Family Value Conservatives: Sarah Palin's Daughter Pregnant at 17..and Not married...

Sara is a grandmother. That is pretty cool I think. I bet the grand child turns out pretty good. Now--what are you folks babbeling about?
You as stupid as they come.

First menses is only altered when implantation occurs. Thus my statement that the only way to test for in vivo fertilization is to check for pregnancy.

Second, if a medical treatment prevents pregnancy by preventing implantation, it is morally corrupt to allow that type of contraceptive to be used. From a single case by case POV, no criminal action (assuminng our society were mature enough to recognize killing any human without justification is wrong) could be proven. OTOH, probability dictates that eventually one of those types of contraception would, indeed, kill a human by preventing implantation. In such a case, the people who make, and the people who consume for the purpose of contraception would fall under the heading of conspiracy to commit homicide. (Ie: taking actions they know will ultimately result in a homicide.) Conspiracy to commit, in most states, carries the same consequences as the action itself.

So, justify the homicide. Because if it is not justified, it is murder.

You are evading the point retard. If you cannot prove fertilization has occurred there is no fucking way you can prove that a contraceptive prevents implantation of a fertilized egg.
You're done dufus. Either there is a way to prove the fertilization of the egg or there is no way to prove that any contraceptive works by preventing implantation. You can only guess that it does and that is nothing but SWAG.
The daughter and her boyfriend are in a period of their life called puberty. Man, it is easy to make a mistake at that age. I bet half of you folks did it, or all of you folks know somebody personally who did.

Dig deeper liberials. When the daughter picks up a male whore and is not sure who the kid belongs to--let us all know--will ya?
You're done dufus. Either there is a way to prove the fertilization of the egg or there is no way to prove that any contraceptive works by preventing implantation. You can only guess that it does and that is nothing but SWAG.
Your ignorance is so profound as to defy imagination.

I already admitted that there is no way to prove it on a SINGLE CASE basis.

But the DESIGN of the method is to prevent implantation. Therefore it WILL eventually, prevent a fertilized ovum from implanting. It is a statistical fact that fertilized ova will be deliberately prevented from implantation over a period of time, and use of abortive contraceptives by multiple sexually active women. To deliberately design something that will eventually kill a human being is conspiracy to commit homicide - regardless of whether a particular homicide can be proven or not.

But, hey, even in your blind ignorance, I have offered you an out. Some homicides can be legally and morally justified. So, justify killing unborn children.
Your ignorance is so profound as to defy imagination.

I already admitted that there is no way to prove it on a SINGLE CASE basis.

But the DESIGN of the method is to prevent implantation. Therefore it WILL eventually, prevent a fertilized ovum from implanting. It is a statistical fact that fertilized ova will be deliberately prevented from implantation over a period of time, and use of abortive contraceptives by multiple sexually active women. To deliberately design something that will eventually kill a human being is conspiracy to commit homicide - regardless of whether a particular homicide can be proven or not.

What like a gun?

Nope, read up on Pan B or IUDs. The medical literature on all say they may prevent egg production, may prevent fertilization or may prevent implantation. They are not sure how they work and one might get the same result from taking several mini pills. And since you cannot prove how they work making some wild ass guess about how they will work is no justification for prohibiting their use.

It is a statistical fact that fertilized ova will be deliberately prevented from implantation over a period of time, and use of abortive contraceptives by multiple sexually active women.

Where did they get these statistics? As you have argued, there is no way to compile any statistics on this.