Einstein and Bohr Redefine Reality

But you never post anything of technical detail. So that makes sense.

Being able to frantically google for tidbits of scientific information and then pass it off as your own original thoughts is not a sign of scientific literacy, scientific competency, or scientific wisdom.

I am very deliberate in citing the experts I am learning information from, and publically disclosing it. Apparently disclosing the experts one is learning from bugs the Master Googlers

I don't care what your ideas on quantum mechanics are. You don't have any original ideas about it. I endeavor to discuss the ideas the experts, the great men and women of science have come up with, and to discuss and evaluate their ideas with anyone genuinely interested in these scientific and philosophical questions.
Being able to frantically google for tidbits of scientific information and then pass it off as your own original thoughts is not a sign of scientific literacy, scientific competency, or scientific wisdom.

I am very deliberate in citing the experts I am learning information from, and publically disclosing it. Apparently disclosing the experts one is learning from bugs the Master Googlers

I don't care what your ideas on quantum mechanics are. You don't have any original ideas about it. I endeavor to discuss the ideas the experts, the great men and women of science have come up with, and to discuss and evaluate their ideas with anyone genuinely interested in these scientific and philosophical questions.

And since you are equally lost in the field it begs the question "Why do you post your stuff if you don't know anything about it and only insult those who attempt to discuss it with you?"

I can tell you aren't really much of a scientist. You seem more obsessed with how you APPEAR. So you cite experts without any real comment indicating you understand a thing they say.

I can tell from many of your posts that you lack any real chemistry background so there goes much in the QM that you understand. You claim to be a geophysicist but you don't seem to have much in the way of any technical knowledge of much of anything.

It honestly looks like all you do is gather books and memorize the author names so you can drop them. Then you enlist your Doc sock to provide kudos to you for posting a list of names.

So I find your superior attitude to be rather unappealing. Especially since it is likely I know more about many of these topics than you do (which is probably why you never address the science raise but only attack me.)
And since you are equally lost in the field it begs the question "Why do you post your stuff if you don't know anything about it and only insult those who attempt to discuss it with you?"

I can tell you aren't really much of a scientist. You seem more obsessed with how you APPEAR. So you cite experts without any real comment indicating you understand a thing they say.

I can tell from many of your posts that you lack any real chemistry background so there goes much in the QM that you understand. You claim to be a geophysicist but you don't seem to have much in the way of any technical knowledge of much of anything.

It honestly looks like all you do is gather books and memorize the author names so you can drop them. Then you enlist your Doc sock to provide kudos to you for posting a list of names.

So I find your superior attitude to be rather unappealing. Especially since it is likely I know more about many of these topics than you do (which is probably why you never address the science raise but only attack me.)

Cypress is someone stuck in a freshman intro class who refuses to learn anything. A waste.