Fed announces: "This is a good economy"


Will work for Scooby snacks
The U.S. economy got an unusually blunt endorsement from an unexpected source Wednesday: Federal Reserve

“This is a good situation. Let’s be honest. This is a good economy,” Fed chair Powell told reporters Wednesday.

"The labor market, 3.7% unemployment, indicates that the labor market is strong. We’ve had just about two years now of unemployment under 4%. That hasn’t happened in 50 years. So it’s a good labor market. And we’ve seen inflation come down.”
The U.S. economy got an unusually blunt endorsement from an unexpected source Wednesday: Federal Reserve

“This is a good situation. Let’s be honest. This is a good economy,” Fed chair Powell told reporters Wednesday.

"The labor market, 3.7% unemployment, indicates that the labor market is strong. We’ve had just about two years now of unemployment under 4%. That hasn’t happened in 50 years. So it’s a good labor market. And we’ve seen inflation come down.”

Interest rates are going to remain unchanged. That is a signal that the current economic environment is just the right combination of low unemployment and low inflation. Thank God Trump is boosting the economy!!!
Interest rates are going to remain unchanged. That is a signal that the current economic environment is just the right combination of low unemployment and low inflation. Thank God Trump is boosting the economy!!!

The last three years have taught me not to trust the relentless MAGA predictions of imminent economic collapse
They were talking about it on one of the shows yesterday. There has been such downtalking of the economy that it's taking people awhile to catch up - but most are starting to realize that they're actually doing pretty well.
The last three years have taught me not to trust the relentless MAGA predictions of imminent economic collapse

Three? Only three? I remember that hyperinflation was on the way almost 20 years ago. It isn't here yet, I guess. Maybe part of that caravan coming up from Mexico.
They were talking about it on one of the shows yesterday. There has been such downtalking of the economy that it's taking people awhile to catch up - but most are starting to realize that they're actually doing pretty well.

That's why they have shifted to the immigration issue. It's one they can make sure Biden cannot fix. And as far as the economy goes, Trump may tell Mike Johnson to shut down the government or not raise the debt ceiling. Johnson will say 'yes sir, right away sir' and then claim it must be God's will. They may crash this economy yet.
The last three years have taught me not to trust the relentless MAGA predictions of imminent economic collapse

Its been decades that Republicans have been predicting this, every time a Democrat is elected. Look at the old clips of Romney and McCain.

Funny how the collapse always happens when Republicans are in office.
Its been decades that Republicans have been predicting this, every time a Democrat is elected. Look at the old clips of Romney and McCain.

Funny how the collapse always happens when Republicans are in office.

Right, according to Republicans, both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were supposed to crash the economy.
The U.S. economy got an unusually blunt endorsement from an unexpected source Wednesday: Federal Reserve

“This is a good situation. Let’s be honest. This is a good economy,” Fed chair Powell told reporters Wednesday.

"The labor market, 3.7% unemployment, indicates that the labor market is strong. We’ve had just about two years now of unemployment under 4%. That hasn’t happened in 50 years. So it’s a good labor market. And we’ve seen inflation come down.”

"Things we won't hear about on Fox."

That's why they have shifted to the immigration issue. It's one they can make sure Biden cannot fix. And as far as the economy goes, Trump may tell Mike Johnson to shut down the government or not raise the debt ceiling. Johnson will say 'yes sir, right away sir' and then claim it must be God's will. They may crash this economy yet.

I'm pretty sure MAGA would crash the economy, abandon Ukraine to Putin, abandon any effort to address border security if Trump ordered them to.
They were talking about it on one of the shows yesterday. There has been such downtalking of the economy that it's taking people awhile to catch up - but most are starting to realize that they're actually doing pretty well.

It's interesting that the forum Debbie Downer MAGATs, on the other hand, insist that the economy is crap, people are starving and can't even afford Taylor Swift tickets, and that things were so much better under #TRE45ON, even during the pandemic. The presentation of actual facts from credible (i.e. nonpartisan) sources cannot sway them. I will never understand why on Earth anyone would choose to listen to media that lies to them and fills them with fear and anxiety. I understand even less why they would want to spread that gloom to everyone else. It's sick.
It's interesting that the forum Debbie Downer MAGATs, on the other hand, insist that the economy is crap, people are starving and can't even afford Taylor Swift tickets, and that things were so much better under #TRE45ON, even during the pandemic. The presentation of actual facts from credible (i.e. nonpartisan) sources cannot sway them. I will never understand why on Earth anyone would choose to listen to media that lies to them and fills them with fear and anxiety. I understand even less why they would want to spread that gloom to everyone else. It's sick.

For eight years of the Obama administration, I kept hearing Teabaggers predict imminent economic collapse.
The U.S. economy got an unusually blunt endorsement from an unexpected source Wednesday: Federal Reserve

“This is a good situation. Let’s be honest. This is a good economy,” Fed chair Powell told reporters Wednesday.

"The labor market, 3.7% unemployment, indicates that the labor market is strong. We’ve had just about two years now of unemployment under 4%. That hasn’t happened in 50 years. So it’s a good labor market. And we’ve seen inflation come down.”

And you seriously believe the FED?! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
For eight years of the Obama administration, I kept hearing Teabaggers predict imminent economic collapse.


I feel thankful to not be the kind of person who desperately wishes for others to suffer so that they can get rid of a president they dislike because he's not in their party. Remember all the MAGATs here during the pandemic who claimed that (D)s wanted people to die so Trump would look bad? Classic projection.
And you seriously believe the FED?! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

^^^ Gets all her information from Trump and FOX.

The Federal Reserve are not only world class experts macroeconomics, they are about the most non-partisan source on economics one can realistically hope to get
I don't think that it's a good economy at all, but I don't blame Biden for it.

I blame America's anachronistic version of free enterprise.
It served the industrial revolution well.
It's a buggy whip now.