Evidence is overwhelming.

I do not think he is an idiot. He has intelligence and is a master manipulator.
Oh that's right you just hate him. I forgot. Now tell us how you don't hate him but "really care about the rule of law". That's one of my favorite leftist lies. I can't wait to hear it.
If they do convict trump will that FINALLY get you to blow your load? I can't image hoe frustrated you must be. No life except thinking how you can get trump and after almost 8 years you have NOTHING. Maybe you should try knitting. I hear that's relaxing.
Nothing? He is no longer president, he lost reelection, got fired.
Oh that's right you just hate him. I forgot. Now tell us how you don't hate him but "really care about the rule of law". That's one of my favorite leftist lies. I can't wait to hear it.
Oh, I forgot, Trump is persecuted, cheated, and anyone who does not kiss the ring nor drink the Kool Aid, hates him, as I noted, clinical narcissistic personality disorder
Noticed you didn’t address the question, for obvious reasons, the answer is no one, Trump can, and will do, anything he wants, including occupying 1600 Pennsylvania as long as he wants
What is there to address? Leftist hysteria? Ok lets address your hysteria. You realize you people all the time right? How many leftists have said they would leave the US if so-and-so was elected? How many have actually followed through? It's just political theater. Everyone knows it except you leftist nitwits.
Oh, I forgot, Trump is persecuted, cheated, and anyone who does not kiss the ring nor drink the Kool Aid, hates him, as I noted, clinical narcissistic personality disorder
Good for you to avoid what I wrote. If trump disappeared tomorrow I couldn't care less except there would be no one to aggregate you idiots.
Up to the jury to decide

Personally, I think he won’t be found guilty of a felony, nor acquitted, hung jury is more likely. Could see guilty of misdemeanor charges, but the felony is a reach
Misdemeanor is not available as a finding since the statute of limitations has passed for misdemeanors. It's either a felony or nothing.
No you still won't be happy till hes dead. I can't wait to see what the comments will be when trump finally does go.
Trump could die today and it would not change much, he is a symptom of a huge cultural problem. The, I cant get my way so burn it all down group will always be with us.
Oh that's right you just hate him. I forgot. Now tell us how you don't hate him but "really care about the rule of law". That's one of my favorite leftist lies. I can't wait to hear it.
I hate him and there is plenty of reasons for people to hate him.

I also think he is an idiot. Painfully stupid.

His manipulations are not those of a master. They are pedestrian and obvious almost always. Almost always, as soon as a flashlight is shone on them, his entire scheme becomes crystal clear because they are not complex, sophisticated or intelligent.

Do not conflate an ability to do crimes with competency.

HIs only real asset is the money his daddy gave him, which has allowed him to avoid most obvious culpibility.