Ex-Trump exec: He's racist through and through

Free thinking and free thinkers are what got us out of the trees. Political correctness stifles free thinking.

Horse shit! "Free thinking and free thinkers"...when carried to extreme...are an impediment to civilization. That is why I have a lower opinion of Libertarianism than I have of American conservatism...although I consider American conservatism to be a cancer on civilization.

The economy is booming and black/Hispanic employment numbers are at record lows. Seems odd, that would occur under a ‘racist regime’.

Not if it is part of a trend started under the previous administration...and still has not been fucked with enough by the morons in the present administration to halt the trend.

Even if some of them fall for the media propaganda about Trump being a racist, isn’t there a danger they will vote for him based on the economy?

There is a huge chance that many people WILL vote for Trump in 2020...and I am sure many will be blacks. My guess is it is still 50/50 that he will be re-elected.

Horse shit! "Free thinking and free thinkers"...when carried to extreme...are an impediment to civilization. That is why I have a lower opinion of Libertarianism than I have of American conservatism...although I consider American conservatism to be a cancer on civilization.

Not if it is part of a trend started under the previous administration...and still has not been fucked with enough by the morons in the present administration to halt the trend.

There is a huge chance that many people WILL vote for Trump in 2020...and I am sure many will be blacks. My guess is it is still 50/50 that he will be re-elected.


Nearly every innovation is led by someone who dares get outside of the box. From Newton to Steve Jobs. And there’s hardly anything more ‘box like’ and ideologically corrosive than political correctness.

Your point about the economy is weak. And anyone still able to think for themselves can see it. The economy was supposed to crash under Trump, remember? You better hope minority voters keep it tuned to CNN so they can stay distracted by Stormy or Omarosa.
Nearly every innovation is led by someone who dares get outside of the box. From Newton to Steve Jobs. And there’s hardly anything more ‘box like’ and ideologically corrosive than political correctness.

Libertarianism is about chaos and anarchy. Laws and governments are the basis for civilization.

Only fools think otherwise.

Your point about the economy is weak.

My point about the economy is like Mt. Everest.

The people still wanting to give the credit to Trump almost certainly realize that...but what else do they have but to take credit where credit is not due.

And anyone still able to think for themselves can see it.

People who can think for themselves CAN SEE THE TRUTH...which is why your side needs to call the press "the enemy of the people."

Adolf Hitler would have been impressed by that crap!

The economy was supposed to crash under Trump, remember?

C'mon, Darth...give him a chance. He is still working on it!

You better hope minority voters keep it tuned to CNN so they can stay distracted by Stormy or Omarosa.

Lame...but okay...I will "hope" that if it makes you happy.
Why is it so important to you lefties that the socially liberal New Yorker, Donald Trump, is suddenly a racist lol?

Trump is a liberal exactly the same way that I am an F-18 pilot.

He has been a lifelong racist; this is not a sudden thing. Why is it important? Because whoever sits in the Oval Office represents *all* of us. Not just conservatives. Not just white ppl. Not just Xtians. *ALL* of us.

The better question would be "Why doesn't Trump's racism bother you Trumpanzees?" I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that it has something to do with your race and his being similar.
At very least, Donald Trump, certainly seems racially insensitive to me.

Although I am more worried about the fact that he is a fucking classless moron doing more to harm the United States than most of our perceived enemies have been able to do.

Trump is an abomination.

But, yeah...I can understand that someone who worked with/for him confirms his racism.

I'm betting there are grown men and women out there who know shit about him and we've only heard the tip of the iceberg. And yes, many of them are likely scared to go public.
Trump is a liberal exactly the same way that I am an F-18 pilot.

He has been a lifelong racist; this is not a sudden thing. Why is it important? Because whoever sits in the Oval Office represents *all* of us. Not just conservatives. Not just white ppl. Not just Xtians. *ALL* of us.

The better question would be "Why doesn't Trump's racism bother you Trumpanzees?" I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that it has something to do with your race and his being similar.

What the owlwoman said!

I'm going to keeping asking this as I have for the past 9 years. WTF do these people TEACH THEIR KIDS!! Is this where the little brown shirts in Charlottesville come from--people like we see daily on political boards?
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Trump is a liberal exactly the same way that I am an F-18 pilot.

He has been a lifelong racist; this is not a sudden thing. Why is it important? Because whoever sits in the Oval Office represents *all* of us. Not just conservatives. Not just white ppl. Not just Xtians. *ALL* of us.

The better question would be "Why doesn't Trump's racism bother you Trumpanzees?" I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that it has something to do with your race and his being similar.

Right lol.

I liked Ben Carson, a lot. So did many of the supposedly racist Trumpers. But the media and the establishment would have eaten Carson alive—because he’s too nice a guy. The media would have labeled Carson a traitor to his race and you would have stood by and watched.

A fighter like Trump was the only antidote for the left’s destructive cynicism. Think about that.
Everyone is racist. The evidence that blacks are mentally inferior is overwhelming.

1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests.

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.

You keep posting your posts and the bottom line is they just don't matter
Right lol.

I liked Ben Carson, a lot. So did many of the supposedly racist Trumpers. But the media and the establishment would have eaten Carson alive—because he’s too nice a guy. The media would have labeled Carson a traitor to his race and you would have stood by and watched.

A fighter like Trump was the only antidote for the left’s destructive cynicism. Think about that.

Trump as an antidote!!!

You gotta be shittin' me!

Well...to give him his due...Donald Trump IS an antidote to intelligence and sanity.

Anyone who supports him...is "cured" of those things...and inoculated against them.
Trump as an antidote!!!

You gotta be shittin' me!

Well...to give him his due...Donald Trump IS an antidote to intelligence and sanity.

Anyone who supports him...is "cured" of those things...and inoculated against them.

Carson was making a serious run at the republican nomination until Super Tuesday.

How does that square with what the media has told you to believe about Trump and republicans more generally?
Free thinking and free thinkers are what got us out of the trees. Political correctness stifles free thinking.

The economy is booming and black/Hispanic employment numbers are at record lows. Seems odd, that would occur under a ‘racist regime’.

Even if some of them fall for the media propaganda about Trump being a racist, isn’t there a danger they will vote for him based on the economy?

More blacks are employed because Obama removed so many illegals, idiot. Nothing to do with Chump.
Trump is a liberal exactly the same way that I am an F-18 pilot.

He has been a lifelong racist; this is not a sudden thing. Why is it important? Because whoever sits in the Oval Office represents *all* of us. Not just conservatives. Not just white ppl. Not just Xtians. *ALL* of us.

The better question would be "Why doesn't Trump's racism bother you Trumpanzees?" I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that it has something to do with your race and his being similar.
show me Trump'sracist policies as POTUS. I'm not talking about 40 year old housing cases -but as POTUS
Carson was making a serious run at the republican nomination until Super Tuesday.

Carson was, in my opinion, one of the weaker candidates the Republicans had on the clown car. Kasich, Rubio, and JEB were all stronger...and they all lost.

Trump won.


How does that square with what the media has told you to believe about Trump and republicans more generally?

I do not do "believing"...and the media does not significantly influence how to react to political situations.

I had admiration for Republicans at one time....I saw them as a needed loyal opposition to the excesses that sometimes came from liberals.

Then they became pawns of American conservatism...and became garbage.

Now they are the party of Trump...and somewhere even lower in the sludge.
show me Trump'sracist policies as POTUS. I'm not talking about 40 year old housing cases -but as POTUS

Bingo on the racist policies.

The proof is in the pudding, and not in statements than can be construed as racist if you squint and look at it sideways lol.