Echo chambers !

and look at them making fun of the history of the republican party.

I find it very telling that all these "oh Im not a republican" people can not bring themselves to believe the court documented facts that PROVE beyond any shaddow of a doubt that its the republican party that has to be court sanctioned to keep it from cheating Americans out of their votes.

there is no such court record for ANY other party
and your response to the republican partys plans to cheat people out of their votes in next years election gets nothing but cheers from all you righties.

YOU condone cheating in this country as long as its the right doing it and gaining from it
and your response to the republican partys plans to cheat people out of their votes in next years election gets nothing but cheers from all you righties.

YOU condone cheating in this country as long as its the right doing it and gaining from it

when do you have to give the computer back to the other water heads in the asylum?
when will you accept cold hard court documented cases that end in obvious punishment of the republican party for cheating in elections.

Right up to the SCOTUS refusing to give them relief.

they are guilty and you all know it

Yet you JUST KEEP pretending that there is some cheating to stop with IDs when EVERY study done shows there is no fraud to stop.

You just keep pretending its a GREAT IDEA to keep legal voters from voting to stop non existant crimes.

why do you do that?

why do you DENY all the facts to back this obvious LIE????????
and look at them making fun of the history of the republican party.

I find it very telling that all these "oh Im not a republican" people can not bring themselves to believe the court documented facts that PROVE beyond any shaddow of a doubt that its the republican party that has to be court sanctioned to keep it from cheating Americans out of their votes.

there is no such court record for ANY other party

the whole world doesn't revolve around you desh. we don't have to comment on things we don't want to. and your attitude and general demeanor just means it's going to happen even less.
yes I know

you have very little ammunition left

the facts are just that overwhelmingly against your historically failed ideas
see how you OUT yourself grindage?

you should hate their cheating as much as I do if you were not buried up their ass
so you want your cheating to stay covered?

where did I say this?

If you are not a republican

WHY do you pretend this court documented evidence is not real?

1) I haven't pretended that
2) I haven't made a comment on it one way or the other
3) Even if I did, that wouldn't necessarily make me a republican. Your logic doesn't follow.

see how you OUT yourself grindage?
you should hate their cheating as much as I do if you were not buried up their ass

"you should be exactly like me" - desh
Oh I may have missed some of your posts on it then.

you accept the fact that the republican party has been repeatedly caught cheating in elections for decades now and that even the right leaning scotus were not willing to help them out of the court supervision they have been under for three decades now because of their repeated cheating in elections?
Oh I may have missed some of your posts on it then.

you accept the fact that the republican party has been repeatedly caught cheating in elections for decades now and that even the right leaning scotus were not willing to help them out of the court supervision they have been under for three decades now because of their repeated cheating in elections?

no comment
anyone who kicks your ass daily with facts is a troll?

your a loney immature manchild who adheres to sociopathic policy and you call others whp care about people trolls.

tiny fucking scraps of power send your silly self into daily moral quandaries.

grow up
anyone who kicks your ass daily with facts is a troll?

your a loney immature manchild who adheres to sociopathic policy and you call others whp care about people trolls.

tiny fucking scraps of power send your silly self into daily moral quandaries.

grow up

People who point out his two-faced hypocrisy are trolls.

No surprise really that a "head in the sand" coward who constantly hides behind "the threadban function" like Grind would attempt to make such a connection.
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