Ethanol requirement

I knew you would quickly revert to your shilling for BP.

I love the way that people like you always pull out some crap like that rather than address the issue. I will guarantee when electric cars do go mass market they won't be made in the US or Europe.
Addressed above.

no, it isn't......people have been demanding electric cars.....the federal government is promoting electric cars, even to the point of thousands of dollars of subsidies per vehicle.....and still, people aren't buying them......
no, it isn't......people have been demanding electric cars.....the federal government is promoting electric cars, even to the point of thousands of dollars of subsidies per vehicle.....and still, people aren't buying them......

Keep lying, Pimp, I addressed this twice for you. Not much I can do I about your misunderstanding.
Keep lying, Pimp, I addressed this twice for you. Not much I can do I about your misunderstanding.

you "addressed" saying Cheney did it.......which made you look slightly dumber than a birther........the fact is, they have not yet produced an electric car that people want to buy.......if they did, a whole roomful of Cheneys couldn't stop it.....

it is NOT a lie when I said people have been demanding electric is NOT a lie when I said the federal government is promoting and subsidizing them.....and it is NOT a lie when I said people still aren't buying remind me, where did I lie?....
Yeh, that should be good for several million jobs to go down the crapper.

Well, it is true that car companies make lots of money selling us parts for our engines when they wear out or get fracked up. So yes, car companies don't like electric cars because of that; many mechanics also like to have the repeat business from stuff wearing out.

But why, as consumers, do WE put up with it? Don't we want cars we have to repair less often? I know it's a royal pain for me to have to get a car to the shop; does anyone like doing it?

It will be a gradual displacement, though; there are so many gas-fueled cars out there that, just like the move to computers in cars, it will be a gradual move to electric cars so mechanics will have time to adapt.
you "addressed" saying Cheney did it.......which made you look slightly dumber than a birther........the fact is, they have not yet produced an electric car that people want to buy.......if they did, a whole roomful of Cheneys couldn't stop it.....

it is NOT a lie when I said people have been demanding electric is NOT a lie when I said the federal government is promoting and subsidizing them.....and it is NOT a lie when I said people still aren't buying remind me, where did I lie?....

Here is why you are lying PiMP,
That's correct. Retard.

just to make sure things stay in perspective....the 1976 AMC Pacer sold 145,000 units......
How about saying what you mean? I am not pro or anti ethanol. I was just stating facts. Go to a small engine repair shop and ask for yourself.

I always say the same thing, but maybe I'm too new to this forum.

Corporations own Government..................

Why are we favoring Ethanol Plants when the workers I am in contact with state that they burn more energy than they are presenting to conserve. Right/Left, it's always the same. If you have a question, ask the Corporation that gets paid. NEVER DO WHAT WE ARE DOING AND TRY TO JUSTIFY SOMETHING WE HAVE NOT LOOKED INTO. Ensure our spending is legit.

In this case; Corn has to be added gov demanded. The engine has to be up to standards gov demanded. *not fact but only what I heard* the engine/liners have to be able to use this fuel by using metals to coat them.

Farmers weren't Corporations until the Great Depression when the NRA stepped in. Since then....And today, we see the results.
I love the way that people like you always pull out some crap like that rather than address the issue. I will guarantee when electric cars do go mass market they won't be made in the US or Europe.

I will agree with that ASSUMPTION because we already made them. Capitalism is good but Corrupt Capitalism has a way of restricting information to the people to ensure profits.
There are no more family farms here where I live. They are all Corporate farms. Use this, use that, bailout if needed.

Ethanol was an attempt to get better gas mileage when Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya were planning to trade oil for gold instead of our computer printed money.

Our decision was to attack. Or maybe you can find proof that Iraq had WMD's. Maybe you can find proof that Iran had Nukes (like last election). Maybe you can show me a link that shows Libya was killing it's people..............................Maybe you should wonder if someone attacked us, would we attack them back via Afghanistan.

Lets give a hand to the Left for preventing WWIII which was sure to happen if Romney took office. It was absolute and anyone who saw the Biden Ryan debate knew it, it was irregularly stated that "we can't pull out then, it's war season" by Paul Ryan. Both parties are paid by Military gun Manufacturers but the Left only recently took the lead. Today, war is ok by the Left.
Well, it is true that car companies make lots of money selling us parts for our engines when they wear out or get fracked up. So yes, car companies don't like electric cars because of that; many mechanics also like to have the repeat business from stuff wearing out.

But why, as consumers, do WE put up with it? Don't we want cars we have to repair less often? I know it's a royal pain for me to have to get a car to the shop; does anyone like doing it?

It will be a gradual displacement, though; there are so many gas-fueled cars out there that, just like the move to computers in cars, it will be a gradual move to electric cars so mechanics will have time to adapt.

I am just pointing out the likely consequence, that's all.