Ex-Trump exec: He's racist through and through

Carson was, in my opinion, one of the weaker candidates the Republicans had on the clown car. Kasich, Rubio, and JEB were all stronger...and they all lost.

Trump won.


I do not do "believing"...and the media does not significantly influence how to react to political situations.

I had admiration for Republicans at one time....I saw them as a needed loyal opposition to the excesses that sometimes came from liberals.

Then they became pawns of American conservatism...and became garbage.

Now they are the party of Trump...and somewhere even lower in the sludge.

You totally skirted my point about Ben Carson.

How is it that a black man would lead the republican primaries any time, at all, if republicans truly are over run with racists?
Wrong. lol

"Gallup showed his current approval rating at 13 percent with an average fluctuation between 10 and 15 percent. Reuters also indicated a current approval rating of 13 percent among black voters with peaks of about 18 percent in February 2017 and May 2018. Numerous YouGov/Economist surveys from July and August also showed an average of a 13 percent approval rating. Only about 9 percent of black Americans approved of Trump in multiple Quinnipiac University surveys in the past two months."

( https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-approval-rating-black-americans-1078598 )

How accurate were Gallup and Quinnipiac in the run-up to the election? ;)
You totally skirted my point about Ben Carson.

How is it that a black man would lead the republican primaries any time, at all, if republicans truly are over run with racists?
I long ago stopped listening to Dem's explain why non-Dems are racists.
Great article. O'Donnell had knowledge and insight that trump never had and never will. He really shows how superficial trump is.

O'DONNEL? Mr. Bones? :laugh: Yes indeed he certainly has "Insight". "Trump has no chance to become President of the United States."
Did you read the article?

trump doesn't even have 10% of O'Donnell's vocabulary, let alone his smarts.

:laugh: But he was smart enough to collude with Russia and Kick O'Donnell's ass without leaving any objective evidence behind? Which is it....is Mr. Trump a genius criminal or a brain dead billionaire? :palm: Why have ALL THE SMART (assed) self professed...….individuals not taken out the DONALD, if they are so much smarter? I know.....it must be the STUPID and DEPLORABLE voters of the United States...right?
You totally skirted my point about Ben Carson.

How is it that a black man would lead the republican primaries any time, at all, if republicans truly are over run with racists?

Beats me.

Maybe racist people trying to convince others that they are not racist???

I mean...could be.
(fishing) is fun......these people are stupid. 223 ;) www.rt.com/usa/436248-black-support-trump-grows/

I don't care to toss a dog a (BONE X) every now and then:innocent:

God Bless the "white hats".

Ah, Rasmussen. Makes sense. Always tilts towards Orangetweet.

"An NAACP poll released on Aug. 7 found that Trump's approval rating was at 21 percent. And a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in June found Trump's approval rating among blacks at 14 percent. "

Keep floundering, Ralphie. Keep pounding that bottle.
Ah, Rasmussen. Makes sense. Always tilts towards Orangetweet.

"An NAACP poll released on Aug. 7 found that Trump's approval rating was at 21 percent. And a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in June found Trump's approval rating among blacks at 14 percent. "

Keep floundering, Ralphie. Keep pounding that bottle.


(fishing is fun....these people are stupid. 223 No one could have guessed (you being a self professed leftist) that you would attack the messenger while ignoring the message that you lied about and said....NEVER EXISTED. How do you gain respect when you lie and self contradict everything you post? And you are the smartest leftist in the room?

(fishing is fun....these people are stupid. 223 No one could have guessed (you being a self professed leftist) that you would attack the messenger while ignoring the message that you lied about and said....NEVER EXISTED. How do you gain respect when you lie and self contradict everything you post? And you are the smartest leftist in the room?

I just gave you two other polls that says the consistently Trump-biased poll is an outlier, Ralphie. Want to see it again, senile old fuck?

"An NAACP poll released on Aug. 7 found that Trump's approval rating was at 21 percent. And a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in June found Trump's approval rating among blacks at 14 percent. "
I just gave you two other polls that says the consistently Trump-biased poll is an outlier, Ralphie. Want to see it again, senile old fuck?

"An NAACP poll released on Aug. 7 found that Trump's approval rating was at 21 percent. And a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in June found Trump's approval rating among blacks at 14 percent. "

If it gets up near 20% Democrats are in trouble.
I used to think he just (disgustingly) used race to garner support from the (pretty substantial) racist component of (mostly) right wing voters.

That's bad enough but the more I see him...the more I believe that he actually is a doddering old racist

That explains the irrational devotion of his followers: they see him as one of them - and he is. Many of them think that having this loud-mouthed bigot as POTUS legitimizes their own basest instincts.