Fact Pro introduction

You and I aren't on the same wavelength. Could you use more words so that you could be understood?

He is obsessed with making the board they ruined into this board. Thus, his a many Amazon accounts obsessing over their old board.
He is obsessed with making the board they ruined into this board. Thus, his a many Amazon accounts obsessing over their old board.

One board or another... they're all pretty much the same. You put words in them and they are available on the internet.
Are the numbers a countdown to the first post declaring you a sock puppet of an existing person?

BTW, this *is* a politics forum. We don't need no stinkin' facts here. lol
His friends all work for the IRS, and he wonders why nobody wants to talk to him?
Grind didn't ask me,you ask me

I never said that Grind asked you; but it's becoming apparent that you're skeert to have all your socks revealed and therefore, you have no intention of giving Grind permission to reveal your "army of socks.

Poor-poor little coward.
