Electricity storage impossible with current rtechnologies

If you can't trust the messenger due to gross monetary conflicts of interest, you cannot trust the message.

You should really look for better sources for your silly positions on complex issues.
Well if that's your criteria then why would you listen to Al Gore, who has tried ceaselessly to get a carbon trading exchange going so that he can make squillions? Dont tell me, that doesn't count!! Basically it boils down to you being unable to challenge his data so choose the Deshian route instead. If you have nothing worthwhile to say then say nothing.
This guy is pointing the way ahead, namely lithium ion batteries in tandem with CCGT power stations.

But Jaffe believes there is one area in the next decade where energy storage will be the killer app, and that is as a grid-scale dance partner to optimize gas-fired generation.

The concept is you have a large combined cycle natural gas plant and a large battery next to it and you use batteries as buffer between grid demand and power plant capability (this is similar to the model that gigafactory storage company Alevo is proposing). The concept is to use the batteries to meet fluctuating demand and buffer the combined cycle gas plant. That lets the generator run more efficiently at optimal heat rates most of the time, not ramping up or down.

If you are overproducing, you shunt electricity to the battery and if under-producing, you discharge from the battery…You can turn a single combined cycle plant into something that has the same power or capability as ten peaker plants. You can produce base-load power at a base-load rate, but you have the ability to dispatch and take on what peakers do. I see this as the most exciting application for batteries.

Jaffe’s company has modeled this interaction, looking at a 1,200 MW gas plant in tandem with a 1,600 MWh battery and the results have been strongly positive. The modeling assumes a 15% premium for the more valuable energy on demand, but the real value comes from the fact that the gas plant is always operating at peak efficiency. Jaffe uses the analogy of traveling by Prius versus using an 18-wheeler for the same trip: it’s just so much more efficient that one saves huge amounts on the fuel.

So many holes in this bullshit Argument.
#1 No one says all cars will be electric.
#2 No one says all power used will ever be photovoltaic
#3 Electrical demand at night is lower than in the day.
#4 I could continue but it is pointless.
How about addressing the fact that all the battery factories in the world currently produce 100 billion watt hours per year, or one hundredth of the energy used by the US in a day? His figures ought to be easy to check, so have at it.

Yeah and electrical demand is lower at night now but it won't be if millions of electric cars are charging up overnight. Also as there will be far greater demand for charging cars during the day at the workplace or even at the weekend.

Why would I bother fact checking a faulty premise?

as to charging cars at night, that will not be done by battery power but rather by balancing the load by creating demand at night thereby allowing plants to run more efficiently at night.
We have covered this innumerable times, why can't you understand?
Why would I bother fact checking a faulty premise?

as to charging cars at night, that will not be done by battery power but rather by balancing the load by creating demand at night thereby allowing plants to run more efficiently at night.
We have covered this innumerable times, why can't you understand?
Because it doesn't make any sense, that's why.
Because it doesn't make any sense, that's why.

please explain (if you can) in you own words why balancing the load on generators by charging car batteries in the wee hours doesn't make sense.

Let's see this mental acuity and seasoned scientific reasoning in action.

The board will be watching, good luck.
So many holes in this bullshit Argument.

So many strawmen in this bullshit post.

#1 No one says all cars will be electric.

No one said ALL cars shit-for-brains. But I am betting a lot of brain dead leftist twits like you would love it if they were. Moron.

#2 No one says all power used will ever be photovoltaic

No one said ALL power used will be photo-voltaic shit-for-brains.

#3 Electrical demand at night is lower than in the day.

No shit Sherlock; too bad you're too stupid to respond intelligently to the topic.

#4 I could continue but it is pointless.

It is always pointless when you bloviate you ignorant asshat.
Well if that's your criteria then why would you listen to Al Gore, who has tried ceaselessly to get a carbon trading exchange going so that he can make squillions? Dont tell me, that doesn't count!! Basically it boils down to you being unable to challenge his data so choose the Deshian route instead. If you have nothing worthwhile to say then say nothing.
His 'position' is idiotic. "The sun doesn't shine at night, so we have to develop digital oil drilling technology"
If by 'intellectually challenged', you mean your inability to see through the strawman he creates re. the claim that anyone believes that solar can totally replace all forms of fossil fuel in the future.

You cite a venture capitalist who funds oilfield technology in a discussion about the future of solar?
He is talking primarily about battery technology and how inadequate it is today and for at least the foreseeable future ffs. Reading for comprehension is not for you.
He is talking primarily about battery technology and how inadequate it is today and for at least the foreseeable future ffs. Reading for comprehension is not for you.
No. He makes the claim that only fossil fuels are viable, because today's battery technology isn't sufficient to power the nation's entire grid 24 hours/day. Dumb argument.