Ethical question on who to save

You can only save ONE of the following, which do you save?

  • 100 people from your city (none from your neighborhood)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1,000 people from your state (none from your city)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You can tell when I'm high because I use absurd amounts of adverbs and pose not-particularly-provocative questions.
I still don't see why I lose badass points for shattering WM's fairylike view of society.

You shattered nothing. I generally talk as if a nihilistic view isn't a possibility and try to construct morality from there. But if you ask me I'll admit that it is all meaningless. I just don't like to think about it

I'm gonna go take my pills now.

[ame=""]YouTube - Blonde on Blonde - 03 Visions of Johanna[/ame]
I still don't see why I lose badass points for shattering WM's fairylike view of society.

Exhibit A:

Epi said:
So what gives any of it any meaning? If particular actions are varyingly considered "moral" by different societies at different times what is truly moral?

Although you are fairing higher than WM on badass points because your soundtrack submissions and Kat Williams post. This latest display just negated all of that though. Sorry. I don't make the rulz.
You know, when most people drink alcohol, they start hitting people.

Me, personally, I start thinking about how much I love the whole universe and why we can't all just get along.
You know, when most people drink alcohol, they start hitting people.

Me, personally, I start thinking about how much I love the whole universe and why we can't all just get along.

god you are beyond hope.

addressing the original post, acquaintance isn't good enough friend I would save. Depending on how good of a friend.
Well I've been thinking.

If I save 10,000 people in America, excluding Mississippi, the deaths that result will be disproportionately conservative. So I vote for that one.
Well I've been thinking.

If I save 10,000 people in America, excluding Mississippi, the deaths that result will be disproportionately conservative. So I vote for that one.

Potentially, you are still saving people in Alabama, which is hard to tell apart from MS. They even used to call a city there Bombingham... And of course there's TX, LA, TN, et. al.

In my case, I'm potentially saving Oregonians, which sucks because that state blows while my state rocks. How we happen to border each other in the same region, coming from the same original territory seems like a freak accident in history. With "Battle in Seattle," recently out, it reminds me that we Seattleites still haven't repaid the favor and gone rioting in Portland. Perhaps we could just drive our cars around in their bike lanes one day. Our excuse would be that we're from Seattle and everyone knows we haven't a cluse about proper driving... :moped:
The reality is, if this was all I could save the human race would have some serious problems.

I'd go for the 1,000,000 to give them the best possible chance even though, since I am from my own nation it would mean my own demise.
I screwed this up, it was a question from some ethical boardgame I played like 18 years ago or something.
I should have made the last option 100,000 rather than 1 million, the first option should have probably been a friend and I should have made the poll results anonymous so no one would feel they have to take the PC choice of 1 million.

But that said I question whether all who voted for 1 million really would do that, I mean look at charity wise, we all tend to prefer to support those who are closer to us.
why would you save ten people you barely know.

Well although I'm not close to my neighbours, they are still people I know, talk to and recognize. It's hard to put in words, I live in a rural area and we just are more tightknit. I've lived in cities and completely understand why anyone would not really care about the 10 in their neighborhood because there isn't often that much of a neighborhood identity, that's more our grandparents generation.