FBI Ran Spy Operation Against Trump Campaign

yes. spying on a political campaign with informant and wiretaps with no real evidence is how the FBI rolls.

An informant is a person who provides evidence. You do not need any evidence to listen to an informant. Jesus Christ are you retarded. You literally think witness testimony should be ignored and that you should need a warrant for it? You are the dumbest person in the universe.
Steele saw things that were so horrible between Russia and Trumps that he reported it to the FBI. He thought they should be told. But the informant was probably Papadopolous.
Not my job to educate you, do a little research on intelligence. Start with "The Five Eyes". Again, that is NOT how intelligence sharing works. You have to rely on official channels, lest you start WW III on some unofficial "director to director" tip. You realize we have a form of government with checks and balances, right? You're okay with bypassing those? Wouldn't surprise me.

What is amazing is you and your ilk seem fine with all of this.

Can't prove your lie.
Not surprised
It's not the FBI's fault that Trump's crimes were so many and so brazen that someone in his campaign felt the need to report them to the FBI. That's not "spying". That's called "receiving a report". If you see someone getting shot on the street, do the police need to get a warrant before you're allowed to tell them your story?

But that’s a crime.

Where’s the crime in talking to Russians?
This is what I'm wondering. The evidence they cite as proof would be equally likely to be observed if there were a conspiracy. LOL they kept it secret so that proves they were careful? What logic!

Knowing about an active investigation by the FBI wouldn't have helped the public choose the Donald.
Why is that not obvious to you?
I thought you were smart.
It's not the FBI's fault that Trump's crimes were so many and so brazen that someone in his campaign felt the need to report them to the FBI. That's not "spying". That's called "receiving a report". If you see someone getting shot on the street, do the police need to get a warrant before you're allowed to tell them your story?
If you keep on getting stupider with the pasage of time, by the rate you turn 40
you'll be unable to tie your shoes.

First off ( and to your other post) where are these Trump "crimes" you allude to?

2ndly this was a counterintelligence probe,not a criminal investigation.Evidence of espionage -not criminality is needed.

It obviously depends on the circumstances how this was started. But a Papadopolis bar brag is not enough.
We need to see the EC ( Founding document request from Brennan I think) to evaluate if any intelligence was used. Nunes says there wasn't any/enough
From what i've gleaned Brennan used raw intelligence, or unsubstantiated in a report form like the Steele dossier

None of which answers why an informant was used, although Trump was correct that they were spying on the campaign.
The informants name is out there - Rosenweasel redacts it, and Congress has had to sign N.D.Agreements.

Trump needs to step in ( declassify and release) since Sessions is out to lunch.
,but when he does, idiots like yourself will claim "Trump interference" or some junk
- preffering the public not be given due transparency
There is zero requirement for a warrant to get information from a patriotic informant reporting their bosses many crimes against America and its people.
Sorry. the propaganda form is elsewhere.
FISA requirements:
1.probable cause that the target is an “agent of a foreign power” who is “knowingly engag[ing]…in clandestine intelligence activities.”

2. The FISA application then travels to the Justice Department where attorneys from the National Security Division comb through the application to verify all the assertions made in it. Known as “Woods procedures” after Michael J. Woods, the FBI Special Agent attorney who developed this layer of approval, DOJ verifies the accuracy of every fact stated in the application.
All of them. Obama/WH had to know.
Brtennan is a known liar -more then once. He is rogue enough to to it on his own.

I think Obama is more culpable for the unmaskings/leaks -remember that Susan Rice Email -her last before she was out of a job.
It was a weird recitation of Obama saying "go by the book" *wink wink* on one of his meeting with his minions
What statute does ‘talking to Russians’ fall under?

Asked and answered multiple times. It's just not "talking to Russians", you fucking moron. You probably know that, but are just playing stupid.

You do that so well, I doubt you're playing.
I’d say ‘the insurance policy’ has hurt Trump plenty.
having a Special Counsel around one's neck is just another day at the beach;
skitterish legislators love to back a POTUS in danger of impeachment

( and fr Rune;'s special needs: -yes we know that is Mueller and not the initial counter-intelligence -but they are a continuum in that Mueller subsumed the Comey investigation )
The God Emperor now has special rights, recognized nowhere else in law, to have witness testimony against him refused by all law enforcement agencies. What other special rights will you guys invent for him? Fucking tards.
Sorry. the propaganda form is elsewhere.
FISA requirements:
1.probable cause that the target is an “agent of a foreign power” who is “knowingly engag[ing]…in clandestine intelligence activities.”

2. The FISA application then travels to the Justice Department where attorneys from the National Security Division comb through the application to verify all the assertions made in it. Known as “Woods procedures” after Michael J. Woods, the FBI Special Agent attorney who developed this layer of approval, DOJ verifies the accuracy of every fact stated in the application.

What does this have to do with witnesses freely submitting witness testimony to the authorities? Does the FBI need a FISA form to accept witness testimony? Only when it involves Trump.