Evolution vs Creationism---Is there a God? Or is it all just random chance?

Ah, so it IS a game!

Along with the universe, you believe that your god also created morals? Morals -- and the human-created laws that back them up -- are changeable, as human history shows us. Just a look at the doings in the Old Testament tells us that. Human sacrifice (Abraham), public drunkenness (Noah), polygamy and adultery (Solomon and his 700 wives and 600 concubines), slavery (most of the actors in the OT) -- all things we now call immoral and forbid by law.

There are no atheists in foxholes. You know, deep down inside, the difference between right and wrong. Only your rebellious nature has suppressed those ethics and morals for a very long time (talking to everyone, myself included here)
Unfortunately, you do not speak for all of world Christianity. Some Christians view Satan as a metaphor. Particularly traditionally liberal Christian denominations.

The view of Satan inherited by many fundamentalists are rooted in Medieval mythology and lore and not firmly rooted in actual scripture

You should learn to take God at his word. By and large, there no allegory in the bible.

And the view of Satan is NOT rooted in Medieval mythology (let me guess, you are Game of Thrones fan?)

It's rooted in a much older book called the Bible. You are wrong on all accounts, my friend.

p.s. no such thing as a liberal Christian.
I believe the dumbing down of the Republican Party started when they rolled out the welcome mat for the racist Dixiecrats in the 1960s and 70s, and welcomed them with open arms

Of course, this particular narration of the southern strategy is alive and well amongst the liberal democrats.

Contrary to popular misconception, the parties never"switched" on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to asubversive strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible ongovernment to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a cynicalsmear campaign to label anyone who opposes their devious strategy asgreedy racists.


Let's do our best not to derail this thread with a democrat vs republican pissing match. [/FONT]
Trump wants to save unborn children from death at the hands of liberal abortionists? Obama want's to butcher them in mass? And Trump is the Satanist? LOL come again?

I've seen some of your other posts. Thought maybe you actually wanted a civil and adult discussion this time. But then there was this. This outpouring of falsehood and crazy ends my conversations with you.
You should learn to take God at his word. By and large, there no allegory in the bible.

And the view of Satan is NOT rooted in Medieval mythology (let me guess, you are Game of Thrones fan?)

It's rooted in a much older book called the Bible. You are wrong on all accounts, my friend.

p.s. no such thing as a liberal Christian.

Your trolling is subpar and utterly tepid. But I am certain you thought this was clever when you typed it
Your trolling is subpar and utterly tepid. But I am certain you thought this was clever when you typed it
LOL Trolling? What are you talking about? This thread was created to have a frank and honest bipartisan discussion regarding the merits on evolution vs creationism. I am 100 percent serious.

If you have nothing more of value to post, could you please just get lost?
Charles Darwin was a creationist and became a believer and Christian on his death bed.

That’s not only irrelevant it’s also an urban legend that isn’t true. The Lady Hope story was debunked by Darwin’s children shortly after his death. According to Darwin’s children, who were present when he died, not only did Darwin not renounce evolutionary theory, Lady Hope wasn’t even there. Nor was she present during his illness or any illness. In fact Darwin had never even met Lady Hope. In short, Lady Hope lied.

Hell even the ICR debunks that urban legend as untrue. It didn’t happen.

It’s irrelevant because Darwin didn’t formulate his famous theory in a vacuum. It was long known by geologist that the earth’s origin was far more ancient than had been believed and naturalist before Darwin had observed and noted how the geological record gave evidence of species changing over time. There were also peers to Darwin in his own time who made the same conclusion independently. Notably Alfred Wallace.

What Darwin did was piece the evidence painstakingly together to provide a functional predictive model of speciation that he published in a scientific and literary masterpiece “On The Origins of Species”. That is why evolutionary theory is named after him.

The point being that the principal of evolution was known before Darwin and the evidence that we’ve learned since then has supported Darwin’s observation and, more importantly, the theory has been updated and revised with these additional discoveries like the laws of genetics, nucleic acids (RNA/DNA), protein structures and synthesis. All of which could have easily have falsified evolutionary theory but haven’t. They have, in fact, provided stronger support and deeper understanding of evolutionary theory which has been correspondingly revised to account for this new knowledge.

Darwin in his own time did not know what the physical mechanism of natural selection was and understood that it was a weakness in his theory. He just observed natural selection and how it functioned. We now know from later discovery that genetics and the biological properties of nucleic acids are the underlying mechanism of natural selection.

Darwin did not know what this mechanism was in his time but had faith that it would be discovered. What is ironic is that even as Darwin wrote it that very discovery had already been made by a cloistered Austrian Monk. Ironic ehh?
LOL Trolling? What are you talking about? This thread was created to have a frank and honest bipartisan discussion regarding the merits on evolution vs creationism. I am 100 percent serious.

If you have nothing more of value to post, could you please just get lost?

Fair enough. I’ll put to you starkly. Creationism is as valid as any other human mythology or mysticism or philosophical/religious belief as an origins story. This does separate Creationism from Evolutionary theory as evolution has nothing to say about ultimate origins. Evolutionary theory is limited to modeling speciation.

As science Creationism has no merit what so ever, and meets absolutely none of the tenets for being considered science. It’s not based on empirical observation. It doesn’t model natural phenomena ( quite the opposite it models supernatural phenomena). It makes no useful testable predictions that can be independently verified. It isn’t, in principle, falsifiable and it has not once published any peer reviewed research or discoveries.
It’s not based on empirical observation. It doesn’t model natural phenomena ( quite the opposite it models supernatural phenomena). It makes no useful testable predictions that can be independently verified. It isn’t, in principle, falsifiable and it has not once published any peer reviewed research or discoveries.

it's not obvious from this whether you are talking about creationism or the theory that humans evolved from single cell organisms........please clarify......
There are no atheists in foxholes. You know, deep down inside, the difference between right and wrong. Only your rebellious nature has suppressed those ethics and morals for a very long time (talking to everyone, myself included here)

You have the corner on what’s right and what’s wrong? Typical of the sheer arrogance of “Christians”.
You should learn to take God at his word. By and large, there no allegory in the bible.

And the view of Satan is NOT rooted in Medieval mythology (let me guess, you are Game of Thrones fan?)

It's rooted in a much older book called the Bible. You are wrong on all accounts, my friend.

p.s. no such thing as a liberal Christian.

The Bible is the word of God.
How do you know that?
Because the Bible tells us so.
Why believe the Bible?
Because the Bible is infallible.
How do you know that?
(return to top)
Fair enough. I’ll put to you starkly. Creationism is as valid as any other human mythology or mysticism or philosophical/religious belief as an origins story. This does separate Creationism from Evolutionary theory as evolution has nothing to say about ultimate origins. Evolutionary theory is limited to modeling speciation.

As science Creationism has no merit what so ever, and meets absolutely none of the tenets for being considered science. It’s not based on empirical observation. It doesn’t model natural phenomena ( quite the opposite it models supernatural phenomena). It makes no useful testable predictions that can be independently verified. It isn’t, in principle, falsifiable and it has not once published any peer reviewed research or discoveries.

You've never taken a course in philosophy, have you?
I've seen some of your other posts. Thought maybe you actually wanted a civil and adult discussion this time. But then there was this. This outpouring of falsehood and crazy ends my conversations with you.

Facts too brutal for your delicate sensibilities?
This has always been my question, why did an Omnipotent being need worship from flawed humans? Why does he compete with Satan? It’s never made sense to me.

Do you love your children? Do you allow your children to make decision's right or wrong? When they come to you for disobeying the rules, do you forgive them? If they show that they are not really sorry do you reward them anyway?
Do you love your children? Do you allow your children to make decision's right or wrong? When they come to you for disobeying the rules, do you forgive them?
I am not an Omnipotent god. I don’t require my children to obey/love me or face eternal damnation.