Echo chambers !

desh I did not say nobody liked you. I said you were a mental patient. I think for many you are the lovable forum retard.
Well I figured the point of these sorts of forums is discussion. Seems that blocking individuals defeats that purpise.

Unless you notice that some posters spam the ever living shit out of thread and constantly DERAIL the discussion. Those are the ones that should be banned if you want an actual discussion to occur.
what do you have? nobody likes you here ...go eat a worm.

yeap he thought if he told me nobody liked me here I would leave.

it didn't work

he keeps trying that playground tactic however

He tried telling me no one here gave two rat farts about anything I had to say.

I actually had to point out to our Dim Bulb Mod that, with one or two exceptions, I don't care what ANYONE from this tiny corner of the interwebs thinks about me or mine.

Can you believe Grind actually needed to be told that? And he calls me the stupid one?
He tried telling me no one here gave two rat farts about anything I had to say.

I actually had to point out to our Dim Bulb Mod that, with one or two exceptions, I don't care what ANYONE from this tiny corner of the interwebs thinks about me or mine.

Can you believe Grind actually needed to be told that? And he calls me the stupid one?

All of your whining would contradict your claim that you don't care.
Unless you notice that some posters spam the ever living shit out of thread and constantly DERAIL the discussion. Those are the ones that should be banned if you want an actual discussion to occur.
Yeah I had noticed. If the mods are up for a few busy days that can be rectified. But cant blame them, that job is no fun. Of course a dead forum isnt so great either.
that is why Im likely the most frequently banned person here.

they can not deal with my fact slaughters of their idiot ideas.

they fear so they ban what they cant deny

More likely we're tired of trying to deal with a psychotic like you. No one enjoys your filthy mouth but you....

You think raving like a lunatic is debating, don't know wtf you ever got that idea.
Maybe you need to hook up with Zappas and compare notes
For what purpose ? Besides management is good with posts involving violent sexual encounters. Its a bare knuckles melee in the nursery they want and its just that which they got. Its their bat and ball though so they can call it however they wish.