FBI Ran Spy Operation Against Trump Campaign

If you keep on getting stupider with the pasage of time, by the rate you turn 40
you'll be unable to tie your shoes.

First off ( and to your other post) where are these Trump "crimes" you allude to?

2ndly this was a counterintelligence probe,not a criminal investigation.Evidence of espionage -not criminality is needed.

It obviously depends on the circumstances how this was started. But a Papadopolis bar brag is not enough.
We need to see the EC ( Founding document request from Brennan I think) to evaluate if any intelligence was used. Nunes says there wasn't any/enough
From what i've gleaned Brennan used raw intelligence, or unsubstantiated in a report form like the Steele dossier

None of which answers why an informant was used, although Trump was correct that they were spying on the campaign.
The informants name is out there - Rosenweasel redacts it, and Congress has had to sign N.D.Agreements.

Trump needs to step in ( declassify and release) since Sessions is out to lunch.
,but when he does, idiots like yourself will claim "Trump interference" or some junk
- preffering the public not be given due transparency

Trump's crimes are too innumerable to list. He has committed more crimes than any other living human being. You want to protect him, like a servant of a mob boss, by revealing the patriotic informants who revealed his crimes to the police, so that the mob boss can take vengeance against the informant for providing necessary witness testimony. You want Trump to abuse his powers as president to interfere in an investigation against him. Just like a good little mob underling.
If you keep on getting stupider with the pasage of time, by the rate you turn 40
you'll be unable to tie your shoes.

First off ( and to your other post) where are these Trump "crimes" you allude to?

2ndly this was a counterintelligence probe,not a criminal investigation.Evidence of espionage -not criminality is needed.

It obviously depends on the circumstances how this was started. But a Papadopolis bar brag is not enough.
We need to see the EC ( Founding document request from Brennan I think) to evaluate if any intelligence was used. Nunes says there wasn't any/enough
From what i've gleaned Brennan used raw intelligence, or unsubstantiated in a report form like the Steele dossier

None of which answers why an informant was used, although Trump was correct that they were spying on the campaign.
The informants name is out there - Rosenweasel redacts it, and Congress has had to sign N.D.Agreements.

Trump needs to step in ( declassify and release) since Sessions is out to lunch.
,but when he does, idiots like yourself will claim "Trump interference" or some junk
- preffering the public not be given due transparency

You should learn to be polite to your betters.

Watermark's turds are smarter than you.
having a Special Counsel around one's neck is just another day at the beach;
skitterish legislators love to back a POTUS in danger of impeachment

( and fr Rune;'s special needs: -yes we know that is Mueller and not the initial counter-intelligence -but they are a continuum in that Mueller subsumed the Comey investigation )

Clinton managed fine.
What does this have to do with witnesses freely submitting witness testimony to the authorities? Does the FBI need a FISA form to accept witness testimony? Only when it involves Trump.
you went off on a tangent misreading what i wrote ( to the extent you had to start a whole thread about it) about informants /warrants.
It's too tedious to argue about usual warrants, as that isn't all that germaine to the topic; but FISA abuse
is very much what happened.
So I thought to enlighten readers that FISA requires a much higher degree of certainty.
you went off on a tangent misreading what i wrote ( to the extent you had to start a whole thread about it) about informants /warrants.
It's too tedious to argue about usual warrants, as that isn't all that germaine to the topic; but FISA abuse
is very much what happened.
So I thought to enlighten readers that FISA requires a much higher degree of certainty.

There absolutely was no FISA abuse you liar.
The new Yorker :pke:

They too said it was checking russian /facebook connections , not spying on Trump. That is a big difference. Hard to avoid Trump since a lot of his people had deep russian connections like Flynn, Manafort, Popadopolous and Stone.