FBI Confirms Would-Be Trump Assassin as Thomas Matthew Crooks, Matches Democrat Donor Description Per FEC Data.

A Trump hater...shows the shooter was a donor to the Progressive Turnout Project through ActBlue, a left-wing political fundraising platform. The Progressive Turnout Project helps to elect far-left Democrats to Congress and other offices.


Refute it, Walter.
You want me to refute that a dead person could make a video that he is the wrong guy? That sort of refutes itself. If he was alive to say he is the wrong guy, and the right guy is dead, then he is the wrong guy.

Was the actual shooter a trump hater? It is more than possible. Usually, but not always, shooters shoot people because they hate them. We just do not know.

But yes, I will call total bullshit on your claims of the dead rising and saying they hate trump. That I know to be false.
what about the current video of him saying how he hates republicans and hates Trump. Antifa groomed then sacrificed this dumb kid,....id just about bet on it.
Well, there is a current video of a living person saying he hates republicans and trump, and also saying he is the wrong guy. That person is living, where the shooter is definitely not living.

So Stone, how many young men have you groomed to be killers?