Echo chambers !


Allen Raymond was sentenced to five months in federal prison on February 8, 2005, for his role. A month later, Charles McGee received seven months. James Tobin refused to cooperate with investigators as his trial approached. During Tobin's trial, questions arose about the source of the money involved in funding the phone jamming and his defense.

In July, the Union Leader reported that one of Tobin's attorneys told the court he was representing the defendant in his capacity as an employee of the Republican National Committee (RNC).[13] Since the RNC had stated that Tobin was acting on his own in a rogue operation, it was asked, why would they be paying for his defense?

In August, the RNC finally confirmed that it had spent more than $722,000 for Tobin's defense by the Washington firm of Williams & Connolly. "This support is based on his assurance and our belief that Jim has not engaged in any wrongdoing," a spokesperson told the Associated Press.[14] The Union Leader reported in February 2006 that the RNC had paid $1.7 million to Williams on the day Tobin was sentenced, for a total of $2.5 million, and would neither confirm nor deny that it was still paying his legal expenses.[15] The RNC's first financial report of 2006 indicated that it by then spent another $330,000.[16] Later that year, Tobin's wife was hired by the NRSC as a consultant on the unsuccessful re-election campaign of Rhode Island senator Lincoln Chafee, as Northeast Strategies, a company that listed the Tobins' home as its main address. Despite her lack of any previous experience, she was paid at $300,000.[17]

On August 28, Marshall reported[13] that two Indian tribes, the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians and the Mississippi Choctaw, known clients of influential lobbyist Jack Abramoff, himself at the center of a widening scandal, had made $5,000 contributions[18] (the legal maximum) to the NHGOP the week of the election in 2002. Neither was known to have any interest in New Hampshire. Later, staffers for Judd Gregg, New Hampshire's senior senator and also a Republican, explained that they had passed along the checks without his knowledge.[19]
how can you claim the SCOTUS did not look at the case and refuse to help the republican party?

you are denying cold hard facts
why did the SCOTUS not protect your party?

Deshy, this article that you think supports all of your claims is filled with words like




Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously? All of this crap flooding over words like "could" and "allegations"

Nigga please
on WHAT basis do you deny the SCOTUS refused relief to the republican party in this case?

I am not denying anything about the Supreme Court. I am saying that your article is not "court documented proof the GOP cheats" as you have claimed low these many months. Your article is filled with words like

"could" and "allegations"

Nigga please. Ya gots ta do beta than that
Dear fucking IDIOT,

the case they turned down is a series of COURT cases in which the republican party repeatedly BROKE the consent decree to cheat voters so the courts NEVER let them out of the consent decree for DECADES NOW!

it is court documented you fucking idiot liar
how can you claim court documents are not court documents?

because your a fucking moraless asshole who lives in a world of fucking lies
Dear fucking IDIOT,

the case they turned down is a series of COURT cases in which the republican party repeatedly BROKE the consent decree to cheat voters so the courts NEVER let them out of the consent decree for DECADES NOW!

it is court documented you fucking idiot liar

nigga please

your link does not prove what you claim it proves. That is why you are such a waste of space on this forum. You are stupid.

And it isn't what you don't know that makes you so fucking annoying. It is what you think you know that is completely fucking wrong that makes you so fucking annoying. Think about this Deshy Dearest. You have been banned from every other forum you have been on. Even your fellow lefties here call you obnoxious and stupid. But instead of reflecting on how you present yourself, it only makes you that much more cocksure about "how right you are". That is classic delusions with narcissistic tendencies.

Back to the ignore bin you go.
desh, no need to get emotional.

You mean emotional like you constantly become emotional?

you have a mental disorder, nobody respects you, and you're a moron.

desh you are the forum joke. the only sad thing is you are too mentally're a laughing stock here, no one reads a post you make

Emotional you.

I was just letting you know the true facts: that most of the forum likes the feature (because everybody uses it), that this feature was put into place on behalf of mostly left leaning posters, not right leaning posters, and that it is a very useful feature to ban idiots like you from our threads. No one is scared of anything you say. We laugh at what you say. I personally just dont like you making 10 posts in a row saying the same thing over and over like a broken record. Looks like it really strikes a nerve with you though. Maybe you can't stand that not everyone views you with the same level of importance that you view for yourself?

Crybaby Mod can't STAND that board posters are seeing him for the petulant, emotional little child he truly is.
If I can't handle debate, then why do I not ban every liberal from my threads? or many other liberals? Haven't you realized it's only a very limited select few people I consistently ban? Usually it's just you and zappas. that's it.

Your theory doesn't match up with the facts desh.

You are not a worthy debate opponent, you have holes in your brain. I don't have any respect for anything you would type, so why would I let someone like you in my thread?

You cry and whine about wanting civil debate from me.

And then you ban me from making an attempt.

That my friends is the very essence of two-faced.
this post is very close to the shit you used to say to me back in the day grind.

Its one of the reasons I left this site for years.

there I was telling you people what happened or was about to happen and giving you my proof of why I thought it did or would happen,.

You would just fucking tell me I was crazy and no one liked me.

then when I proved to be correct you would just tell me shit like this again.


Good. That's all it took? Please leave again, you've worn out your welcome and you are a grade A idiot.

you fucks would NOT EVEN ADMITT that I have been proven correct.

never has happened. You are not intelligent. You just spam news articles and then when something comes to fruition you pretend that you had some knowledge about something when you probably couldn't even read what you posted.

You don't do facts

you don't act like decent humans.

Don't agree with desh? Your decency as a human being must be called into question.