Fact Pro introduction

Fact Pro

Verified User
Hi. I am Fact Pro, skeptic scrutinizer of wild claims and auditor of paranormal beliefs. All of my friends work for the I.R.S. How are you doing?
Are the numbers a countdown to the first post declaring you a sock puppet of an existing person?

BTW, this *is* a politics forum. We don't need no stinkin' facts here. lol
You'll get replies eventually. Our sock-spotters will be by bright and early tomorrow to accuse you of being a fraud. Until then... welcome!

I'm real. I don't know what a sock spotter is but I know who Harry Potter is. If they get annoyed then I will just tell them hey lift the reply requisite next time.
Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss, whereas they stand to receive infinite gains and avoid infinite losses.

I don't know who Pascal was but he sure sounds loopy.