FBI Ran Spy Operation Against Trump Campaign


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Leakers to the New York Times confirmed in a story published on Wednesday that the FBI had run a spy operation on the Trump campaign that involved government informants, secret subpoenas, and possible wiretaps.

The story comes ahead of the release of the pending Department of Justice inspector general report on the FBI’s actions during the 2016 election, and likely is an attempt by the leakers to paint the FBI’s efforts in the most flattering light possible.

But the story revealed that the FBI – which is supposed to be an apolitical agency – was spying on the Trump campaign through phone records and with “at least one” human asset.

“The F.B.I. obtained phone records and other documents using national security letters — a secret type of subpoena — officials said. And at least one government informant met several times with Mr. Page and Mr. Papadopoulos,” the Times reported, citing “current and former officials.”

The revelation of “at least one government informant” appears to confirm a Washington Post story last week in which leakers revealed that the FBI had a “top secret intelligence source” — a U.S. citizen who likely lived overseas — who had spied on members of the Trump campaign for the FBI.

The Post‘s report came out as House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) was fighting the Justice Department for access to information on the source.

According to the Wall Street Journal‘s Kimberley Strassel, the source meant “the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.”

“This would amount to spying, and it is hugely disconcerting,” she wrote in a piece last Thursday.

The Times‘ story also seems to conflict with what the FBI has previously maintained — that the investigation into the Trump campaign began with information that Papadopoulos had told an Australian diplomat he knew that Russians had stolen emails that would be embarrassing for Clinton.

Leakers told the Times that “within hours” of opening the investigation into the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016, the FBI dispatched two agents to London to interview the Australian diplomat who had talked to Papadopoulos, meaning that the investigation had officially opened even before they interviewed him.

In fact, it was not until two days after the investigation began that the agents summarized their interview — which apparently “broke with diplomatic protocol” — and sent the summary back to Washington.

The Times‘ story glosses over this discrepancy by saying the agents’ report “helped provide the foundation” for the case – instead of sparked the case – as has been claimed.

Those facts appear to confirm that the FBI had opened the investigation on the Trump campaign based on other information — perhaps the “top secret intelligence source
the Times’ story is also vague as to when exactly FBI agents began looking into the Trump campaign, saying that it was “days” after their investigation on Hillary Clinton’s email server ended. Comey had announced he would not seek charges against Clinton on July 5, 2016, and the FBI officially launched their investigation on July 31, 2016.

According to the Times‘ story, the investigation seems to have been sparked by suspicions over some campaign members’ pre-existing connections with Russia before they joined the campaign.

Flynn, a retired three-star general, was once paid $45,000 by Russian outlet Russia Today for a 2015 speaking engagement; Paul Manafort — a veteran Republican strategist — had lobbied for pro-Russian interests in Ukraine long before he joined the Trump campaign; Carter Page had previously worked in Moscow and Russian spies had tried to recruit him. In Papadopoulos’s case, he “seemed to know” Russia had “political dirt” on Clinton.

The FBI also found Trump’s behavior suspicious, although he was not under investigation. FBI officials were also alarmed by reports that wrongly suggested that Trump’s campaign had tried to change the GOP’s stance on Ukraine in a way favorable to Russia.

The Times’ story also confirms the FBI used the salacious Steele dossier in addition to “F.B.I. information” to obtain a wiretap on Page. Democrats have tried to downplay the FBI’s reliance on the document.

The story reveals the FBI — instead of alerting the Trump campaign that it might be a target of Russian influence operations — went to lengths to hide the investigation.

Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Q. Yates claimed in an interview with the Times that they did not want word of the investigation to leak and to impact the election.

“You do not take actions that will unnecessarily impact an election,” she said. (Instead, they secretly spied on the Trump campaign as mentioned above, via phone records, secret subpoenas, and at least one informant.)

The story downplays the actions of FBI agent Peter Strzok, who played a key role in the Clinton email and Trump campaign investigations.

The story claims that the FBI did not reveal eagerness to investigate Trump, citing one of Strzok’s text messages to FBI lawyer Lisa Page, with whom he was having an extramarital affair.

The Times quoted Strzok as texting Page with, “I cannot believe we are seriously looking at these allegations and the pervasive connections.” In reality, he had texted Page “OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE WE ARE SERIOUSLY LOOKING AT THESE ALLEGATIONS AND THE PERVASIVE CONNECTIONS.”

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway, who has reported on the FBI’s investigation in depth, called the Times’ report “an attempted whitewash” of FBI behavior.
The question is why did the FBI start their Trump-Russia investigation. According to Nunes it was on the basis of "no intelligence". We are left to infer that it was because Comey et al. didn't like Trump and conspired to stop him (but, perplexingly, it wasn't made public until after the election).

You know what I think. The investigation was spurred by multiple, repeated warnings from friendly foreign intel agencies, and the FBI was slow off the mark.

But we'll see.
Leakers told the Times that “within hours” of opening the investigation into the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016, the FBI dispatched two agents to London to interview the Australian diplomat who had talked to Papadopoulos, meaning that the investigation had officially opened even before they interviewed him.
New York Times confirmed in a story published on Wednesday that the FBI had run a spy operation on the Trump campaign that involved government informants, secret subpoenas, and possible wiretaps.

NYT confirms what Hannity has been saying all along.

The question is why did the FBI start their Trump-Russia investigation. According to Nunes it was on the basis of "no intelligence". We are left to infer that it was because Comey et al. didn't like Trump and conspired to stop him (but, perplexingly, it wasn't made public until after the election).

You know what I think. The investigation was spurred by multiple, repeated warnings from friendly foreign intel agencies, and the FBI was slow off the mark.

But we'll see.

I am pretty sure that intel from allies is the trigger. After all, haven't we seen in the last two years the astonishing number of Trump associates who have traveled to Russia, met with Russians elsewhere, and even some who lied about it when asked the purpose? I don't mean lied about the purpose, but about the meetings and travel in the first place. Why lie if nothing nefarious is going on?

But of course the Reichwingers are appalled. How DARE the intelligence community try to keep us safe from enemy interests? The nerve.
NYT confirms what Hannity has been saying all along.

yes. spying on a political campaign with informant and wiretaps with no real evidence is how the FBI rolls.

FBI — instead of alerting the Trump campaign that it might be a target of Russian influence operations — went to lengths to hide the investigation.

Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Q. Yates claimed in an interview with the Times that they did not want word of the investigation to leak and to impact the election.

“You do not take actions that will unnecessarily impact an election,” she said. (Instead, they secretly spied on the Trump campaign as mentioned above, via phone records, secret subpoenas, and at least one informant.)
spying on a political campaign with informant and wiretaps with no real evidence is how the FBI rolls.

What wiretaps?

Whether it was legitimate for the FBI to have an informant in the Trump campaign depends entirely on why the Trump-Russia investigation was started. According to Nunes there was no good reason - the FBI was interfering in politics. This April 2017 article tells a completely different story:


The article is obviously based on a high-level, officially-inspired leak from British intelligence (a very rare occurrence). Either it was all made up, or the FBI had compelling reasons to monitor the Trump campaign by summer 2016 - if anything, they were late starting.

“It looks like the US agencies were asleep,” the source said. “The European agencies were saying: ‘There are contacts going on between people close to Mr Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.’ The message was: ‘Watch out. There’s something not right here.’”
What wiretaps?

Whether it was legitimate for the FBI to have an informant in the Trump campaign depends entirely on why the Trump-Russia investigation was started. According to Nunes there was no good reason - the FBI was interfering in politics. This April 2017 article tells a completely different story:


The article is obviously based on a high-level, officially-inspired leak from British intelligence (a very rare occurrence). Either it was all made up, or the FBI had compelling reasons to monitor the Trump campaign by summer 2016 - if anything, they were late starting.

“It looks like the US agencies were asleep,” the source said. “The European agencies were saying: ‘There are contacts going on between people close to Mr Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.’ The message was: ‘Watch out. There’s something not right here.’”
not this again.
nobody cites this except you.

The NYTimes article of yesterday showed informant(s) phone on the Trump campaign -along with "secret letters"
whatever that is. wiretaps are not out of the question as well

(Instead, they secretly spied on the Trump campaign as mentioned above, via phone records, secret subpoenas, and at least one informant.)
not this again.
nobody cites this except you.

The NYTimes article of yesterday showed informant(s) phone on the Trump campaign -along with "secret letters"
whatever that is. wiretaps are not out of the question as well

YES. The "secret letters" are essentially the FBI giving ITSELF permission to wiretap. And, when they do that they are NOT allowed to publicize that (unlike with FISA warrants).
Of course they were monitoring Russian attacks on our election. The fact that it leads to Trump is well....just the fact.
He was the dumb crappy candidate. That's why Putin installed him as our leader. To fuck us over. That simply makes all
you Trump voters just co-conspirators in treason.

Fuck off and die. And do it painfully.
YES. The "secret letters" are essentially the FBI giving ITSELF permission to wiretap. And, when they do that they are NOT allowed to publicize that (unlike with FISA warrants).

that is INSANE almost like - "She wrote a long letter on a short piece of paper" ( Wilburys) :rolleyes:

that is INSANE almost like - "She wrote a long letter on a short piece of paper" ( Wilburys) :rolleyes:

Yup, it's insane. This is completely unfettered power. They can literally secretly gather ANY type or amount of information on ANY of the citizenry they feel like. We have license to rightly feel paranoid after all.
Yup, it's insane. This is completely unfettered power. They can literally secretly gather ANY type or amount of information on ANY of the citizenry they feel like. We have license to rightly feel paranoid after all.

Meh. ABC/Google, Facebook, and Twitter all have the same powers, as do your ISP and telecom provider.