEED! Therefore it must be a weed! That's not just some term people invented or anything!" Lovely argument you got there Dix. There ain't enough duct tape in the world to patch all the holes in it though.
Anyone that thinks the prohibition on recreational drugs has anything to do with protecting the youth from dangerous drugs is taking too many recreational drugs. It's about power. It always has been about power. The people forced on us in elections may be assholes, but they are not so stupid as to not know the lessons prohibition taught us. The drug "war" and all the various society-bleeding impacts it has, with millions locked away for no better reason than getting high, the ever increasing ability of law enforcement to completely disregard our Constitutional protections, the excuses to curb other liberties in the pursuit of the anti-drug agenda, it ALL about the government gaining, maintaining, and increasing their power over the people. This is why, regardless of the research proving the medical benefits of cannabis in numerous applications, the federal government invariably ignores them in favor of their 60+ year old accumulation of deliberate lies and propaganda.

Great post.

I'd like to add that the cloth manufacturers, alcohol manufacturers, pharmasutical industry, and some more, look at the ending of the drug war as an act that would hurt their bottom line. They want a monopoly, (the less competition, and the fewer the choices means more $) and they don't care how many people get hurt because of it.
Anyone with two connected neurons can read about making wine and beer, even before the internet. A bit more research can reveal the basics of distilled spirits. Hell, when we lived on the res as a kid, the kids in my area would get a bunch of crab apples and make apple pruno. Smash the apples and put them in a 5 gal bucket, sneak a couple cups of sugar and a few packets of yeast from someone's grandmother's kitchen. Mix it all together, put a lid on with a couple slits cut in it, and hide in a secluded warm place (lots of those in the summer). A few days later, voila! Strain it through flour sacks, or even burlap if you like yours chewy. Tasted like shit, but would give you a good buzz.
I'm saying the majority would resort to means that they currently use to get tobacco and alcohol. I personally don't give a damn about keeping any of those out of kids hands, because I believe in parenting. But your argument that "you just drop some seeds in the ground and BAM! you gots yourself pot and joints and no trouble what so ever! Where did they get the seeds? Fuck you, they made the seeds! Why doesn't that work with any other crop? Because it's called WEED! Therefore it must be a weed! That's not just some term people invented or anything!" Lovely argument you got there Dix. There ain't enough duct tape in the world to patch all the holes in it though.

I have grown about every kind of plant known to man... one of the EASIEST to grow is marijuana.

For the record, if you personally don't give a damn about a subject, you should just pass on responding to it. That way, you don't come off looking like a total jerk and a fool. It's best to just shut up and stick to the stuff you DO give a damn about. Mmmmk?
I have grown about every kind of plant known to man... one of the EASIEST to grow is marijuana.

For the record, if you personally don't give a damn about a subject, you should just pass on responding to it. That way, you don't come off looking like a total jerk and a fool. It's best to just shut up and stick to the stuff you DO give a damn about. Mmmmk?

I give a damn about freedom, and your Swiss cheese of an argument presents a barrier towards freedom. Therfore it is my sworn duty to point out to all that flaws in your argument, innumerable that they may be. I also note that you failed to properly address just where these rebellious youths would obtain seeds, where they would reliably find a place to grow them, or have the horticultural knowledge to produce a product similar to that of commercial grade marijuana. And where you would assume that because of the aforementioned barriers youths would still choose this route over more conventional illegal means.
I give a damn about freedom, and your Swiss cheese of an argument presents a barrier towards freedom. Therfore it is my sworn duty to point out to all that flaws in your argument, innumerable that they may be. I also note that you failed to properly address just where these rebellious youths would obtain seeds, where they would reliably find a place to grow them, or have the horticultural knowledge to produce a product similar to that of commercial grade marijuana. And where you would assume that because of the aforementioned barriers youths would still choose this route over more conventional illegal means.

I like freedom too, I don't think we should all be allowed to run around naked in public... I understand there has to be boundaries and limitations to our freedom. I realize that fully legalizing pot, would make it far more accessible to young people, who would be far more likely to abuse it, and have trouble functioning in society under it's influence. I don't expect you to give a damn about that, you are a selfish little prick who thinks of no one but your self... but a lot of people ARE concerned and DO give a damn, and are quite offended having their respect for liberty being called into question by punks like you.

Seeds are no more difficult to obtain than a bag of pot! I never said anything about 'rebellious' youth.. just your typical run of the mill youth could figure out how to grow pot... like you said, wealth of information at their fingertips these days... so why you want to be so dumb acting about this? It doesn't take a horticulture genius to grow pot, it's relatively easy to do, seeds are relatively easy to get... more so than a fake ID or willing adult... or learning how to brew hooch (even if you could figure out how to sneak 50 lbs of cracked corn by Mom.) Teens (for the most part) aren't going to pose a problem distilling spirits, because too much has to go into that, too many things they would have to hide from Mom and Dad... (not that it COULDN'T be done) ...but growing a pot plant? Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!
I like freedom too, I don't think we should all be allowed to run around naked in public... I understand there has to be boundaries and limitations to our freedom. I realize that fully legalizing pot, would make it far more accessible to young people, who would be far more likely to abuse it, and have trouble functioning in society under it's influence. I don't expect you to give a damn about that, you are a selfish little prick who thinks of no one but your self... but a lot of people ARE concerned and DO give a damn, and are quite offended having their respect for liberty being called into question by punks like you.

Seeds are no more difficult to obtain than a bag of pot! I never said anything about 'rebellious' youth.. just your typical run of the mill youth could figure out how to grow pot... like you said, wealth of information at their fingertips these days... so why you want to be so dumb acting about this? It doesn't take a horticulture genius to grow pot, it's relatively easy to do, seeds are relatively easy to get... more so than a fake ID or willing adult... or learning how to brew hooch (even if you could figure out how to sneak 50 lbs of cracked corn by Mom.) Teens (for the most part) aren't going to pose a problem distilling spirits, because too much has to go into that, too many things they would have to hide from Mom and Dad... (not that it COULDN'T be done) ...but growing a pot plant? Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!

Is running around naked in public a federal issue. Outside the military, or government employees?

Pot couldn't be more accessible to young people than through the prohibition we live with today.

Prohibition is the third biggest threat to our liberties, and freedoms, (in my opinion) and our constitutional rights.
Is running around naked in public a federal issue. Outside the military, or government employees?

Pot couldn't be more accessible to young people than through the prohibition we live with today.

Prohibition is the third biggest threat to our liberties, and freedoms, (in my opinion) and our constitutional rights.

Whether running around naked in public is a "federal issue" or not, is beside the point, and has nothing to do with what we are talking about. Are you going to join Dumbass in the Stupidity Parade here? I pointed out that I am in favor of "decriminalization" of pot... not "legalization" of pot... I explained the difference and why I support what I do. Damo says he would legalize pot but heavily restrict it, so that young people couldn't have easy access... and that idea works for booze and cocaine, etc... I don't think it works for pot, because any buffoon can grow a pot plant, it's not that hard to do. So far, Damo hasn't responded... the Idiot responded with some high-horse rant about freedom, and how kids wouldn't bother growing pot because it's too hard. You chime in with more Libertarian idiocy, and neither one of you are on topic anymore, you are just flailing away at me because I guess you think I am an uptight prick who wants to keep pot illegal. Read again... I want to DECRIMINALIZE it... make it to where it's not a felony to possess up to a certain amount, it's not a felony to grow a certain amount for personal use, providing you are of legal age, etc. Keep the laws on DUI, keep the laws on under-age, keep the laws on growing for distribution and selling... just decriminalize simple possession. This takes care of 98% of the problem you have with pot now, and doesn't relax regulation to the point that youth might be effected. They will still get their hands on it, they will still find a way to subvert the system, they are kids.... they always find a way.