Editor of "The New Individualist"

right I keep telling you to not buy Chinese stuff, but you keep right on doing it.

Umm---we lost our jobs and or make less money while everything else goes up. We are at the point where probably 90% of all product on the shelf is made by a slave country (we are next).

Ya know what I would have said to these companmies that left their American workers (who helped them get rich here first) for overseas slave labor?

"Fine---go over there. But your not selling your product here, and your USA manufactuing facility will be sold to venture capatolists to produce the product here--with your old building, machinery and employees. We can pay the employees more for that product so you can afford to buy it." If you cant find or afford American made products (or any other well established country on our level as a society)---you are already a victim of irresponsibel globalization

We don't need China junk and lower corner cutting prices. We can make anything ourselfs, and set our own ecomonmy. When these slave countries step up to the plate, and pay their people comparatively as us---we will be happy to do business with them, wity opt our companies jumping ship. There will be no desire to move the manufactuing if we were truly on a fair playing field.

you have to realize---if we don't make things in this country--we will be poor. I contribute 100% of our falling ecomony to irresponsibe trade policies for coporate globaiization sharholders. They did not give a fuck about anybody but there own bottom line, but I can see the catch 22 position they are in---but they wanted it.

You watch every year, unless we change the way we do business globally, those unemployment and home forclosure numbers will contiune to rise. City bank just reported record losss, and it will trickle up to every body but the decision makers. They know how to protect their assets well.
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you would not need the govt controls if you had self control about buying imported stuff.

Go find me a pair of pants that are made in the USA.

Your words are out of context. We can't buy American products if they are not made here. We can't afford to buy American products because our market is flooded with junk, and our pay is down because of irresponsible globalization.

Most people can't afford a well made American product--and they may never be able to again.

But, I did buy a Ford Mustang, and I love lighting the tires up at a stop light next to a Prius.
It doesn't just depend on me. We have always used tariffs and conditional trade agreements. Pretending otherwise is just being a fat liar.

Question---how does a tariff, payed to our government, help out the guy who just lost his job and home? My point is, the people don't get helped with tariffs. The government takes the money and spends it as fast as they can.
Go find me a pair of pants that are made in the USA.

Your words are out of context. We can't buy American products if they are not made here. We can't afford to buy American products because our market is flooded with junk, and our pay is down because of irresponsible globalization.

Most people can't afford a well made American product--and they may never be able to again.

But, I did buy a Ford Mustang, and I love lighting the tires up at a stop light next to a Prius.


Here you can find all items of wonder created right here in the US.

Welcome to teh internets.
He's just a stupid neolibertarian loon. Of course you would like him, but he's going to hell in a handbasket with all the neoconservatives. Libertarianism and war and unjustified interventionism WILL NEVER WORK WITH LIBERTARIANISM. EVER.

It worked well before you got educated by liberials. It made us the most prosperous country in the world, in record short time. Refute that if you must---liberial. Go live on Haight Ashberry street--where your philosphies came from. The liberitarian philosophy started this great country--liberials are killing it.

Your a cop--your not edutated in freedom, and you don't know what freedom is. You were trained that way. You were hired to rule people--and I paid your wages. Your welcome.

Here you can find all items of wonder created right here in the US.

Welcome to teh internets.

Good web site. Thanks. What is there--12 products there, and I don't see any Levi's. Where did our pants go? Same place our automotive manufacturing, and most other manufacturing is going. Oh yea---I boutgh 5 pair of levi's a while back. All the same style and size. There is over 1" vairience in the waist size and two pair don't fit. We did not have those quality problems before levi moved to Mexico---and the retail price was the same--it is even higher now. There is insult to injury there.
So even the 'libertarians' are breaking into splinters. Too bad they never could get it together. :clink:

On the contrary. Liberitarians are the only people that have it together. Proof---we don't want or need socialism welfare or need to be taken care of. We also take care of our own children, because we don't want our children to go hungry either.

To bad liberials can't take care of them selfs without taking other peoples money. Oh well---there goes our American dream.
Good question. I say they can't without becoming slaves themselves. Being against slavery is not an economic position, it's a moral one. It's based on the concept that some conditions and practices are wrong even if they are profitable. To propagate our morality into the future and to defeat the morality of totalitarian barbarity, we should ban slave goods on the global markets, and avoid the "race to the bottom".

Remember when Kathy Lee Gifford caught all that flack for having her clothing line made by slave labor? Boy, things have sure changed quickly as far as the media propergating the morality of that philosophy. Now, it is worldly accepted to fuck your neighbor for a buck. Ya never hear a word about the morality of outsourcing today.
If that's your choice...

It is not a choice. We are slaves.

pay taxes and get homes for people, food for people, shelter for people, and health care for people.

Hmm--the black slaves had the same thing--shelter provided, food provided, clothing provided, and health care provided------also with no disposable income for them selfs for their labor.

I see the parallel. Slavery is alive and well in the USA--watermark just does not realize (because he is a liberial kook) he is already a slave.
Good web site. Thanks. What is there--12 products there, and I don't see any Levi's. Where did our pants go? Same place our automotive manufacturing, and most other manufacturing is going. Oh yea---I boutgh 5 pair of levi's a while back. All the same style and size. There is over 1" vairience in the waist size and two pair don't fit. We did not have those quality problems before levi moved to Mexico---and the retail price was the same--it is even higher now. There is insult to injury there.
There is a crapload. Use the links on the left, click the category you want to shop for.

Don't be deliberately disingenuous.

This is also only one of many sites that cater to those who wish to buy American.
There is a crapload. Use the links on the left, click the category you want to shop for.

Don't be deliberately disingenuous.

This is also only one of many sites that cater to those who wish to buy American.

A load of crap? Are you telling me that there are more USA made products on the shelfs than slave countries products (coupled with American greedy companies)? What kind of crap are you spewing telling us to buy American, when probably about 10% of our products are on our shelfs. Don't you go to a store ever? Don't you see all those fat kids on welfare that are suppose to be starving in this country like Desh says?

A load of crap is telling people that it is their fault for not buying American, when compettitive American products do not exist for the most part today.

leave it to a liberial to twist the facts.
A load of crap? Are you telling me that there are more USA made products on the shelfs than slave countries products (coupled with American greedy companies)? What kind of crap are you spewing telling us to buy American, when probably about 10% of our products are on our shelfs. Don't you go to a store ever? Don't you see all those fat kids on welfare that are suppose to be starving in this country like Desh says?

A load of crap is telling people that it is their fault for not buying American, when compettitive American products do not exist for the most part today.

leave it to a liberial to twist the facts.
Who said there were more? You asked for somebody to find a pair of American made pants. I did you one better and found a myriad of items for sale, including pants, that were made in America.
be an individualist follow ron paul ???? how does that work ?
I follow no one .

Ohh--your a leader? you have origional liberial philosophies---like those are your own?

When I say no taxes for military that sees combat--that is orgional.

You are a liberial, and never had an orgional thought in your life.

I have not heard you say anything that Hillery has not pushed on you.
Who said there were more? You asked for somebody to find a pair of American made pants. I did you one better and found a myriad of items for sale, including pants, that were made in America.

Look evader. You said it was the consumers fault that we buy cheap products from slave labor. That is what you said to AHZ. Do I need to copy and paste it here for you and you drunk memory?

My point is that you are a fool for thinking we have good choices in the products we buy. How may US products on our shelfs directly support your point (and it is a point). You can not make a statement like it is consumers fault, when 90% of the product is made by slave labor. Is it yolur fault that you don't have a fuel cell? No---where are you going to get the hydrogen? If it does not exist--you can't buy it.

I can live without every product on that web site. But, I do give great credit to companies that refuse to leave, and feel the responsibility to keep America working. Kudos to them--and I say yes--buy their products if you have a choice when you shop---even if it costs more money.

the fact is---90% of the time we don't have a choice today---so you comment is almost irrevelent.

That is like saying it is the consumers fault that there is high gas prices--because they buy ethanol. Well--I would not use ethanol even if I have a choice--because it is a crappy fuel compared to gas. Don't doubt me with that statement--I use alcohol for racing. I know what a crappy fuel it is for mass consumption. But your liberial media will not mention that is sucks water right from the atmosphere to the point it will not burn.

I do agree, we should buy American (and I did not always have that attitude) wne we can---but that is only about 10% of the things we buy. Therefore--your comment was liberial silly.
Look evader. You said it was the consumers fault that we buy cheap products from slave labor. That is what you said to AHZ. Do I need to copy and paste it here for you and you drunk memory?

My point is that you are a fool for thinking we have good choices in the products we buy. How may US products on our shelfs directly support your point (and it is a point). You can not make a statement like it is consumers fault, when 90% of the product is made by slave labor. Is it yolur fault that you don't have a fuel cell? No---where are you going to get the hydrogen? If it does not exist--you can't buy it.

I can live without every product on that web site. But, I do give great credit to companies that refuse to leave, and feel the responsibility to keep America working. Kudos to them--and I say yes--buy their products if you have a choice when you shop---even if it costs more money.

the fact is---90% of the time we don't have a choice today---so you comment is almost irrevelent.

That is like saying it is the consumers fault that there is high gas prices--because they buy ethanol. Well--I would not use ethanol even if I have a choice--because it is a crappy fuel compared to gas. Don't doubt me with that statement--I use alcohol for racing. I know what a crappy fuel it is for mass consumption. But your liberial media will not mention that is sucks water right from the atmosphere to the point it will not burn.

I do agree, we should buy American (and I did not always have that attitude) wne we can---but that is only about 10% of the things we buy. Therefore--your comment was liberial silly.
I said nothing of the sort.

Link me to a post of mine in this thread that says that. I clicked on the thread, saw a post that said, "Find me a pair of pants made in America." I took the challenge and found it. I then linked to a place that you could buy them as well as a number of other items that were made in the US.
Ohh--your a leader? you have origional liberial philosophies---like those are your own?

When I say no taxes for military that sees combat--that is orgional.

You are a liberial, and never had an orgional thought in your life.

I have not heard you say anything that Hillery has not pushed on you.

that is all lies or poor understanding of me.
Take your pick, either way your are waaay off base as per usual.
The best way to support American markets is to buy American when you can. Use the link and search for what you want before you buy from overseas. If everybody does this far more people would manufacture their stuff here. Saving a few bucks is not enough reason to buy something from somewhere where they appear to deliberately be attempting to poison us.