FBI releases 2007 crime statistics


New member
As has been known by most people for many years, once again the U.S. has more guns than ever before... and LESS violent crime. In fact, we are near a 30-year low in violent crimes. And this after the Assault-weapon ban expired and more and more states are permitting law-abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons. Crime has gone DOWN steadily.

No surprise... except to the few hysterics who cling to the long-debunked idea that restricting law-abiding citizens from owning or carrying guns, somehow affects criminals who don't obey gun laws anyway.

Though most citizens don't bother to carry anyway, criminals are aware that there is a greater chance that someone in the crowd may be armed. This tends to discourage most criminals, except for the relatively few who don't care if they die. Overall violent crime rates go down as a result.



From the NRA-ILA site.....

FBI's Crime Report Bad News for Anti-Gunners

Friday, September 19, 2008 This week, the FBI released its crime report for 2007 and, once again, gun control supporters are taking it on the chin.

It's not just that the nation's violent crime rate decreased slightly between 2006 and 2007. It's that every year since 2002 it has been lower than anytime since 1974, leading the Justice Department to say that violent crime is "near a 30-year low." Since 1991, violent crime has dropped 38 percent. Murder is now at a 40-year low, lower than anytime since 1966 every year from 1999 to the present, and down 43 percent since 1991.

"More guns means more crime?" Only in anti-gunner "La-La Land." Violent crime has fallen as the number of guns has increased 4.5 million a year. There are more gun owners, owning more guns than ever before, and violent crime is lower than anytime since Gerald Ford became president!

We can hardly wait to see the Brady Campaign try to spin this one with its asinine "state grades" stunt. In 2007, the major U.S. cities with the highest murder rates were cities with severe gun control. The top three? Detroit (where Michigan law requires a permit to purchase a handgun), Baltimore (where Maryland law restricts private handgun sales and requires a seven-day waiting period on handgun sales by dealers), and the District of Columbia (with its handgun ban and its firearm registration law). Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and D.C. had the highest robbery rates.

In 2007, as in years past, Right-to-Carry states had lower violent crime rates, on average, compared to the rest of the country with total violent crime lower by 24 percent, murder by 28 percent, robbery by 50 percent, and aggravated assault by 11 percent. Further, in 2007, 32 percent of murders were committed without firearms of any sort--knives accounted for 12 percent, hands and feet six percent, and blunt objects four percent. Rifles and shotguns (semi-automatic and otherwise) accounted for three percent each, and typically "assault weapons" have accounted for about one percent.

Copyright 2008, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action. This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
"An armed society is a polite society" {Col. Jeff Cooper}

Most criminals are parasites and scavengers. They only attack when they feel they can do so safely.

Here is a way to test how well guns work.

Starting October 1st 2008, everyone who owns a gun should put a sign up saying so. The people who support private gun ownership can also put up a sign saying they have a gun.

Those people who think guns should be banned put up a sign saying "We have no guns at all here.".

Wonder which group would see more crimes against them?
Crime is also down in Canada and practically ever other place in the world.

These places, notably, don't have a innocent citzenry being terrorized by the true parsites of our society, gun nuts, nor larger prison populations than any peacetime society in human history.
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Crime is also down in Canada and practically ever other place in the world.

These places, notably, don't have a innocent citzenry being terrorized by the true parsites of our society, gun nuts, nor larger prison populations than any peacetime society in human history.

And how would more gun control laws (or more of any laws for that matter) help REDUCE the prison population?

The Liberal inner cities have statistically the lowest amount of guns per capita with the highest amount of gun crime (ie: Washington DC, Detroit, Chicago).
While Conservative rural areas (where all those gun nuts live) and high gun ownership have lower gun crime than Canada or other European countries.

Don't compare broad data like countries with a far higher amount of variables in a higher number of sources, look more closely to get a clearer picture, as would be true of observing any macro stats.
And how would more gun control laws (or more of any laws for that matter) help REDUCE the prison population?

The Liberal inner cities have statistically the lowest amount of guns per capita with the highest amount of gun crime (ie: Washington DC, Detroit, Chicago).
While Conservative rural areas (where all those gun nuts live) and high gun ownership have lower gun crime than Canada or other European countries.

Don't compare broad data like countries with a far higher amount of variables in a higher number of sources, look more closely to get a clearer picture, as would be true of observing any macro stats.

Yeah, looking at an inner city and a peaceful country road, that seems to paint a very clear picture.
Yeah, looking at an inner city and a peaceful country road, that seems to paint a very clear picture.

Fortunately I didn't do that, instead I looked at crime rates per 100,000 people in those areas.
See "More Guns, Less Crime" by Professor John Lott

And I mean come on, do you really need to pick up any book to figure out where there is more gun crime and where people own more guns? You're a smart enough observative person when you want to be.
Guns Abortion and Same Sex Marriage. Three things people on opposite sides of those issues will NEVER agree on and debate leads nowhere.
Guns Abortion and Same Sex Marriage. Three things people on opposite sides of those issues will NEVER agree on and debate leads nowhere.

You are absolutely correct, Soc.

But there is a huge difference in the two topics. If we allow same sex marriages, it will have no effect on me, per se. Or any real effect on anyone except those who take part in a same sex marriage.

But outlawing firearms will have an effect on larger portions of the population.
Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that Cons are still obsessed with abortion and guns, even with their world crashing in around them, a trillion dollar war on their hands, and a trillion dollar bailout resulting from republican economic policies.
I bet I am one of just few on this board that believes if a married lesbian is raped and impregnated she should be able to go down to her local doctor and have an abortion and if anyone should try to physically stop her she should be allowed to pull out her .357 magnum that she carries in her shoulder harness because she has a concealed carry permit and shoot that mutherfucker between the eyes!

Epi is the only other person I can think of that probably feels this way too and he and I could discuss it over a killer chunk of hash.
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Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that Cons are still obsessed with abortion and guns, even with their world crashing in around them, a trillion dollar war on their hands, and a trillion dollar bailout resulting from republican economic policies.

While I am not, stictly speaking, a con, I am adamant about preserving my right to own guns.

The trillion dollar war should never have been started, and is a mistake. The economic situationa and the bailouts could have been avoided.

But neither of those situations changes the fact that there are those who would take away my rights to own guns.
I bet I am one of just few on this board that believes if a married lesbian is raped and impregnated she should be able to go down to her local doctor and have an abortion and if anyone should try to physically stop her she should be allowed to pull out her .357 magnum that she carries in her shoulder harness because she has a concealed carry permit and shoot that mutherfucker between the eyes!

Epi is the only other person I can think of that probably feels this way too and he and I could discuss it over a killer chunk of hash.

Hell yes we can.
I bet I am one of just few on this board that believes if a married lesbian is raped and impregnated she should be able to go down to her local doctor and have an abortion and if anyone should try to physically stop her she should be allowed to pull out her .357 magnum that she carries in her shoulder harness because she has a concealed carry permit and shoot that mutherfucker between the eyes!

Epi is the only other person I can think of that probably feels this way too and he and I could discuss it over a killer chunk of hash.

I think you would lose that bet. The only thing I would change is that the dyke should be carrying a 1911A1 .45ACP.
I bet I am one of just few on this board that believes if a married lesbian is raped and impregnated she should be able to go down to her local doctor and have an abortion and if anyone should try to physically stop her she should be allowed to pull out her .357 magnum that she carries in her shoulder harness because she has a concealed carry permit and shoot that mutherfucker between the eyes!

Epi is the only other person I can think of that probably feels this way too and he and I could discuss it over a killer chunk of hash.

Nah, I'm down with that.
I bet I am one of just few on this board that believes if a married lesbian is raped and impregnated she should be able to go down to her local doctor and have an abortion and if anyone should try to physically stop her she should be allowed to pull out her .357 magnum that she carries in her shoulder harness because she has a concealed carry permit and shoot that mutherfucker between the eyes!

Epi is the only other person I can think of that probably feels this way too and he and I could discuss it over a killer chunk of hash.

Yes, most of us do not in fact believe in anything other than minimum use of force necessary. I can understand you though. ;)

As for Epi, I think Epi is one of the reasons normal Americans want better gun control.
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I'm all for gun ownership rights, and the right of people to hunt & defend themselves.

But the loving passion with which many gun owners talk about and obsess over a hunk of metal is pretty friggin' weird.
Yes, most of us do not in fact believe in anything other than minimum use of force necessary. I can understand you though, you are a soldier, and soldiers have that emotion stripped out of them in their training.

As for Epi, I think Epi is one of the reasons normal Americans want better gun control.

Women should be able to shoot men! Especially lesbians, because after all, what have men ever done for them?

I am all for this!