FBI Ran Spy Operation Against Trump Campaign

They can still fall back on the claim Trump Tower wasn’t literally wiretapped lol.
It's quite amazing the depths they plumbed for their "insurance policy".

IG report is mostly about Hillary's Emails.
House needs to get the EC from Rosenweasel-and then we need to see an actual FISA application.

I think Horowitz is referring to Huber - but that's not gonna be known until at least after the midterms,
but before Tump's re-election campaign.

Meanwhile stay away from perjury traps with Mueller. If Dems take House this has to get wrapped up
to at at least a House assessment before the Dems squash investigations
Citation required.
In fact the info was treated so sensitively that it was passed Director to Director.

I encourage you to prove otherwise.

Not my job to educate you, do a little research on intelligence. Start with "The Five Eyes". Again, that is NOT how intelligence sharing works. You have to rely on official channels, lest you start WW III on some unofficial "director to director" tip. You realize we have a form of government with checks and balances, right? You're okay with bypassing those? Wouldn't surprise me.

What is amazing is you and your ilk seem fine with all of this.
No you fucking retard.
They took great pains to avoid interference in the election.

Lol, so you swallowed the media spin hook, line and sinker. Um, no, they took great pains to attempt to cover the tracks of their "insurance policy".
I think Ruin meant to say.....They took great pains to avoid BEING CAUGHT AT THEIR interference in the election. ;)

This is what I'm wondering. The evidence they cite as proof would be equally likely to be observed if there were a conspiracy. LOL they kept it secret so that proves they were careful? What logic!
Someone from the Trump campaign was patriotic enough to report their bosses crimes to the FBI. Now Trump is trying to crush that person like a mob boss, abusing the power of the presidency to shield themselves. And you think that's A-OK.
I can see you're not big on reasonable suspicion..FISA warrants require a high degree of certainty,
but hey -what's the big deal?

There is zero requirement for a warrant to get information from a patriotic informant reporting their bosses many crimes against America and its people.
ROFL @ "collusion" what a bunch of stuff, They were out to spy on the campaign.
Remember when Trump said they thought they were spied on and everyone said said that's nuts??


It's not the FBI's fault that Trump's crimes were so many and so brazen that someone in his campaign felt the need to report them to the FBI. That's not "spying". That's called "receiving a report". If you see someone getting shot on the street, do the police need to get a warrant before you're allowed to tell them your story?