Electricity storage impossible with current rtechnologies

He is talking primarily about battery technology and how inadequate it is today and for at least the foreseeable future ffs. Reading for comprehension is not for you.
No. He makes the argument that someone is claiming that battery backup is going to replace gasoline in vehicles, and all other forms of energy that are used for electricity production.

Talk about a strawman.
No. He makes the argument that someone is claiming that battery backup is going to replace gasoline in vehicles, and all other forms of energy that are used for electricity production.

Talk about a strawman.
Right...but you post an article by a heavily biased industry executive with an agenda.
If his numbers are wrong then you ought to be able to criticize them constructively, it is patently obvious that you can't. Repeating the same old shit over and over just makes you look even more of a fool.
Far easier said than done! Brushless DC motors with regenerative braking are over 90% efficient.

Are you aware of how many more times an LCD bulb or bulb cluster is than an incandescent bulb of 20 or 30 years ago? Or how many watts of electricity that the human brain runs on?
Are you aware of how many more times an LCD bulb or bulb cluster is than an incandescent bulb of 20 or 30 years ago? Or how many watts of electricity that the human brain runs on?

Electric motors are pretty damn efficient right now. Even if you got to the theoretical 100% efficiency, the article is making the point there are not enough batteries to fulfill the needs society is expecting them too. This is from a pro alternative energy person.
Not sure what any of that has to do with electric motor efficiency.

That's the point, no electric motor as we know it may really be needed. Water can be broken down into Hydrogen which packs a punch and can be used to both charge batteries and run a combustion engine. Why do you focus on electric storage rather than generation. Who says that a new type of generator could not be so efficient as to make batteries themselves obsolete? Then there would be electric race cars with instantaneous acceleration whooping the best gas motors ever made.

It's out there, because it is needed.
Electric motors are pretty damn efficient right now. Even if you got to the theoretical 100% efficiency, the article is making the point there are not enough batteries to fulfill the needs society is expecting them too. This is from a pro alternative energy person.
It is good to see that somebody gets what he is trying to say. Rune starts going on about charging electric cars at night and Althea starts banging on about some other spurious shit.
Because it doesn't make any sense, that's why.

You can't even explain yourself.

fuck you loser.

you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

you are like anatta, no independent thought process just parrot other views that you don't even understand.

Even I gave you too much credit.
Clinton had set the CAFE standards high enough that production of electric cars would have been needed by 2001.

Bush simply quelched the increased milage standards and set electric car production back 10 years.
Nothing is to say England will not change the law in the next 23 years.

Doesn't matter. Right now, Brits say that there will be no more gas or diesel cars in the future. That's the opposite of your claim. Own it.
If his numbers are wrong then you ought to be able to criticize them constructively, it is patently obvious that you can't. Repeating the same old shit over and over just makes you look even more of a fool.
This isn't about numbers. This is about a statement he makes that's never been 'claimed' by anyone. Except maybe, by an idiot like yourself who got his ass kicked here so many times trying to sell us on the nuclear idea.....you suddenly chose to quote another moron with an agenda.

Batteries, it’s often claimed, can soon replace fossil fuels for backing up expensive, intermittent, unreliable, unpredictable wind and solar power.
Electric motors are pretty damn efficient right now. Even if you got to the theoretical 100% efficiency, the article is making the point there are not enough batteries to fulfill the needs society is expecting them too. This is from a pro alternative energy person.
The article makes an idiotic strawman argument, and then argues against it.
Doesn't matter. Right now, Brits say that there will be no more gas or diesel cars in the future. That's the opposite of your claim. Own it.

Who cares what the Sharia Law loving Britts do on their itsi bitsi little islands. They don't actually make any cars anymore anyway