Ethanol requirement

So you are saying that the companies making electric cars will stop making them is the US as soon as they become popular?
Very logical Tom, thanks for you input.

They can be made anywhere as the engineering is a lot simpler, so it stands to reason that they will be made where labour costs are the cheapest.
They can be made anywhere as the engineering is a lot simpler, so it stands to reason that they will be made where labour costs are the cheapest.

The engineering of an electric car is simpler? I didn't realise you were an electrical engineer.
There are no more family farms here where I live. They are all Corporate farms.

depends on what you mean by "corporate" farms.....both my brother in laws farm.....both have corporations.....I know because I drew up the corporations for them.......several different tax advantages.......
depends on what you mean by "corporate" farms.....both my brother in laws farm.....both have corporations.....I know because I drew up the corporations for them.......several different tax advantages.......

Funny how you claimed to have no interest in agri-business earlier in the thread. As the drafting attorney you clearly have an interest. Don't let your conflict of interest bother you though, none of your kind does.
Funny how you claimed to have no interest in agri-business earlier in the thread.

????.....where?......I have plenty of interest in agri-business......that's why I keep informed about it and that's why I've been able to counter your ignorant statements with facts........
????.....where?......I have plenty of interest in agri-business......that's why I keep informed about it and that's why I've been able to counter your ignorant statements about it with facts........

Keep playing ignorant, you are good at it, and need no assistance from me.
Keep playing ignorant, you are good at it, and need no assistance from me.

you said "you claimed to have no interest in agri-business earlier in the thread"........I asked you where......point at it or YOU will be the one playing cover up your dishonesty....