Extremely sad news...

On January 31st, 2016 Beefy took his own life.

Beefy, a former mod on this board, was an RL friend, I met him back in the p.com days when he lived in CO and we hung out a bit. He was a genuinely a great guy, a good friend to all, kind, interesting and interested in everybody. The man I met was an adventurer and lived to the fullest, and he will be missed... I do not know what took him down this path, or have much more information that I can give here. If you knew him, you liked him.

I hope he has found the peace he deserved.
Oh man...I'm crushed. I can't believe this. I never had the pleasure of meeting Beefy but I always enjoyed his posts and bantering with him. Now I know why Desh was digging up his old posts.
Beefy, I don't have any weed or I'd roll one and pass it to Grind and yell at him not to drool on it before sending it your way. I just did shot of Patron and sent some good vibes your way. I hope the pain you were feeling is diminished. God Bless bro.
weird not to be able to actually trust this kind of news

lies are so distructive.

their taint bleeds into EVEYRTHING
Do not asshat up this thread. I will delete posts and just close the thread. Beefy deserves better than that.
Sorry to hear this, the world lost a good man.

Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, he is free at last.
I hope the peace that I believe awaits all of us has him.
Depression and mental illness is serious stuff and can kill. Please if you feel you need help, reach out.

As bleak and hopeless as you might see things today, its a sham, its never as bad and there are days ahead that wont have the dark lens that is covering how you see it today.

Its worth it to live until you naturally die, call someone, heck private message me, seriously hold on because brighter days are ahead.
Damn. I hate to hear this. Beefy was good people.

R.I.P. Beefy. I hope you find peace. I'll burn one for you tonight.
Oh my, what bad news. It's a terrible loss for his family. Beefy was intelligent and funny and he will be missed.

I hope he finally found what he was searching for.
he didn't find anything. he's dead now.

people might think I am callous but I find it very important to not diminish the tragedy of this by fairy tale thinking. We aren't going to all die and hang out with beefy in heaven in 20-40 years and have a BBQ. He's gone forever. Death is a one way ticket to nothing.