Evidence is overwhelming.

I cannot predict what a jury will do, but I agree with the prosecutor, "the Evidence against Trump in hush money case is ‘overwhelming’".

Does celebrity/power 'trump' guilt in America's Criminal Justice System? We are about to find out.

Trump caused documents to be created that were false... the fraudulent documents were presented as payments to Cohen for 'Legal Services'. Why did Trump cause these documents to be created? The clear answer is to prevent the public from finding out he paid people off to keep them from talking.

One of the goals of the FEC is to promote transparency in how money is spent in campaigns. Trump intentionally tried to hide this payment from the FEC, that is clear. Hiding a payment that is required to be disclosed is a crime...

Can anyone dispute this??
Please leave your receptionist desk, toddle back into the office, and ask someone to give you an individual list of each of the 34 charges against Trump and explain each of them to us individually. Please do this on your breaks and lunch hour so as not to disrupt the actual lawyers.
Looks to a layman that they took the entire payment Trump made and divided it into monthly payments making each month a separate crime.
It is amusing to see Trump give a speech after the day of the trials and cry about the gag order. Only Trump can talk about a gag order and not understanding talking shows he is not gagged. He says inflammatory things every time and crosses line after line. He insults and slurs everyone involved.
Just look at Trump's organization. He calls Cohen a liar. That liar was his laywer for over decade. Trump told more lies than any president, over 30,000 in 4 years. His financial chief is in jail a second time for lying (perjury). The whole organization is full of people with no respect for the law or the truth.
Trump could die today and it would not change much, he is a symptom of a huge cultural problem. The, I cant get my way so burn it all down group will always be with us.
I don't agree with that entirely.

I do agree Trump is a symptom for a much wider problem which is a certain strain of white male grievance that makes them feel the world was better when they had power over PoC and women, and now they feel they have to compete and work with both, and that is somehow unfair.

But i think if Trump leaves the National stage and consciousness a lot of this grievance will again return to the closet, where it was prior.

I am not sure there is anyone in the wings who can shamelessly carry Trumps message built on lies and not collapse under it. Most would fail. Trumps unique skill is that he will hold to a lie regardless of how obvious it is. No one really saw that as a strength pre Trump (except for Shaggy "wasn't me") and most capitulate and give it up under pressure from peers.

Trump held to the lies, not due to strategy but because it is his nature and he found it works for him. Not sure it works for others.
I don't agree with that entirely.

I do agree Trump is a symptom for a much wider problem which is a certain strain of white male grievance that makes them feel the world was better when they had power over PoC and women, and now they feel they have to compete and work with both, and that is somehow unfair.

But i think if Trump leaves the National stage and consciousness a lot of this grievance will again return to the closet, where it was prior.

I am not sure there is anyone in the wings who can shamelessly carry Trumps message built on lies and not collapse under it. Most would fail. Trumps unique skill is that he will hold to a lie regardless of how obvious it is. No one really saw that as a strength pre Trump (except for Shaggy "wasn't me") and most capitulate and give it up under pressure from peers.

Trump held to the lies, not due to strategy but because it is his nature and he found it works for him. Not sure it works for others.
Yes, good analysis, but those people, even if back in the closet, will still vote and sabotage our nation for not being what they want.
It is amusing to see Trump give a speech after the day of the trials and cry about the gag order. Only Trump can talk about a gag order and not understanding talking shows he is not gagged. He says inflammatory things every time and crosses line after line. He insults and slurs everyone involved.
Just look at Trump's organization. He calls Cohen a liar. That liar was his laywer for over decade. Trump told more lies than any president, over 30,000 in 4 years. His financial chief is in jail a second time for lying (perjury). The whole organization is full of people with no respect for the law or the truth.
His people are somehow able to believe his is both giving a speech and gagged.
It is amusing to see Trump give a speech after the day of the trials and cry about the gag order. Only Trump can talk about a gag order and not understanding talking shows he is not gagged. He says inflammatory things every time and crosses line after line. He insults and slurs everyone involved.
Just look at Trump's organization. He calls Cohen a liar. That liar was his laywer for over decade. Trump told more lies than any president, over 30,000 in 4 years. His financial chief is in jail a second time for lying (perjury). The whole organization is full of people with no respect for the law or the truth.
Grievance is the core of the Magat right.

You can read countless blogs, books, forums, and watch endless alt news segments and radio segments hearing them complain about they are gagged or canceled.

At no time in history has the magat right had more means to get their voice out and amplify it and they make maximum use of all of them to say 'they are being silenced'.

For most of us, it is laughably stupid and obviously not true, but to the Magat faithful, who are stupid and fall for it, it is the main driver of why they continually donate their money.

At no point do the Magat faithful think, 'if he is canceled why do i hear or read him saying he is canceled' and that is because they are stupid and cannot connect those dots.
Character matters. And sexual assaulters and charity defrauders shouldn't be the leader of any major political party

When Bill Clinton got a bj from a consenting female, you conservatives screamed from the rooftops that morality matters in the presidency.
Trump could die today and it would not change much, he is a symptom of a huge cultural problem. The, I cant get my way so burn it all down group will always be with us.
I known right? Those "mostly" peaceful blm whiners huh?
I hate him and there is plenty of reasons for people to hate him.

I also think he is an idiot. Painfully stupid.

His manipulations are not those of a master. They are pedestrian and obvious almost always. Almost always, as soon as a flashlight is shone on them, his entire scheme becomes crystal clear because they are not complex, sophisticated or intelligent.

Do not conflate an ability to do crimes with competency.

HIs only real asset is the money his daddy gave him, which has allowed him to avoid most obvious culpibility.
Look at this! One miserable honest prick in the whole bunch of leftist morons here. You're an idiot but you have integrity I'll give you that.
Character matters. And sexual assaulter and charity defrauders shouldn't be the leader of any major political party

When Bill Clinton got a bj from a consenting female, you conservatives screamed from the rooftops that morality matters in the presidency.
stick to policy. reject whataboutism.

you're for transing children and freeing criminals.

those are losers.

this is why you're losing.
Character matters. And sexual assaulters and charity defrauders shouldn't be the leader of any major political party

When Bill Clinton got a bj from a consenting female, you conservatives screamed from the rooftops that morality matters in the presidency.
It didn't matter for bill Clinton.

Stop pretending for goodness sake. No one is buying the purity bullshit.

you're secretly a never Trumper globalist neocon.
No I am avowed don't give a shit about trumper. Understand? Not likely.

Theres a reason trump is so reviled and not has nothing to do with any of the fucking bullshit that leftists are pumping out. They don't give a fuck about democracy or DEI or any of the other shit they claim to care about. Wake the fuck up.
and the law is they can do what they want.
According to that stance, the jury can decide they all hate Trump and sentence him to death.
No, that isn't the case. The jury has limits on what it can do. They can decide innocence and guilt but if they step outside their boundaries, jurors can be removed from the jury. If a juror admits to reading news stories about the trial when they are on the jury they can be removed. If a juror has a bias they didn't reveal, they can be removed.
According to that stance, the jury can decide they all hate Trump and sentence him to death.
No, that isn't the case. The jury has limits on what it can do. They can decide innocence and guilt but if they step outside their boundaries, jurors can be removed from the jury. If a juror admits to reading news stories about the trial when they are on the jury they can be removed. If a juror has a bias they didn't reveal, they can be removed.

but they can decide the laws he's being punished under just don't matter and set him free despite all instruction and precedent.

it's called jury nullification.