Echo chambers !

anyone who kicks your ass daily with facts is a troll?

your a loney immature manchild who adheres to sociopathic policy and you call others whp care about people trolls.

tiny fucking scraps of power send your silly self into daily moral quandaries.

grow up

You know Desh, if it was just one, or two, or even three people maybe just maybe you could say that they are the douchbags. But think about this for a second.

By your own admission, you have been banned from just about every other forum you have been on

People from all sides think you are a dim bulb of ultimate proportions. Even those who are inclined to side with you politically.

Have you ever for one second thought that maybe, just maybe it might be, I don't know; YOU?
anyone who kicks your ass daily with facts is a troll?

your a loney immature manchild who adheres to sociopathic policy and you call others whp care about people trolls.

tiny fucking scraps of power send your silly self into daily moral quandaries.

grow up

you have never kicked my ass. you were to afraid to even join the debate competition because you know you would have gotten decimated.
Desh, I love you commitment, but look. anyone who watches on feels you arent debating.

Rose came back , and swore you and Zippy lost your minds. You should relax, read some nice fiction. and sort thrrough your mail. Then make a list of your major beliefs.

After meditating upon such a list, go find multiple pieces of proof. bring them here.

I swear to front of all 20 the posters of JPP I will look through whatever you pm or post.

just take a step back and find a more effective way to debate. Please, I want to help.
most americans probably have zero clue. they are dumb as you are, they just pay attention to different things.

Meh. Most people are pretty smart. They've just got a lot going on. Work, kids, the limits of their education - things just keep them from looking at politics all the time. And ordinary folks don't have a hand in operating the government, or their place of employment. This isn't so good for creating a smart citizenry.

But they're smarter than you think.
Desh, I love you commitment, but look. anyone who watches on feels you arent debating.

Rose came back , and swore you and Zippy lost your minds. You should relax, read some nice fiction. and sort thrrough your mail. Then make a list of your major beliefs.

After meditating upon such a list, go find multiple pieces of proof. bring them here.

I swear to front of all 20 the posters of JPP I will look through whatever you pm or post.

just take a step back and find a more effective way to debate. Please, I want to help.

You are a kind hearted person for offering such sage advice, but I fear that Deshy is too far gone. I mean she has now taken to launch into rape fantasies. She is one disturbed individual. I gave it some thought last night, and I have decided to keep her on ignore. I have always approached interacting with her as that of me being a cat batting a mouse back and forth. But, now I fear that I am doing damage to her already delicate psyche. I would hate to think I am responsible for some tragic episode because Desh snapped and completely lost her mind.

In Deshys mind this is how to debate. Crap flood the site and try to overwhelm people until the eventually give up in frustration. Then she claims VICTORY. As Grind has said on multiple occasions, there will be no way for her to change her behavior as long as people give her what she wants.
You know Desh, if it was just one, or two, or even three people maybe just maybe you could say that they are the douchbags. But think about this for a second.

By your own admission, you have been banned from just about every other forum you have been on

People from all sides think you are a dim bulb of ultimate proportions. Even those who are inclined to side with you politically.

Have you ever for one second thought that maybe, just maybe it might be, I don't know; YOU?

I have never said this you fucking liar.

I don't care what you think about me but lying about me is still fucking lying .
Meh. Most people are pretty smart. They've just got a lot going on. Work, kids, the limits of their education - things just keep them from looking at politics all the time. And ordinary folks don't have a hand in operating the government, or their place of employment. This isn't so good for creating a smart citizenry.

But they're smarter than you think.

there are sources who try to purposefully MISINFORM the public.

end those assholes and see how well people start understanding politics.
Desh, I love you commitment, but look. anyone who watches on feels you arent debating.

Rose came back , and swore you and Zippy lost your minds. You should relax, read some nice fiction. and sort thrrough your mail. Then make a list of your major beliefs.

After meditating upon such a list, go find multiple pieces of proof. bring them here.

I swear to front of all 20 the posters of JPP I will look through whatever you pm or post.

just take a step back and find a more effective way to debate. Please, I want to help.

awe gee thanks.

go get some facts and trust in things like court documented evidence for a change and I might even think you have more than three brain cells to rub together.

in the meantime listen to this song
Desh, I love you commitment, but look. anyone who watches on feels you arent debating.

Rose came back , and swore you and Zippy lost your minds. You should relax, read some nice fiction. and sort thrrough your mail. Then make a list of your major beliefs.

After meditating upon such a list, go find multiple pieces of proof. bring them here.

I swear to front of all 20 the posters of JPP I will look through whatever you pm or post.

just take a step back and find a more effective way to debate. Please, I want to help.

It's kind of you to compassionately offer but it will probably fall upon death ears. Debate to her means she has a court case against Republicans. That's it. It's her entire being. I'm hanging out with my three year old nephew and when he gets something in his mind he states it over and over. Sort of like Desh and this court case. Desh doesn't understand what actual debate. Not trying to be an ass it's just reality.
you people in the right here PRETEND your party doesn't fucking cheat.

its because you lie whenever it suits you.

The FACTS are that your republican party has had to CHEAT for decades now to win elections.

court documented right up to t recent SCOTUS decision.

The media never reports on this for some reason.

so because FOX pretends those facts don't exist you lap their taint and pretend facts are not facts.

I will repeat those set of facts FOREVER because it proves your dishonest and cant make good decision due to your inability to incorporate ALL the facts into your decisions.


ruck you very much

they don't go away because you don't like them
there are sources who try to purposefully MISINFORM the public.

end those assholes and see how well people start understanding politics.


Your folks do the same. Just as much as the Rs, they're accountable to and complicit with the prevailing class. And my fellow Marxists and socialists do it plenty as well. We're just of different things.

In this context, information is generally a product of it's source's societal roles and affiliations. This isn't a matter of right and wrong, or of true and false, it's of power and interest.