Editor of "The New Individualist"


Not So Junior Member
Libertarianism may well find it's place. If the candidates sounded more like this, the philosophy might become more widespread. There can be found reasons for the middle of both major parties to move in the direction espoused by libertarians, that Ron Paul managed to attract the fringes of both parties along with some of the middle and many ill-informed college age students should be worrisome.
Libertarianism may well find it's place. If the candidates sounded more like this, the philosophy might become more widespread. There can be found reasons for the middle of both major parties to move in the direction espoused by libertarians, that Ron Paul managed to attract the fringes of both parties along with some of the middle and many ill-informed college age students should be worrisome.

Libertarianism has found it's place, but it's candidates sound like Ron Paul.

The status quo fears Ron Paul's talk of monetary reform because they like the ability create all the money they need out of thin air. Libertarianism is not just "free market" zealotry, though the fascists wish it were.
You do have a disconnect with reality problem don't ya asshat ?

No. I have a problem with people who see some form of enhanced fascism as the only valid solution to anything. You, for instance, only want more handouts for people as a response to unemployment from globalists selling us out, instead of trying to actually stop globalists from selling us out.
RP is pro business. Pro business means pro globalization now.

No it doesn't. That's just what internationalists want it to mean. He's also against fiat currency, the phenomenon that transforms capitalism into fascism. He's also against the wars used to force people into the global commerce system against their will. In a pure ron paul universe, capitalism wouldn't be as morally suspect.
umm most all US businesses are deeply intertwined in globalization now. Drink another cup of coffee dude.
right I keep telling you to not buy Chinese stuff, but you keep right on doing it.

We need a top down policy. We have always used tariffs and embargoes for political and economic ends. A glut of chinese cheap stuff has nearly destroyed other competitors in many markets. With a better policy, we could give non slave goods a chance to succeed, and non slave master manufacturers a chance to flourish.
Libertarianism may well find it's place. If the candidates sounded more like this, the philosophy might become more widespread. There can be found reasons for the middle of both major parties to move in the direction espoused by libertarians, that Ron Paul managed to attract the fringes of both parties along with some of the middle and many ill-informed college age students should be worrisome.

He's just a stupid neolibertarian loon. Of course you would like him, but he's going to hell in a handbasket with all the neoconservatives. Libertarianism and war and unjustified interventionism WILL NEVER WORK WITH LIBERTARIANISM. EVER.
He's just a stupid neolibertarian loon. Of course you would like him, but he's going to hell in a handbasket with all the neoconservatives. Libertarianism and war and unjustified interventionism WILL NEVER WORK WITH LIBERTARIANISM. EVER.

So even the 'libertarians' are breaking into splinters. Too bad they never could get it together. :clink:
So even the 'libertarians' are breaking into splinters. Too bad they never could get it together. :clink:

Neolibertarians have been a part of the libertarian movement for a long time. There's room for them but they will never be predominant, just like neoconservatives never will be.