Einstein and Bohr Redefine Reality

The story I've read is that Heisenberg and Schrodinger independently came up with different mathmatical treatments of the quantum wave function, and both had perfectly adequate predictive power.

They apparently are both equivalent.

APS said:
Shortly after Heisenberg came up with his matrix-based quantum mechanics, Erwin Schrödinger developed his wave formulation. The absolute square of Schrödinger’s wave function was soon interpreted as the probability of finding a particle in a certain state. Schrödinger’s wave formulation, which he soon proved was mathematically equivalent to Heisenberg’s matrix methods, became the more popular approach, partly because physicists were more comfortable with it than with the unfamiliar matrix mathematics. (HERE)
(Emphasis added)

But they both can't be true and certain depictions of reality. They both can't be right.

Actually if they are equivalent they can both be true. One is based in matrices the other based in wave functions.

It seems that the value of Heisenberg's matrix approach was that it led to the Uncertainty Principle.

That is an example of this long standing debate in philosopy of science. Do scientific theories represent reality as it really is? Or does they only represent relationships of our experiences with nature

I am not entirely certain this would be a good example of two competing theories that are mutually exclusive. It really looks more like a framing difference.
I don't care what your or Perry PhD's ideas on quantum mechanics are.

But it would help if you had a bit more chemistry under your belt. I understand it is not required for a BS in geophysics but it might help you discuss rather than just quote.

You all don't have any original ideas about it. None. Nada. Zip.

Nor do you. You appear further hampered by having even less chemistry knowledge in general.

What we have are the various ideas of subject matter experts we can discuss and evaluate.

How on earth do you propose to discuss things you don't understand? I'm not saying I understand it any better than you but at least I'm willing to talk about it. All you ever do is list references. You confuse a bibliography for a text.

In reality 99% of your posts and threads are little more than you showing off by quoting people about things you don't really understand. And when someone dares try to talk to you about it in detail you run away. And then you wait for Doc to show up on the thread and support you at every turn. That way it looks like you get the support you so desperately want for having zero technical insight of your own.
How on earth do you propose to discuss things you don't understand? I'm not saying I understand it any better than you but at least I'm willing to talk about it. All you ever do is list references. You confuse a bibliography for a text.

The sad part. He thinks writing that Plato was an ancient Greek make him a Greek scholar.
Since it's an open debate it's probably best to just tell everyone that no one should discuss it and they should just let you list authorities in long unending copy-pastes. Then Doc can approve your posts and it's all cool.
So if your goal on this thread is to insult me and indulge your petty grievances, why would I take my time to read your posts and engage you?

No "if". That's exactly what Jank/Perry the Putz is doing.
In reality 99% of your posts and threads are little more than you showing off by quoting people about things you don't really understand. And when someone dares try to talk to you about it in detail you run away. And then you wait for Doc to show up on the thread and support you at every turn. That way it looks like you get the support you so desperately want for having zero technical insight of your own.

Very true. He has been doing it for years.

And...oh boy, Doc just showed up.
But it would help if you had a bit more chemistry under your belt. I understand it is not required for a BS in geophysics but it might help you discuss rather than just quote.

Nor do you. You appear further hampered by having even less chemistry knowledge in general.

How on earth do you propose to discuss things you don't understand? I'm not saying I understand it any better than you but at least I'm willing to talk about it. All you ever do is list references. You confuse a bibliography for a text.

In reality 99% of your posts and threads are little more than you showing off by quoting people about things you don't really understand. And when someone dares try to talk to you about it in detail you run away. And then you wait for Doc to show up on the thread and support you at every turn. That way it looks like you get the support you so desperately want for having zero technical insight of your own.
You sound like you're in high school.

To long to read and to full of petty grievances and lingering resentments to place any stock in

Mental health counseling is your best bet for latent petty grievances.
And you show up...JUST LIKE CLOCKWORK.

now get busy giving "Thanks" ratings to all of Cypress's posts. Just like usual.

That's what a sock does.
I knew that would attract your attention. BTW:
...but all that is science so we won't discuss it on here. Let's just hack it out with IBDaMan because he doesn't threaten to actually talk about REAL science.

You constantly complain that others don't discuss science but you never hold yourself to the same standard, which is why you're a putz, Perry.
Very true. He has been doing it for years.

And...oh boy, Doc just showed up.

The topic of the thread is not your and Perry PhD's petty resentments. You have yet to even address the topic which interested me -->

The open question is whether the claims of scientism are true.

"Scientism: The belief that science is the only way of knowing what's true or real"

That's been an open debate for the better part of 400 years.
You sound like you're in high school.

Isn't it funny that the post I did on the science you avoid. But you ALWAYS engage on this type of post.


To long to read and to full of petty grievances and lingering resentments to place any stock in

You don't seem like you actually have any science background.

Why do you think people will be impressed with your pitiful "name dropping" game? Is that how you got your "geology degree"?
Isn't it funny that the post I did on the science you avoid. But you ALWAYS engage on this type of post.


You don't seem like you actually have any science background.

Why do you think people will be impressed with your pitiful "name dropping" game? Is that how you got your "geology degree"?

Well, as Aristotle, Tycho Brahe, Galileo, Bohr, Einstein, Descartes, Newton said....
So, people employed by university science departments are not getting paid?
I thought Cypress asked stupid questions but this slides into the top spot. You, an assumed adult, think science is a school. Which school do you believe owns science or somehow is science? What people do you believe are science? Perhaps you think that getting paid is science. Do you think that a department is science if it is called a science department?

JPP is full of adult posters who don't even know what science is. Thank you for shining light on this absurd aspect of this forum's contributors. I appreciate evince for alauding you. Too funny.
I thought Cypress asked stupid questions but this slides into the top spot. You, an assumed adult, think science is a school. Which school do you believe owns science or somehow is science? What people do you believe are science? Perhaps you think that getting paid is science. Do you think that a department is science if it is called a science department?

JPP is full of adult posters who don't even know what science is. Thank you for shining light on this absurd aspect of this forum's contributors. I appreciate evince for alauding you. Too funny.

you're too stupid to bother with

Look at this post you fucking liar: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...d-Bohr-Redefine-Reality&p=5519287#post5519287

You can't even fucking read. LOL. Maybe that's why you are complete SHIT at discussing science. You can't read. You are a joke.

Geophysicist my ass.

For Someone I've hardly ever exchanged posts with until this week, you seem to have spent a lot of time reading my posts and developing an resentful obsession about me.

You've been strutting around the board bragging about your alleged PhD and brilliant research career. I'm just posting on topics I find interesting.
They apparently are both equivalent.
Not really.

Schroedinger: You can't know anything until you observe.

Heisenberg: At the quantum level, the act of observing (measuring) alters the results, so you don't really know exactly what you observed.

There's really not a whole lot more to it.

Note: Appreciation to BidenPresident for alerting me to my erroneous quotation marks. Bonus point for him. This post has been edited and the quotation marks have been removed.
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Isn't it funny that the post I did on the science you avoid. But you ALWAYS engage on this type of post.


You don't seem like you actually have any science background.

Why do you think people will be impressed with your pitiful "name dropping" game? Is that how you got your "geology degree"?

Why should I respond to you and read your posts when you obviously have an obsessive resentment about me.
Not really.

Schroedinger: "You can't know anything until you observe."

Heisenberg: "At the quantum level, the act of observing (measuring) alters the results, so you don't really know exactly what you observed. "

There's really not a whole lot more to it.

Do you mean Erwin "Schrodinger?" You quoted him, please cite the source. Prove you are not a stupid troll.