Editor of "The New Individualist"

Neolibertarians have been a part of the libertarian movement for a long time. There's room for them but they will never be predominant, just like neoconservatives never will be.

Time will tell in all things. Never say never.
Time will tell in all things. Never say never.

What's the difference between a neo-libertarian and the whacked globalist free market zealots, who believe people do not have a right to opt out of harmful trade agreements?

YOu can answer too, watermark.
How do free people compete with slaves?

Good question. I say they can't without becoming slaves themselves. Being against slavery is not an economic position, it's a moral one. It's based on the concept that some conditions and practices are wrong even if they are profitable. To propagate our morality into the future and to defeat the morality of totalitarian barbarity, we should ban slave goods on the global markets, and avoid the "race to the bottom".
Good question. I say they can't without becoming slaves themselves. Being against slavery is not an economic position, it's a moral one. It's based on the concept that some conditions and practices are wrong even if they are profitable. To propagate our morality into the future and to defeat the morality of totalitarian barbarity, we should ban slave goods on the global markets, and avoid the "race to the bottom".

Your morality is not my morality; some would argue that there is no universal morality.
What's the difference between a neo-libertarian and the whacked globalist free market zealots, who believe people do not have a right to opt out of harmful trade agreements?

YOu can answer too, watermark.

Sure, AssHat. Opt out of "harmful" trade agreements all you want. Just don't force your idiocy on me too.
Sure, AssHat. Opt out of "harmful" trade agreements all you want. Just don't force your idiocy on me too.

So the government has no duty to people to sculpt economic conditions in such a way that employment is available? Because they do sculpt the economy. And tariffs to protect workers and markets have long been a legitimate practice. It's only people who want turn americans into slaves who deny the validity of these practices.
So the government has no duty to people to sculpt economic conditions in such a way that employment is available? Because they do sculpt the economy. And tariffs to protect workers and markets have long been a legitimate practice. It's only people who want turn americans into slaves who deny the validity of these practices.

Yep, I'll take the slavery AssHat. I can just feel it coming on any day now.
We need a top down policy. We have always used tariffs and embargoes for political and economic ends. A glut of chinese cheap stuff has nearly destroyed other competitors in many markets. With a better policy, we could give non slave goods a chance to succeed, and non slave master manufacturers a chance to flourish.

You realize that if we suddenly placed an embargo or massive tariffs on China that they would demand full payment on the trade deficit, right?
You realize that if we suddenly placed an embargo or massive tariffs on China that they would demand full payment on the trade deficit, right?

Huh? Their is no payment to be made. They can start dropping the dollar, but that hurts them as well. They can stop purchasing our bonds, which would cause our interest rates to climb. But they have no claim to any payment.
you would not need the govt controls if you had self control about buying imported stuff.

It has long been recognized that the government should intervene in terms of market protectionism. You're new "blame the people" approach is pretty f#ckheaded and stupid.
Kathiann. I sure hope your a real woman---I might like you. :) Darla on the other hand, is a gay fellow with a womans name trying to seduce the men here. That is as honest as a liberial gets.

The philosophy of libertarianism is what made this country great for it's people. Unfortunatly, we don't teach that in government schools or liberial universities. The sad fact is---people don't know what freedom is anymore. It has been conditioned out of us as a whole---which is why you see Hillery, Obamma, Edwards, McCane and Huckabee on the media more than anybody else.

We forgot what freedom is. We forgot, and stoned hippies are replacing our liberities and freedom with socialism. The exact way Hitler started.
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You realize that if we suddenly placed an embargo or massive tariffs on China that they would demand full payment on the trade deficit, right?

They could crush our ecomony--and just played that card a few weeks ago. One thing I learned as a child. Do not put yourself in a postition to be taken advantage of--and that is what we did with China. The own us as much as large coproations today. They are in bed together.
Libertaniarism has found it's place. Down near the bottom. It has already been there for some time.

Yep--that is correct. The people lost control over their government at the exact same time when libertarianism lost the top spot. The Dem and rep party were born--and the money talked.
No. I have a problem with people who see some form of enhanced fascism as the only valid solution to anything. You, for instance, only want more handouts for people as a response to unemployment from globalists selling us out, instead of trying to actually stop globalists from selling us out.

Man--you should really consider running for office. But you have to have a lot of money and rich frineds to win today. Oh well---there goes all I worked for.

Your words can not be logically disputed by any liberial. They have no logic---just emotion. If a candidate trys to sell you a socialist idea by crying "what about the children"---don't vote for them. They will take all the money they can, that we earn, and the children will not be better off having owners.

if liberials think they feel food emotionally by taking my money and giving it to a government to distribute 20% of it to the cause---you libs should feel how good it is to keep your own money so you can take care of yourself---like a American--not a socialist bordering on the edge of comunisum. It is actually good that Hitler existed in the respect that we need to remember how communisum started in Germany.

weclome to the Untited states of amnesia.
RP is pro business. Pro business means pro globalization now.

Your twisted again. I am pro business---but not at the expense of the American population. When I say irresponsible globalization--I mean just that.

Ron Paul would not have signed NAFTA. Big businesws wanted it written, payed off republicans to write it, and then payed off Clinton to sign it. I just don't see Ron Paul selling us out like that.