Él no habla español

ѕρι∂єяѕ¢нωєιи, ѕρι∂єяѕ¢нωєιи, єя мα¢нт ∂αѕ, ωαѕ єιи ѕρι∂єяѕ¢нωєιи кαии! gєвт αααααα¢нт, єя ιѕт єιи ѕρι∂єяѕ¢нωєιи!
Ya lost me at si....

Though I think you are asking something about the ability to speak spanish with your kids?
LOL. I hope not.

I said that Spaniards hate Donkeys that can't speak Spanish. It was in answer to his post that the Spaniards were taking over and it "scares the poop outside the donkeys" that don't speak Spanish.... at least that is what it translated to in my head.
Ich habe eine Wii und ich spiele teilweise Stundenlang ohne einen Krampf zu bekommen! Der Fehler den viele machen ist dass sie alle aktionen
Straight from the asses' mouth:


Obama's condescending manner appeals to some, I suppose.

"All" Europeans do not speak English, BTW.

Why should anyone, American or otherwise, feel embarrassed in the least about a lack of fluency in foreign languages?

People have the right to choose to learn skills they value without being derided, in my opinion.

All americans should feel embarrassed at the huge failure that our education system has been.

Our newspapers are written at a 5th grade level. Our math skills are pitiful. Our libraries are woefully under utilized. Reading for pleasure is constantly made fun of. We have high school graduates who cannot read.

Considering the assets we have had available for 50+ years, we are pitifully educated.

I wonder how many natural born americans could pass the citizenship test?

In England they learn all the kings back to Charlemagne. Here we are lucky if people know who was president before 1960.
And this "elitist" bullshit is funny. I hear it from lots of the republican, conservative talkshow folks. Its amusing to hear that sort of talk from the country club set.

You dislike Obama for talking like an elitist, but you back a political party that is full of people who wouldn't spit on a common man if he was on fire.

Remember George H. Bush being amazed by the grocery store scanner?

And besides, this is just more of your looking for a way to talk trash.

Please tell us how Obama should talk about change without sounding elitist? Obviously if he wants change he thinks the current system or method is not up to the level we need. So you claim he is "talking down" to anyone in the current system.

And Obama needs a teleprompter? 8 years in the White House and Bush still can't pronounce 'nuclear' without adding an extra syllable.
Perhaps we should ask the teacher's unions why we don't seem to be getting our money's worth.

Ok, ask the teachers unions. But also ask why we, as citizens, have tolerated this bullshit for 50 years? If the unions are a problem why haven't they been replaced? Its because we, as a nation, don't give a shit. Intellectuals have never been prized here.

How many times have there been calls to disband NASA? Never any discussion of shrinking the military. But NASA is always having to fight for funding.
Judge for yourself:


Why haven't our schools done better?

Could be a lack of accountability. The teacher's unions pay huge amounts into the 'Crat's coffers.

That may be why "choice" is a liberal buzzword in every sector of our lives except education.

So its all on the teachers unions? Parents have no blame? Society as a whole has no blame? Poor funding has no blame?

That is a crock of bovine feces, and I think you know it.

If the teachers unions were to blame for a substandard education system AND a good education was seriously valued, the teachers unions would have been removed or whipped into line long ago.

Teachers unions have a membership of roughly 3 million. So 1% of the population is to blame for an education system that has sucked for 50 years?

Sorry, but that dog won't hunt. There is more to this than the teachers unions.

Also, the times that we had a republican dominated senate, if it was the money given to "crats" what was it not fixed then? Or when we had a republican president? Or when the republicans had both??? Nothing got done then either.

Of course, it could be that the states have too much pull. But then, states that have republican gov. & dominated senates SHOULD be doing better than states with "crats" in charge, right?

Hmmm, that doesn't quite wash either, now does it?
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LOL. I hope not.

I said that Spaniards hate Donkeys that can't speak Spanish. It was in answer to his post that the Spaniards were taking over and it "scares the poop outside the donkeys" that don't speak Spanish.... at least that is what it translated to in my head.

LOL... It's scares the shit out of the asses.

I don't need to investigate. I have spent a good deal of time fighting with them on two different subjects.

I have not said that the teachers unions are a good thing, so there is no need to TRY and prove that they are evil. But just as an FYI, if you are going to post links to research, you might try using an article that didn't have "And let me warn everyone again that these are just proof pages, they are galleys, they are uncorrected, and they have tons of errors. So please don't — on the back there's a warning about citing them. " as a disclaimer at the beginning. Sorta ruins the effect you were seeking.

No, teachers unions have done serious harm over the years.

But are you saying that they, and ONLY they are responsible for the piss poor education system we have? Are you claiming that, if they had been removed and EVERYTHING else stayed the same, that we would have had the level of excellence that we should have had?

Tell me, Indisputable, is this the claim that you are making???
In case you really are too stupid to understand the comment, let me explain...
Obama didn't say you should learn another language...he said your children shold learn SPANISH, get that? a particular language...Spanish...:321:

Uh, would you rather he recommended something less appropriate or useful like say...Esperanto? God forbid a politician make realistic, specific recommendations. It's always so much more fun for us all when they take the xenophobic, ambiguous route instead isn't it? It just makes me feel good in m'gut you know?
That goes for the British as well.

When you speak a language which is as dominant as English the overwhelming view is to let others go to the bother of learning how to communicate with you rather than putting yourself out.

I can speak a little foreign but it's just the bits and pieces i can remember from school - i.e. such useful titbits as "Excuse me, can you direct me to the vicinity of the prostitutes, please" in German and French, if you please.

I took French I and French II but the teacher was horrible. No one learned anything.

Basically, all I can say is "Je".
Perhaps we should ask the teacher's unions why we don't seem to be getting our money's worth.

Funny, I was thinking maybe you should ask yourself that question. If you have kids of course. Poor performance in school is directly related to the students and their home lives. Even if the school system were fundamentally flawed (which many would argue it is), that would be a non-issue since motivated students would succeed regardless of the system they're plugged into.
I'd also posit that our popular culture no longer values hard work and/or being intelligent. Of course it does on the surface, but if you look deeper, we're a nation of people who think we should have everything handed to us--grown fat on the teat of instant-gratification.
The best way to improve education isn't to outlaw teacher unions. It's a joke that so-called "conservative" thought has villified unions--unions work for us! The workers. The best way to improve education is to teach your kids that it's important and that they need to value it and strive for success in it. There is no government fix for it.