Evolution vs Creationism---Is there a God? Or is it all just random chance?

I'm shocked. Not. Things sure have changed since I was a kid. Back then (R)s were generally devout church-attending ppl, same with (D)s. Yet the (R)s supported the sciences and scientific R&D and voted for ppl who would toss funding towards universities and other institutes doing research. There was no debate about evolution vs creationism in mainstream culture. In fact, I did a science report assignment in 5th grade on the evolution of the horse to much acclaim (I got an A on it, lol). The year was 1963.

Here so we are in the 21st century. Still no flying cars or ppl living on the Moon. Now we have otherwise intelligent, at least partly-educated people trying to convince us that science is bullshit and creationism is just as valid as anything else. That's fine, as long as they keep it out of our schools.

I believe the dumbing down of the Republican Party started when they rolled out the welcome mat for the racist Dixiecrats in the 1960s and 70s, and welcomed them with open arms
If you see derision towards you in my post that's on you. I'm merely questioning the existence of an arbitrary game-playing god who uses us for his amusement. I'm more of a pan-theist than an atheist. "If one god is real, they all are."

I can't speak for other non-Xtians, of course, but personally I don't care what someone believes as long as they don't use that belief to justify being an asshole.

I believe there is only one God. Man chooses to call him by other names and worship differently so what. As to playing games, God gives you a choice come to him or go to Satan. He gives you a way out if you make the wrong choice I don't consider that playing games. We have fought over this numerous times and nothing has changed. How about we argue over something more fun like the train wreck you think Trump is and the clowns you have running against him. :laugh:
Unfortunately, you do not speak for all of world Christianity. Some Christians view Satan as a metaphor. Particularly traditionally liberal Christian denominations.

The view of Satan inherited by many fundamentalists are rooted in Medieval mythology and lore and not firmly rooted in actual scripture

Did I ever once suggest I spoke for all Christians? No! I gave you all my beliefs and that is it.
I believe the dumbing down of the Republican Party started when they rolled out the welcome mat for the racist Dixiecrats in the 1960s and 70s, and welcomed them with open arms

Agree, and then they courted and wooed the evangelicals... and the rest was history.
I believe there is only one God. Man chooses to call him by other names and worship differently so what. As to playing games, God gives you a choice come to him or go to Satan. He gives you a way out if you make the wrong choice I don't consider that playing games. We have fought over this numerous times and nothing has changed. How about we argue over something more fun like the train wreck you think Trump is and the clowns you have running against him. :laugh:

We can do that, but it would be better done in a different thread, eh?

I see the world as a bit more nuanced perhaps than you do. There are more than just two choices, Satan or God. There is 1) no one at all, 2) all of the gods mankind has created, 3) self-worship, 4) Trump worship, 5) born fine the first time, 6) hero worship, and 7) who gives a shit? lol
Maybe it's more like this.

So this is a philosophical discussion and not a scientific one? The reason I ask that is your use of the term theory in the colloquial sense and not the scientific one as there is no such thing as “just a theory” in science.

If the discussion is a philosophical one, and I have no problem with that, then I would ask why create a false dichotomy? One can believe in both and not be contradictory to each other.

Now if you’re trying to conflate creationism with science well there’s not much room for discussion there. You’re just simply wrong. Creationism by definition is not nor can it be considered science.

Now philosophically that doesn’t necessarily mean creationism is wrong. It just isn’t science.

It's both. You can put forth whichever type of argument suits you.
I'm definitely a creationist at heart. I believe that God is real, Jesus is the son of God. Humans are chained to a lie because that is the desire of our enemy. Satan has made his kingdom here on earth and has great influence over the human race. As evidenced in the garden of Eden, he caused the fall of humanity, the turn away from God and this is how "death" entered into our vocabulary.

In reference to evolution, its still just a theory. For one there are no transition forms in the fossil record. For another 99% of all mutations are bad. Evolution is a mathematical impossibility when you sit down and look at the odds.

For example, if evolution were true, what is the deal with all the fraudulent fossils? Surely there would be no need to "fake" the missing links between species, yet this seems to be a re-occurring theme that evolutionists cannot escape from.

Please share you views on this, I am eager to gain in insight and knowledge and that is exactly what this thread is about. I don't want this to turn into a political pissing match. Let's not mock or demean, simply list your argument and your evidence and debate your points as you see fit.

Good luck and God speed!


^Why doesn't this surprise me?
So this is a philosophical discussion and not a scientific one? The reason I ask that is your use of the term theory in the colloquial sense and not the scientific one as there is no such thing as “just a theory” in science.

If the discussion is a philosophical one, and I have no problem with that, then I would ask why create a false dichotomy? One can believe in both and not be contradictory to each other.

Now if you’re trying to conflate creationism with science well there’s not much room for discussion there. You’re just simply wrong. Creationism by definition is not nor can it be considered science.

Now philosophically that doesn’t necessarily mean creationism is wrong. It just isn’t science.

Well put, MtH
I believe that God created the beginnings of life on this planet and watched his creations evolve. When man came on the scene he created Satan to tempt man. And here we are today.

^At least a more reasonable response from a believer. Rare.
That is exactly the reply I would expect from someone who is in denial that there is a higher authority than man. Many things test us on our desire for something, why not the creator? All I can say is if I'm right you lose everything and I gain everything but if I'm wrong I lose nothing.

Why does one lose everything if you are right?
I'm definitely a creationist at heart. I believe that God is real, Jesus is the son of God. Humans are chained to a lie because that is the desire of our enemy. Satan has made his kingdom here on earth and has great influence over the human race. As evidenced in the garden of Eden, he caused the fall of humanity, the turn away from God and this is how "death" entered into our vocabulary.

In reference to evolution, its still just a theory. For one there are no transition forms in the fossil record. For another 99% of all mutations are bad. Evolution is a mathematical impossibility when you sit down and look at the odds.

For example, if evolution were true, what is the deal with all the fraudulent fossils? Surely there would be no need to "fake" the missing links between species, yet this seems to be a re-occurring theme that evolutionists cannot escape from.

Please share you views on this, I am eager to gain in insight and knowledge and that is exactly what this thread is about. I don't want this to turn into a political pissing match. Let's not mock or demean, simply list your argument and your evidence and debate your points as you see fit.

Good luck and God speed!

I believe in GOD; but I also believe in evolution, because I believe that it's part of God's end goal.

We were given free will and at times it's a blessing and a curse; because while it can lead to great decisions, it can also lead to great disasters.

I also don't believe that who we are now, will be what defines humans at some time in the distant future.

I also don't believe that we are the only living things in all of the universes; because what would be the purpose for all of them, if it's just for us to look at.

We've only been on this planet for a very short period of time and no one has been able to explain to me how long GOD's day is.
If I believed that there was such a being, which I do not, I would agree with you that you are correct. His tool is squatting in our White House at this present time. That you all worship a lying, cheating, bullying, cruel, and stupid man and believe that a god lifted him up to the highest office in the land shows how very clever Lucifer is. He has cloaked your eyes with dollar signs and false pride.