Él no habla español

Ok, ask the teachers unions. But also ask why we, as citizens, have tolerated this bullshit for 50 years? If the unions are a problem why haven't they been replaced? Its because we, as a nation, don't give a shit. Intellectuals have never been prized here.

How many times have there been calls to disband NASA? Never any discussion of shrinking the military. But NASA is always having to fight for funding.

People tend to think that NASA costs a lot more than it actually does. It's actually a minuscule percentage of our budget.

Like my mom told me whenever she saw a satellite launch once "WHY CAN'T THEY BE FEEDING CHILDREN IN AFRICA WITH THAT MONEY1!!!?!?1!!" and I proceeded to tell her that the satellite probably cost a few million dollars and they wouldn't be able to feed many children with that.

She didn't believe me because it wasn't "common sense".
I like Spanish, it's mellifluous. I like the Caribbean, Central/South American Spanish though, it's nicer than the European model. I'd love to learn it but I'm too dense to learn another language.

No you're not. You're just a product of an educational system that is apathetic and inept at teaching languages. My wife speaks 5 languages and is presently picking up Spanish from her latina co-workders like a sponge. Her main advantage was that she started learning foreign languages when she was 5 years old.

When it comes to the teaching of languages our Public Education system is an embarrassment and that aspect of it should be reformed.

Of course in a Nation where we have only one language and most people can't even speak that correctly, I have small hope of that ever happening.
Note to indisputable: The title should read "No hablo Español" or "Yo no hablo Español," to be grammatically correct. Unless you really are trying to say "he doesn't speak Spanish," but I'm certain you meant to say "I don't speak Spanish."

But I really don't see the need for most Americans to learn a second language, when the marketable one is that first one which they attempt to utilize on a daily basis.
Note to indisputable: The title should read "No hablo Español" or "Yo no hablo Español," to be grammatically correct. Unless you really are trying to say "he doesn't speak Spanish," but I'm certain you meant to say "I don't speak Spanish."

But I really don't see the need for most Americans to learn a second language, when the marketable one is that first one which they attempt to utilize on a daily basis.
He was saying, "He doesn't speak Spanish" and he was talking about Obama. Basically he wast trying to say that the person who thinks you and yours should speak Spanish, doesn't.
He was saying, "He doesn't speak Spanish" and he was talking about Obama. Basically he wast trying to say that the person who thinks you and yours should speak Spanish, doesn't.

I don’t speak Mandarin. But if a college student asked me what language they should learn, that’d be the one I’d advise.

Americans are so knee-jerk reactionary. It’s stupid.
I don’t speak Mandarin. But if a college student asked me what language they should learn, that’d be the one I’d advise.

Americans are so knee-jerk reactionary. It’s stupid.
I wasn't commenting, or agreeing with, the point. I was just making it clear that that post's criticism missed the point entirely. Later posts even made it clearer that indisputable was speaking of Obama and not saying "I don't speak Spanish".
I wasn't commenting, or agreeing with, the point. I was just making it clear that that post's criticism missed the point entirely. Later posts even made it clearer that indisputable was speaking of Obama and not saying "I don't speak Spanish".

I think people were confused as it is so unusual for Indie to post anything at all about Barack Obamas.
Note to indisputable: The title should read "No hablo Español" or "Yo no hablo Español," to be grammatically correct. Unless you really are trying to say "he doesn't speak Spanish," but I'm certain you meant to say "I don't speak Spanish."

But I really don't see the need for most Americans to learn a second language, when the marketable one is that first one which they attempt to utilize on a daily basis.

Look, there is no doubt about the need and function and practicality of a lingua franca, which we have. The advantage of learning languages is the fact that in the modern era the world had grown a lot smaller and our contact with the many and diverse cultures in the world is much greater and for Americans to take advantage of this incredible oppurtunity we must broaden our minds and learn more languages. We will be much more competative and we open more doors and markets if we can grasp more languges and therefore gain an understanding of the cultures of those whom speak those languages.

Now many on the right play off my attitude as being elitist. That is just so laughable I don't see how they can say that with a straight face. It is purely xenophobic and lazy and uncompetative.

We need to drive a stake through the heart of this form of provincial, redneck, ignorant xenophobia and reform our elementary education system to place a greater emphasis on foreign languages.
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I guess letting people make their own choices about language education would be xenophobic.


No, it would be ignorant. Just like you. Just like the morons who want to teach creationism in the science class.

If an ignorant fuck like you can't hack studying a foreign language, then tough shit you flunk out, sayanara, adios, zai hui, paalam na, auf wiedersehen, sholem, good-bye ignorant mother-fucker, go get a trade cause you don't belong in school.

What it really boils down to is that people like you are gutless, yellow bellied lazy little cowards who are afraid to do some work and learn something new.
You must be an academic advisor, or guidance counselor at least.

No, I'm neither. I have a graduate education in the sciences. I will give you some academic advice though. Don't go to college. You don't have what it takes. If you do, you'll miss the point and waste your money and time.