Echo chambers !

I gave you your own leaders words DIRECT from his own MOUTH that he wants to keep people from voting to win.

I gave you court cases refused by the SCOTUS to prove the courts all think the republicans need to be PUNISHED for cheating.

what Proof have you given of your idiot claim?
desh you are the forum joke. the only sad thing is you are too mentally retarded to see how everyone else perceives you. from both left and right. you're a laughing stock here, no one reads a post you make and goes "yeah, desh did it again, she really is smart at laying out her points." No one has ever thought that in the entire history of jpp.

this was grind saying to me No one likes you so go eat a worm.
what do you have? nobody likes you here ...go eat a worm.

yeap he thought if he told me nobody liked me here I would leave.

it didn't work

he keeps trying that playground tactic however
and there it is gentle reader,

I chide grind for using a childish arguement of go away no one likes you here and this fucking scum just lies about what I said right in the face of facts.

is that math you do to make yourself feel better?
Good. That's all it took? Please leave again, you've worn out your welcome and you are a grade A idiot.

never has happened. You are not intelligent. You just spam news articles and then when something comes to fruition you pretend that you had some knowledge about something when you probably couldn't even read what you posted.

Don't agree with desh? Your decency as a human being must be called into question.

he really wants me to leave
desh you are the forum joke. the only sad thing is you are too mentally retarded to see how everyone else perceives you. from both left and right. you're a laughing stock here, no one reads a post you make and goes "yeah, desh did it again, she really is smart at laying out her points." No one has ever thought that in the entire history of jpp.

post 38
Meh. Most people are pretty smart. They've just got a lot going on. Work, kids, the limits of their education - things just keep them from looking at politics all the time. And ordinary folks don't have a hand in operating the government, or their place of employment. This isn't so good for creating a smart citizenry.

But they're smarter than you think.

Oh no they're not. If anything they're dumber.
desh, no need to get emotional. I was just letting you know the true facts: that most of the forum likes the feature (because everybody uses it), that this feature was put into place on behalf of mostly left leaning posters, not right leaning posters, and that it is a very useful feature to ban idiots like you from our threads. No one is scared of anything you say. We laugh at what you say. I personally just dont like you making 10 posts in a row saying the same thing over and over like a broken record. Looks like it really strikes a nerve with you though. Maybe you can't stand that not everyone views you with the same level of importance that you view for yourself?

post 40
desh, the biggest breakthrough you will have on this site, is that while you view yourself as this truth warrior with tons of facts and a capable smart poster, everyone else views you entirely the opposite. I can't repeat this enough, you are just a JPP mental patient. I have had private conversations with people (so I am not just saying this on here) where I theorized you are in a hospital ward and you get computer time, or that you are being looked after by a caring family and you get allotted x amount of computer time a day. You have zero sentience.

You probably think I am saying these things to be mean, but I am not. I just need you to know the truth (because you love it so much): nobody respects you, nobody takes you seriously. you are a joke. You have always been a joke, you'll continue to be a joke.

post 54
he kept using the childish tactic of nobody likes you everybody hates you just go eat a worm .

I have commented that very way on those types of posts before you lying rats ass licker