Electricity storage impossible with current rtechnologies

cancel2 2022

Excellent article which provides some actual numbers to show that storage using current technologies is just a pipedream. Here is an excerpt.

In his Forbes article on Battery Derangement Syndrome, energy and technology analyst Mark P. Mills notes that Tesla is also getting $1 billion in taxpayer subsidies to build a huge $5-billion lithium battery factory in Nevada. Batteries, it’s often claimed, can soon replace fossil fuels for backing up expensive, intermittent, unreliable, unpredictable wind and solar power. Mills explains why this is … deranged.

In an entire year, all the existing lithium battery factories in the world combined manufacture only enough capacity to store 100 billion Watt-hours (Wh) of electricity. But the USA alone uses 100 times this capacity: more than 10,000 billion Wh per day. Worldwide, humanity uses over 50,000 billion Wh daily.

Focusing on solar power, Mills notes, that means storing electricity for 12 hours a day – to power homes and businesses around the globe for the 12 hours per day that photovoltaic systems will generate power on sunny days in the 100% solar world of the utopian future – would require 25,000 billion Watt-hours of battery power (ignoring future electricity needs to recharge electric vehicle batteries).

Replacing the gasoline in the tanks of 1.4 billion vehicles worldwide with electric power would require another 100,000 billion Watt-hours. That brings total global demand to well over 125,000 billion Wh of storage. That means it would take 1,250 years of production from every existing lithium battery factory worldwide to meet this combined demand. Or we would have to build 1,250 times more factories. Or we could build batteries that are 10 to100 times more powerful and efficient than what we have today.

Says Mills, the constraints of real world physics on battery storage mean this latter option will not happen.

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Excellent article which provides some actual numbers to show that storage using current technologies is just a pipedream. Here is an excerpt.


Even more so, the toxic waste that batteries represent. These supposedly "clean" technologies require the use of highly toxic waste when the batteries are used up. The manufacture of batteries is very energy intense as well and create toxic waste in the manufacturing process.

I am amused how the leftist dimwits think this is "clean" tech. Great article.
Mark Mills' testimony before Congress:

I am also a Faculty Fellow at the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University where my focus is on the technology and future of manufacturing. And I’m a strategic partner in a boutique venture fund dedicated to startup companies creating digital oilfield technologies

Thank you Mr. Mills. You are dismissed
That is so easy to do, certainly beats having to think about the issue as that would elude somebody as intellectually challenged as you.
If by 'intellectually challenged', you mean your inability to see through the strawman he creates re. the claim that anyone believes that solar can totally replace all forms of fossil fuel in the future.

You cite a venture capitalist who funds oilfield technology in a discussion about the future of solar?
Mark Mills' testimony before Congress:

Thank you Mr. Mills. You are dismissed

Yup. That's on top of the utter ridiculousness of the source -- wattsupwiththat.com -- and the shamelessness of letting oneself be seen running with that. Then there's the stupidity of the assumption that all the world's electricity storage is going to be done by lithium ion batteries. But hey, as long as they find rubes and useful idiots promulgating that nonsense, why should they put any more thought and effort into their crappy publication?
If by 'intellectually challenged', you mean your inability to see through the strawman he creates re. the claim that anyone believes that solar can totally replace all forms of fossil fuel in the future.

You cite a venture capitalist who funds oilfield technology in a discussion about the future of solar?

Yup. That's on top of the utter ridiculousness of the source -- wattsupwiththat.com -- and the shamelessness of letting oneself be seen running with that. Then there's the stupidity of the assumption that all the world's electricity storage is going to be done by lithium ion batteries. But hey, as long as they find rubes and useful idiots promulgating that nonsense, why should they put any more thought and effort into their crappy publication?

Dear dumbfuck; how do you think solar, battery and windmill technology work? Good lord, more proof what morons leftists are.
So many holes in this bullshit Argument.
#1 No one says all cars will be electric.
#2 No one says all power used will ever be photovoltaic
#3 Electrical demand at night is lower than in the day.
#4 I could continue but it is pointless.
If by 'intellectually challenged', you mean your inability to see through the strawman he creates re. the claim that anyone believes that solar can totally replace all forms of fossil fuel in the future.

You cite a venture capitalist who funds oilfield technology in a discussion about the future of solar?
Again you choose to attack the man not the ball, because let's face it you don't have the props to do otherwise. This is a Desh level of debating, you must be so proud.
Yup. That's on top of the utter ridiculousness of the source -- wattsupwiththat.com -- and the shamelessness of letting oneself be seen running with that. Then there's the stupidity of the assumption that all the world's electricity storage is going to be done by lithium ion batteries. But hey, as long as they find rubes and useful idiots promulgating that nonsense, why should they put any more thought and effort into their crappy publication?
I thought you aliens had all run back to the mother ship? The article comes from Forbes, fuckwit.
So many holes in this bullshit Argument.
#1 No one says all cars will be electric.
#2 No one says all power used will ever be photovoltaic
#3 Electrical demand at night is lower than in the day.
#4 I could continue but it is pointless.

How about addressing the fact that all the battery factories in the world currently produce 100 billion watt hours per year, or one hundredth of the energy used by the US in a day? His figures ought to be easy to check, so have at it.

Yeah and electrical demand is lower at night now but it won't be if millions of electric cars are charging up overnight. Also as there will be far greater demand for charging cars during the day at the workplace or even at the weekend.
Again you choose to attack the man not the ball, because let's face it you don't have the props to do otherwise. This is a Desh level of debating, you must be so proud.
If you can't trust the messenger due to gross monetary conflicts of interest, you cannot trust the message.

You should really look for better sources for your silly positions on complex issues.
How about addressing the fact that all the battery factories in the world currently produce 100 billion watt hours per year, or one hundredth of the energy used by the US in a day? His figures ought to be easy to check, so have at it.

Yeah and electrical demand is lower at night now but it won't be if millions of electric cars are charging up overnight. Also as there will be far greater demand for charging cars during the day at the workplace or even at the weekend.
OOOPS! You just shot down one of the key points in your propaganda piece.